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  1. #1

    Default Body of missing GPP Woman found in Detroit

    This story struck me as very troublesome, considering that less than a week ago a GPP man went missing and was found dead on Belle Isle. Does anyone know anything more than what is being reported in the news? It seems very suspicious that there have been two missing person cases which resulted in bodies being found in Detroit several days later. It is possible that the relation between these two missing people was nothing more than sheer coincidence, but being an Eastsider I still find it troublesome.http://tinyurl.com/75au6o2

  2. #2


    I think the GPP man on Belle Isle actually drove himself there and became disoriented.

  3. #3


    Because Detroit is full of vacant houses that would be great for disposing of bodies? I think it's pretty obvious.

  4. #4


    The man, J. Scott Ivers, apparently went to Belle Isle, crashed his car into a parked vehicle, and possibly became disoriented following the crash. Strange, but foul play isn't suspected.
    The woman, Jane Bashara, is believed to have made it home from work, but wasn't home when her husband got there around 8. Obviously, foul play is involved.

    How sad for their families, both had highschool/college aged children.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by drjeff View Post
    Because Detroit is full of vacant houses that would be great for disposing of bodies? I think it's pretty obvious.
    What is pretty obvious?

  6. #6


    Not exactly sure of the context of your statement, but YES body dumping and murders occurring within abandon Detroit property and alleyways and driveways etc. is a growing issue!

    We need only reflect back over the this case, the four women found recently in driveways within their cars, two men a few days before that. Bodies turning up in burned garages, several burned, shot, strangled in abandoned property over the summer [[adults and children) including little Mariha Smith, and back a couple of years ago Matthew Landry, found shot in an abandoned house after being car jacked. And many other cases, many remaining unresolved as in link below:

    Months Later, Murders of Cousins Found in Burned Out Detroit Home Unsolved


    Quote Originally Posted by drjeff View Post
    Because Detroit is full of vacant houses that would be great for disposing of bodies? I think it's pretty obvious.
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-26-12 at 07:08 AM.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Alley View Post
    The man, J. Scott Ivers, apparently went to Belle Isle, crashed his car into a parked vehicle, and possibly became disoriented following the crash. Strange, but foul play isn't suspected.
    How bad is it in Detroit? While searching for the body of Ivers on Belle Isle, they stumbled upon the body of *someone else* I haven't heard more news of that find, though.

  8. #8


    I heard Ivers had history of seizures and such. What doesnt make sense is why he was out on Belle Isle to begin with.
    I also heard that while searching for him they found another body.
    The GP lady who was found in Detroit seems like a hit to me, maybe I watch to much Soprano's. This also sounds like the 2 suburban ladies recently found dead in the city around the holidays, though the first one was solved.

  9. #9


    [QUOTE=kenp;299763]What doesnt make sense is why he was out on Belle Isle to begin with. [QUOTE]

    Maybe going for a nice drive, checking out the conservatory, visiting the museum, etc. Lot's of reasons to be on Belle Isle regardless of where you live.

  10. #10


    In the story, the wife [[I think) said he liked to go for walks on Belle Isle.

  11. #11


    There was no foul play with Ivers. It has no connection to the case of the woman found dead in her Mercedes. It's just bad reporting.

    It's anyone's guess right now what happened to this woman. They have not said what the cause of death is, although it seems like if she had been shot, we would know that by now.

    What is troubling is that there have been recent cases in Detroit of home invasions targeting older women alone, where the perps seem like they were watching and knew no one else was home, then busted in, roughed up the women, asked for money and jewelry etc.

    Remember to lock your doors behind you when you go into your house.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Gianni View Post
    There was no foul play with Ivers. It has no connection to the case of the woman found dead in her Mercedes. It's just bad reporting.

    It's anyone's guess right now what happened to this woman. They have not said what the cause of death is, although it seems like if she had been shot, we would know that by now.

    What is troubling is that there have been recent cases in Detroit of home invasions targeting older women alone, where the perps seem like they were watching and knew no one else was home, then busted in, roughed up the women, asked for money and jewelry etc.

    Remember to lock your doors behind you when you go into your house.
    Cause of death is announced as suffocation by strangling. I hate to speculate in these sorts of things because so much is unknown. Generally speaking, this doesn't seem to fit the profile of a burglary, does it? I'm relatively uninformed on this stuff.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by corktownyuppie View Post
    Cause of death is announced as suffocation by strangling. I hate to speculate in these sorts of things because so much is unknown. Generally speaking, this doesn't seem to fit the profile of a burglary, does it? I'm relatively uninformed on this stuff.
    Reports stated that her purse was in her car, but money was taken.
    I wouldn't be surprised if she was forced to make an ATM withdrawl also.

  14. #14


    This type of stuff is beyond messed up.

  15. #15


    Since her death is now ruled to be by strangulation it may be strange to suggest that someone randomly followed her home and then got her to leave her home. A random robbery would involve some sort of weapon in order to "persuade" the victim to cooperate. This robbery sounds like someone happened upon her and home by change.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by corktownyuppie View Post
    Cause of death is announced as suffocation by strangling. I hate to speculate in these sorts of things because so much is unknown. Generally speaking, this doesn't seem to fit the profile of a burglary, does it? I'm relatively uninformed on this stuff.
    Sounds more like crime of passion. I also read an article where they mentioned trauma to the back as well as the neck. That makes me think she was strangled on the floor or up against the wall. If I were to bet I would put my money on the husband or some other family/acquaintance doing their best to make it look like a robbery and dumping the body in Detroit. Either that or she was involved in something she had absolutely no business doing.

  17. #17


    The most we can conclude about this is NOTHING. So many threads start out with uninformed opinion triggered by bad or inadequate media reports. Remember the recent thread about the guy who allegedly strayed from the MGM and was seemingly randomly murdered at Grand River and Cass?

    As for her body being found in Detroit, that means also means little. It is well known that Detroit is a dumping ground for criminal acts, like 'stolen' and stripped cars that are conveniently left there by people wishing to get out from under a loan situation - sell the parts and get the adjustment. The knee-jerk reaction is 'Oh that is Detroit' [or Highland Park or...] deflects attention, plays on prejudices and the well-known low level of police investigation increases likelihood of the crime not being solved.

    Sad to say but if one wishes to commit crimes that factor has to come into play.

    I feel very sad for her family and friends and hope the perpetrator is found gets a free ride to Marquette for the rest of his/her life.

  18. #18


    If it was by a friend/relative, how did that person get back to Grosse Pointe? The car was left near 7 Mile and Hoover. It would be a long walk back to Grosse Pointe and you can't drive two cars.

  19. #19


    The area where they found her, is real bad. Nothing left. Houses are all burned up.

  20. #20


    Lowell is right until we know more we can't rush to judgement. Its known that people do there dirt elsewhere and the city ends up with the crime statistic. Devils night is/was largely about that kind of behavior. Lets see how this plays out.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by GPCharles View Post
    If it was by a friend/relative, how did that person get back to Grosse Pointe? The car was left near 7 Mile and Hoover. It would be a long walk back to Grosse Pointe and you can't drive two cars.
    For whatever reason, which has been discussed here at length numerous times, people seem to hate the idea of public transportation here in Metro Detroit. But I'm sure if someone tried really hard they could come up with a way to get home without the use of their own automobile.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Kevgoblue View Post
    For whatever reason, which has been discussed here at length numerous times, people seem to hate the idea of public transportation here in Metro Detroit. But I'm sure if someone tried really hard they could come up with a way to get home without the use of their own automobile.
    Since this is where this thread is going, lets cut the crap. She was not killed by her husband and then he rode the bus home. a) there is no fucking way he did this and it's disgusting to read that being implied; and b) Have you seen Bob Bashara? [[for reference he's about 6'3" 250-ish) not exactly a small guy or someone that would blend into the crowd at the bus stop at 7 mile and hoover.

    He'd stand out like a sore thumb in that neighborhood at any time of day, let alone late in the evening or early in the a.m. Are you seriously trying to say that a local or the bus driver would not remember the oddly behaving, somewhat large, out of place middle aged white guy standing on line for the bus....and that he got off in or near Grosse Pointe....and that there was a GP lady found dead in her merecedes right around where that guy got on the bus?

    I mean holy shit, people.
    Last edited by bailey; January-26-12 at 04:34 PM.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by kenp View Post
    I heard Ivers had history of seizures and such. What doesnt make sense is why he was out on Belle Isle to begin with.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
    Since this is where this thread is going, lets cut the crap. She was not killed by her husband and then he rode the bus home. a) there is no fucking way he did this and it's disgusting to read that being implied; and b) Have you seen Bob Bashara? [[for reference he's about 6'3" 250-ish) not exactly a small guy or someone that would blend into the crowd at the bus stop at 7 mile and hoover.

    He'd stand out like a sore thumb in that neighborhood at any time of day, let alone late in the evening or early in the a.m. Are you seriously trying to say that a local or the bus driver would not remember the oddly behaving, somewhat large, out of place middle aged white guy standing on line for the bus....and that he got off in or near Grosse Pointe....and that there was a GP lady found dead in her merecedes right around where that guy got on the bus?

    I mean holy shit, people.
    Don't mess up the thread with sound logic and reasoning. I agree with Lowell. It's important to discuss what is known but let's cut out all the rampant speculation every time there's a suspicious death until a few facts come out.

  25. #25


    Sound logic and reasoning? Sound logic says that in most mysterious disappearances / deaths where the victim cannot be connected to questionable activity, a friend or family member is involved.
    No forced entry into the home. No sign of a struggle. No strangers noticed casing the house by neighbors.
    Why would it be rampant speculation to imply that whoever is responsible does not reside in the 7 Mile / Hoover area? This person went all the way to GPP to stalk a stranger, abduct her, take the $100 out of her purse, kill her, and then take her body to his favorite dumping ground? If you're going to go to the criminal extent of killing someone you might as well take the Mercedes too.

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