My honey and I scrambled from her workplace downtown to Wayne State for the first meeting tonight of this volunteer motivation and organization effort which has been promoted heavily by WDET, especially Craig Fahle.
I feel this initiative will make a difference, if only to keep the needs of volunteer organizations in the front of folks' minds for the next thirty days...and perhaps help establish a healthy habit. It is way too easy to get caught up in the flow of time, unless one makes effort to specify and follow through with priorities...and, for most, volunteering is usually less demanding than the obligations of life.
So, for those who haven't heard Craig and the gang discuss this on WDET, they have established a website to easily search out organizations all around the city which might require your particular passion [[they actually used that favorite term of mine, although they could've said talent, ability, or even gifting)...along with a place where you can promise a number of hours this month to get out and lend a hand.
So...take a look, consider how you might join the party, and then do it. I was all set to pledge some time at Cub's Georgia Street Community Collective, but the site knocked me off because I explained my promised time duration as "until he kicks me out". Site said they want sensible values. Uh-huh.
Let's keep adding positive energy to force the tipping point for goodness in this town.
Kudos to Craig and that other guy who shared the stage...who claimed it wasn't about him...but there were only two pictures in the hand-outs, and you can guess whose they were. He does look like he's lost some weight, though.
Cheers and more,