Like a lot of others on this board, I don't live in the Detroit area any more, but still care deeply about the area I grew up in. So here's a question for you all, both resident and non.
What's progress, and how fast can it be resonably expected to come?
Detroit's been slipping since the late 60's. Through bad planning, corrupt leadership and plain old bad luck, the Detroit metro area has come near bottom, and although some things appear to be changing, graft and corruption trials are going to go on for a long time, deminishing the reputation of the city even further.
Now, given those "facts", how long would one resonably expect it to take before the area has a major turnaround? Has it started? Given the instutional history of city government, could Mayor Bing be expected to turn it around in 2 years, or are those people who grumble here correct in their belief that the area can't be saved?