— Chronic mismanagement may prompt the city to abandon a federally funded program that weatherizes homes for the needy and transfer the multimillion-dollar effort to a nonprofit agency.
Detroit, the only municipality in Michigan to administer weatherization funds, may work with state officials to find an agency that can handle the program. State officials cited the city's inability to manage weatherization and block grant funds as the reason for needing a change.
You know guys, for all the sofa-sitting urban planners and experts in public policy around here; for all the mind-numbing defenders of Detroit and their urgency in keeping things real, chew on the above reality sammie.
Build your Jane Adams SimCities and take a flier on the magic carpet of M1 prosperity generation because the cold reality is that the folks downtown don't give a hoot.
They don't care about you, their citizens, the taxpayers, the businesses, nothing. They care about staying in office and insisting on pointing fingers at everyone but themselves.
Yeah, it's cold in the D, and City Hall will do whatever it doesn't take to make sure it stays that way. People could have built businesses with that money. Houses could have been made warmer. Children could have gone to bed in pjs and not winter coats. Critical dollars could have been spent on food and not gas, but no that isn't going to happen.
The people in charge can't run the PD, the FD, the EMTs. They can't run the schools, the lighting, can't move snow or mow grass ... but for the pleasure of all this non-work we get to pay the third highest tax rates in the State. River Rouge and Inkster are higher, so bath in the glory that "the suburbs" have higher taxes.
Keeps it real folks,