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  1. #1

    Default Do Democrats plan to vote in the GOP primary?

    The rules for the closely watched Feb. 28 primary are clear: Anyone can vote in the Republican contest. You just have to request a Republican ballot. Your choice of ballot -- but not your choice of candidate -- will be public, meaning reporters or political parties can look it up and use it how they wish, such as in a story or for fund-raising.

    A vote for, say, Santorum will contribute to the ongoing chaos in the effort to choose a GOP presidential candidate and weaken Mitt Romney. It's very tempting.

  2. #2


    vote ron paul, because he would end the wars and bring home the troops.
    and because they fixed the votes in maine for romney. i guess if you ever wanted evidence of vote tampering... there it is.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    vote ron paul, because he would end the wars and bring home the troops.
    Too bad his economic and some of his social policies couldn't be any loonier for the average 21st Century American.

  4. #4


    Ron Pail won't do any of that. You thought Obama would, and he finally did bring some troops home, but there is a reason why he hasn't brought them all home.

  5. #5


    you don't need to be a member of either party to vote. You do however have to pick either voting on the democratic or republicsn ticket. Therefore, do you research before hand. I usually try to vote out the candidate I hate the most by voting for his/her competition.

  6. #6


    313WX Too bad his economic and some of his social policies couldn't be any loonier for the average 21st Century American.
    Are you repeating a talking point or representing the 1%'s status quo? Policies which result in 8% unemployment, a devalued dollar, jobs going overseas, and a $15T national debt are looney as brought to us by the Bush/Obama continuum.

    jerrytimes: Ron Pall won't do any of that. You thought Obama would, and he finally did bring some troops home, but there is a reason why he hasn't brought them all home

    Do let us know why we have troops in Afghanistan or Japan and Germany for that matter. Ron Paul has always voted against military adventurism. Santorum, Obama, Gingrich, and Romney are all harassing and threatening Iran. Paul stands alone in his opposition to a costly and stupid war with Iran. That choice should make picking a candidate easy for a lot of people.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
    I usually try to vote out the candidate I hate the most by voting for his/her competition.
    Yeah, but between Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, and Paul, it's honestly hard for me to pick just one to hate.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by jerrytimes View Post
    Ron Pail won't do any of that. You thought Obama would, and he finally did bring some troops home, but there is a reason why he hasn't brought them all home.
    No, Obama bought Afghanistan with his mouth. He ran against Iraq on the basis that it was the "wrong war" and kept his national security street creds by saying we needed a greater effort in Afghanistan rather than Bush's low key effort there.

  9. #9

    Default Why

    Quote Originally Posted by Carey View Post
    The rules for the closely watched Feb. 28 primary are clear: Anyone can vote in the Republican contest. You just have to request a Republican ballot. Your choice of ballot -- but not your choice of candidate -- will be public, meaning reporters or political parties can look it up and use it how they wish, such as in a story or for fund-raising.

    A vote for, say, Santorum will contribute to the ongoing chaos in the effort to choose a GOP presidential candidate and weaken Mitt Romney. It's very tempting.
    I presume you are not interested in voting Rep...so why do you want to contriubute chaos? Why not work for and promote what ever party you want in come Nov?
    If you have time to waste to contribute to chaos...why not "tempt" yourself and do something positive.
    This whole post is BS political manipulations done by those in office all the time.
    And No...I am not a Republican.....nor Democrat....

  10. #10


    Paul is the only candidate who hasn't been bought and sold. That alone is enough. As an independent I'm for Congressman Paul.

  11. #11


    Well to answer the actual question posed... No, I will not be voting in the GOP primary because I believe that people from that party should be able to decide who they want representing him. You know the way it should be.

  12. #12


    I resent that the MIGOP , which controls the Governor's Office and both houses of the state legislature, is spending $10 million dollars of Michigan taxpayers' money for a presidential primary on February 28 that the Michigan Democratic Party opted out of as a way to choose its national convention delegates. The primary,was viewed last summer as as way to deliver up a big, relatively early win to the Romney Campaign, is even contrary to Republican National Committee rules--the MIGOP delegation has been penalized for this by being cut in half from 60 to 30 delegates. Every Michigan taxpayer is paying for the primary--you own it ! Feel free to exercise your right to vote as you see fit. And yes, a vote for Santorum -who polls suggest has the best chance to deny Romney delegates, would likely prolong the bitter , vicious and expensive Repubican presidential nomination process.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by jerrytimes View Post
    Ron Pail won't do any of that. You thought Obama would, and he finally did bring some troops home, but there is a reason why he hasn't brought them all home.
    Sure, because Obama knows where his bread is buttered. He's already raised more money than all the GOP nominees combined. It's not coming from little old ladies. War is good business.

    Paul has consistently voted against growing military budgets, as well as the Patriot act, homeland security garbage, and loads of other horse crap that doesn't make us any safer but puts a lot of money in connected people's pockets.

  14. #14


    I don't vote Republican, only Socialists and democrats.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by gumby View Post
    Well to answer the actual question posed... No, I will not be voting in the GOP primary because I believe that people from that party should be able to decide who they want representing him. You know the way it should be.
    The primary is for all of the electorate. To not vote is to not understand your role. I am not affiliated with either party because I don't think either party represents my interests very well. This however does not mean that I will sit back and allow what I would consider to be the most damaging of the candidates to be elected whether it would be a dem or a rep. You have a vote for a reason and should use it to exercise your right to have a government that best suits what you believe what the government should be.

    If you don't vote then you don't have any right criticizing whomever gets the eventual nod of either party.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitPlanner View Post
    The primary is for all of the electorate. To not vote is to not understand your role. I am not affiliated with either party because I don't think either party represents my interests very well. This however does not mean that I will sit back and allow what I would consider to be the most damaging of the candidates to be elected whether it would be a dem or a rep. You have a vote for a reason and should use it to exercise your right to have a government that best suits what you believe what the government should be.

    If you don't vote then you don't have any right criticizing whomever gets the eventual nod of either party.
    I would have to agree with gumby! Most people don't have vote for donkeys, elephants or Bull Moose parties. If their leader is flip floping their priciples be apathetic. I'm ONLY voting socialist or democratic NEVER republicans, independents, communists and facists.

  17. #17


    Be well aware the Michigan is Mitt Romney's stronghold for these reasons:

    1. His father George Romney was governor of Michigan before he tried to run for president and lost.

    2. He was born and raised here.

    3. A stable Mormon population.

    However he slowly losing his tough with Michiganders and he would never reach Liberal Detroiters from the comments he said about the GM and Chrysler bailout. "Let Detroit go broke!"

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    No, I won't be either.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by antongast View Post
    Yeah, but between Romney, Santorum, Gingrich, and Paul, it's honestly hard for me to pick just one to hate.
    You should hate Paul the most because Paul opposes the wars, the encroaching police state, the attacks against the bill of rights, and he supports fiscal prudence. The other Republican candidates are more closely aligned with Obama on such matters.

  20. #20


    Sorry Mittney- but your idea of "Shuttin' Detroit Down" doesn't play well here, but don't worry you'll do just fine, as you always have, on Wall Street. Wrong state and place to think putting the last large sector of American manufacturing into a decades worth of bankruptcy litigation was a better plan as opposed to all the plants that are currently again hiring. Keep talking, and folks here this fall will be sure to pull the donkey lever, and 4 more years of Obama are all but guaranteed.

    I see Huntsman is still on the ballot. Who cares if he dropped out. I actually liked him over all the GOP candidates, so I can vote for him with a clean conscience. It does not matter which Republican you pick, because come fall, the analysis of the "Shellacking" will begin, and hopefully the dumb idea they have every election that their candidates "Were not conservative enough" will finally be put to rest.
    Last edited by Cinderpath; February-18-12 at 03:56 PM.

  21. #21


    See the following:
    "Democrats for Santorum ?"http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/02/18/democrats-for-santorum/

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by compn View Post
    vote ron paul, because he would end the wars and bring home the troops.
    and because they fixed the votes in maine for romney. i guess if you ever wanted evidence of vote tampering... there it is.

    Yeah ok.....

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by jba View Post
    I presume you are not interested in voting Rep...so why do you want to contriubute chaos? Why not work for and promote what ever party you want in come Nov?
    If you have time to waste to contribute to chaos...why not "tempt" yourself and do something positive.
    This whole post is BS political manipulations done by those in office all the time.
    And No...I am not a Republican.....nor Democrat....
    Here's one reason why I think contributing to chaos in the GOP is a good idea: It's a party that has so lost its way that it is seriously taking on contraception as an issue.


  24. #24


    note that primaries also are times where non partisan things may be on a ballot things such as floating bonds or new millages. if you want other people deciding how your money is spent then don't show up to vote.

  25. #25


    Ron Paul is frightening. Crass content: http://www.littleredumbrella.com/201...ing-sucks.html

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