Jason Hargrove Transit Center

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  1. #1

    Default Why aren't politicians talking about this?

    Watching the news, all I see the politicians like Santorum, Rommey, and Obama talking about the Big 3 and the bail out when they mention Detroit. This is the only thing I see them focused on. They talk about how this was really bad for the city because labor unions asked for too much or how it's really helping the city.

    Although it's a big effect on the city, there's way more to why Detroit is screwed up right now. Why aren't the politicians talking about how basically every big business in the city is corrupt in their leadership? Why aren't they talking about how basically all the politicians in Detroit are corrupt? Look at the issue now with the bus situation. When people can't get a ride to school or their job, unemployment is sure to happen. When unemployment rises, crime rises. Plus, we all know unemployment and crime is horrible right now anyways. Look how much the DPD is losing in benefits and such. The emergency services and other normal people are giving so much when Mayor Bing took his pay back instead of donating it like he used to. He's already rich.

    I'm just saying, there are way more issues than the auto industry and none of these politicians seem to care.

  2. #2


    why were Santorum and Romney speaking only to big-business types and not speaking to a "typical" Detroit audience.. They don't care about urban Detroit. At all.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Hypestyles View Post
    why were Santorum and Romney speaking only to big-business types and not speaking to a "typical" Detroit audience.. They don't care about urban Detroit. At all.
    They know they're not likely to get many votes from "urban" Detroit no matter what they say. And if you've been paying attention you know that Republicans don't care about anyone who isn't wealthy anyway, regardless of where they live.

  4. #4


    Why aren't the politicians talking about how basically every big business in the city is corrupt in their leadership? Why aren't they talking about how basically all the politicians in Detroit are corrupt?
    Because that isn't news. It's common knowledge. Same with many big cities. Same with the national politicos. Corruption is business as usual and they don't want to call attention to themselves.

  5. #5


    Detroit is shorthand for the automakers when they say it. No presidential candidate has been serious about "urban issues" since maybe Carter.

  6. #6


    Obama did send the Washington bureaucrats to the city to supposedly cut through the red tape and help get things done. That was Bing's big announcement last August. How's that working out?

    As far as talking about the corruption/ineptness, the democrats would have to criticize their own and in the process their base and the republicans would just be called racists. The problems in urban areas is the big fat elephant in the room that politicians don't want to talk about.

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