Lee Plaza Restoration

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  1. #1

    Default Former Washington Blvd. stores

    So I've always characterized, by what I've gathered, that Washington Blvd. was the elegant street of Detroit. I know of the hotels, BC and Statler were the grand hotels but what about the retail. I know of Himelhoch's, Peck and Peck, and JM Citron but what other businesses lined Washington Blvd.? I heard that the Book Tower was full of airline companies, which would attract a more exclusive clientele.

    If there has been a thread about this please post it, though I don't believe so.

  2. #2


    Quickee Donuts became Nikki's Pizza, then became St. Al's community Center.

    Federal Collateral had several locations.

    Wasn't there a Garner White Furniture located on the East Side of the street?

    For a very short time there was a sporting goods store on the main floor of the Garbriel Richard building.

    Rio Boutique was located on a corner, was it Grand River? It later moved to Compuware.

  3. #3


    A few pics of Washington Blvd. in this thread....

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by dtowncitylover View Post
    So I've always characterized, by what I've gathered, that Washington Blvd. was the elegant street of Detroit. I know of the hotels, BC and Statler were the grand hotels but what about the retail. I know of Himelhoch's, Peck and Peck, and JM Citron but what other businesses lined Washington Blvd.? I heard that the Book Tower was full of airline companies, which would attract a more exclusive clientele.

    If there has been a thread about this please post it, though I don't believe so.

    Well, until December of 1957 the Greyhound bus terminal was at the corner of Washington Blvd.& Grand River [[occupied by the former Trolley Plaza Apartments) before moving to E. Congress.

  5. #5


    Federal Collateral I believe was my Father's jewler, bought everything through them and supposedly got a pretty good deal. Bought my wife's wedding ring there.

  6. #6


    Gardner White was in the Madison Building on Washington Blvd. There used to be a Greenfield's cafeteria also on the Boulevard, near the location of the old bus station.

    Gale Research [[publisher) was a MAJOR tenant in the Book Tower, and then moved to the Penobscot. They finally moved to Farmington Hills after the company was sold by the founder, and they built a new HQ at Drake and 12 Mile.

    There were ad agencies in the tower - I remember one run by a Bob Morellian [[sp?), and was Ross Roy there too?

    Walker Cisler, former Detroit Ed chairman, had a private office in the building after his utility career. [[Google his name for MUCH info.)

    Zef's Coney Island - now on Woodward - was one of the last tenants in the Book, along with Bookies, now in its own building on Cass, south of I-75/Fisher.

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