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  1. #1

    Default 10 shootings reported in Detroit over the weekend

    Many victims shot while outside their home or in driveways


  2. #2



    Is anyone familiar with the areas that these shootings took place?
    Are they spread out throughout the city or are they clumped together in certain areas?

  3. #3


    Just like the statistic that most accidents happen at home, you must realize we spend an inordinate amount of time at our homes...so it will ALWAYS be where 'most' of any type of incident happens [[except travel issues, obviously).

    That said, when it is no longer safe to be in our own driveway...civilization can no longer be called civil.

    When I encourage folks to arm themselves, it is not for some wild-west renegade revenge, and not even as an EQUALIZER [[although I've said as much in the past, my thinking is evolving on this as I consider it this morning, while looking at my girlfriend's driveway, which remains safe for the time being), but I now consider it rising one step ABOVE the law-breakers and desperately dumb opportunists.

    There was a time when having and holding weapons was common...it is WHY the simple handshake formed into the traditional greeting, to dislodge anything hidden up a sleeve.

    We are back in those times. If you do not have a weapon within instant reach and use in this day, you are fodder for the fools who seek to take everything from you...and do not attribute any value to your life, nor anyone else's.

    Such is the age we are in today.

    There are no laws that can ethically get in the way of anyone protecting themselves. I do not care about anything written in the falsely 'safe' times we only really had for a decade...in the fifties. [[and I'm sure someone will try to tell me even then it was rough, but the popular culture of the time shows knuckles and knives as the weapons of choice)

    There is no way any form of anti-gun legislation will work. Laws do not keep people from breaking them. Those intent will do so...heck, guns are available in England to those who seek 'em. Plus, just before the Nazis started doing their worst, they disarmed their population...after getting everyone to voluntarily join a national registration listing. While some disagree that we're in those times again, it is still wise to remain armed against the potential of despotic government...as our Founding Daddies seemed to intend in our Constitution.

    Last edited by Gannon; January-24-12 at 08:55 AM.

  4. #4


    These are spread out all over the city.

    Not surprised about the Tillman shooting...that street had at least three dope houses when I lived at the Bohemian National Home a block south of this incident.

    The lead of the security guard from the Town Pump was poignant. It feels different when you're only two-degrees separate. Closer to home, harsher the news.

    No cheers [[I'm all out because of this, must recharge),

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by rjk View Post

    Is anyone familiar with the areas that these shootings took place?
    Are they spread out throughout the city or are they clumped together in certain areas?
    It looks to be evenly split between the NE side and NW side.

  6. #6
    Buy American Guest


    This is an excerpt from a post I put on a different thread

    "When citizens can't go outside their home, even in their own yards or driveways without being afraid of getting robbed or killed; when kids can't go to school without being afraid; when the elderly are prisoners in their own homes; that all sounds like a third world country to me."

    This is happening more and more every day....10 in one week-end. Now, all the thugs have to do is sit on a street and wait for some unsuspecting citizen to leave their home and it's easy pickings. Kind of like shooting ducks in a barrel.

  7. #7


    All things considered, wasn't crime a lot worse in the 80's and 90's? I've come across a lot of references to those years being the worst as far as crime in Detroit, due in large part to the crack epidemic.

  8. #8
    Occurrence Guest


    Crime was probably worse in the 80's and 90's because there was a higher population at the time. You need people to have crime. Shootings seem to increase after a drug network is raided and shut down, almost like a turf war of sorts.

  9. #9


    That makes over 40 innocent people killed in the ghettoes of Detroit. BROTHERS KILLING BROTHERS is every day thing in the Motor City.

  10. #10


    I don't think Cobo Hall has had any gangs rob an entire concert audience lately...but there were terrible other things like that happening in the 70s. I cannot remember a time when Detroit didn't have trouble with crime.

  11. #11


    Fucked up.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Occurrence View Post
    Crime was probably worse in the 80's and 90's because there was a higher population at the time. You need people to have crime. Shootings increase after a drug network is raided and shut down, then the turf wars start...again.

    I fixed it for you. Your "seem to", "almost", "like", "of sorts" were superfluously ambiguous.


  13. #13


    Now THAT is a band name, The Superfluously Ambiguous.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by rjk View Post

    Is anyone familiar with the areas that these shootings took place?
    Are they spread out throughout the city or are they clumped together in certain areas?
    I'm familiar with a lot of them. Let's just say that I wouldn't feel safe stopping at a light in any of them.

    The greater problem is that these things are also happening in decent quiet areas as well. For example Rosedale Park has had this problem for a while. In December an elderly man and his terminally ill wife were robbed and the husband murdered in their driveway.

  15. #15


    In my opinion, the crime is much, much worse now. At least during the crack epidemic and drug wars, it was primarily a case of drug dealers killing other drug dealers. Now we have a bunch of random animalls killing innocent people.

    I have a friend whose daughter was with the college student who was murdered entering a club. There were three young women going into a club and a man came out of nowhere, said nothing, and simply shot the girl in the head. One of the girls fell and he was about to shoot her when someone opened the club door and he fled. My friend's daughter threw her purse and ran.

    The animal was arrested and arraigned at 36th District Court on Saturday. Outside of the building, his family attacked and threatened the victim's family.

    The animals now run the zoo!

    Please read the following comment that someone wrote on clickondetroit:

    "Last year i had the honor of talking to a kid from the inner city of detroits east side... After talking he told me one of his favorite things to do was to go around with his friends and "bust shots" at people... He was saying this to me as if i should have been applauding him or agreeing with him because I am a black male as well.. I instantly became scared that this is the type of stuff that many youth in the inner city embrace... I hope all this stuff changes soon... Something has to be done immediately before more innocent ppl lose their lives and more mothers have to cry over lost love ones.."
    Last edited by Wild; January-24-12 at 02:49 PM.

  16. #16


    And how many more shootings this weekend went unreported?

  17. #17


    Any chance that some of these shootings were gang initiations?

    I really don't understand the point of just shooting someone with no motivation other than the fun of it. That's sociopathic behavior, even for a low life...

  18. #18


    That's the problem, we seem to have a lot of sociopaths out there. I posted above about a young lady who was shot for no reason. A few weeks ago, there was a young churchgoing man who was shot in his grandmothers driveway, he was going to check on her.

    These are animals who kill for the thrill of it. At this point I wish that they would either bring back the STRESS Unit or the National Guard.

  19. #19
    detroitjim Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by coloroflaw View Post
    And how many more shootings this weekend went unreported?
    I marked one up for you in the scoe column.

    Zackly what I was thinking!

  20. #20


    This increased crime is why more people are leaving Detroit. I just wanna hear that tired yack about 'crime is everywhere!' now! Yes, crime is and can be everywhere but right now it is extremely high in Detroit. It is an underlying stress factor.

    Like many striving to stay here, I've had to adapt my life around the changing landscape such as choices of where I go and what I do or can no longer do increasing more as time goes on. Now I am starting to seriously consider leaving....
    Last edited by Zacha341; January-25-12 at 05:53 AM.

  21. #21
    SteveJ Guest


    Its unfortunate. I don't live in the city but I think twice about certain places I visit and am careful. Giving your wallet and your keys in not good enough. Now they want to take away your life. Its going to get to a point where nobody is going to be left besides the criminals.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
    Just like the statistic that most accidents happen at home, you must realize we spend an inordinate amount of time at our homes...so it will ALWAYS be where 'most' of any type of incident happens [[except travel issues, obviously).

    That said, when it is no longer safe to be in our own driveway...civilization can no longer be called civil.

    When I encourage folks to arm themselves, it is not for some wild-west renegade revenge, and not even as an EQUALIZER [[although I've said as much in the past, my thinking is evolving on this as I consider it this morning, while looking at my girlfriend's driveway, which remains safe for the time being), but I now consider it rising one step ABOVE the law-breakers and desperately dumb opportunists.

    There was a time when having and holding weapons was common...it is WHY the simple handshake formed into the traditional greeting, to dislodge anything hidden up a sleeve.

    We are back in those times. If you do not have a weapon within instant reach and use in this day, you are fodder for the fools who seek to take everything from you...and do not attribute any value to your life, nor anyone else's.

    Such is the age we are in today.

    There are no laws that can ethically get in the way of anyone protecting themselves. I do not care about anything written in the falsely 'safe' times we only really had for a decade...in the fifties. [[and I'm sure someone will try to tell me even then it was rough, but the popular culture of the time shows knuckles and knives as the weapons of choice)

    There is no way any form of anti-gun legislation will work. Laws do not keep people from breaking them. Those intent will do so...heck, guns are available in England to those who seek 'em. Plus, just before the Nazis started doing their worst, they disarmed their population...after getting everyone to voluntarily join a national registration listing. While some disagree that we're in those times again, it is still wise to remain armed against the potential of despotic government...as our Founding Daddies seemed to intend in our Constitution.

    Here's the problem we get into with open carry. You better have your gun cocked, pointed and out of the holster walking down the street. If the thug even suspects you might have a gun the thug will get the jump on you and will pop you sooner and now the thug not only has your money but another gun to rob innocent people.

    I agree anti-gun legislation will not work. There will be too much of a fight from the NRA and second amendment lovers for that to happen.

    The only thing I see that can stop this is that the penalty for committing a crime with a gun must be so severe the thug does his own cost-benefit analysis in his head and decides he'll use a knife or a stick but at least its not a gun.

    Now I don't know what would constitute a severe enough penalty but I do know two years ain't it
    Last edited by firstandten; January-24-12 at 11:26 PM.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Wild View Post
    That's the problem, we seem to have a lot of sociopaths out there. I posted above about a young lady who was shot for no reason. A few weeks ago, there was a young churchgoing man who was shot in his grandmothers driveway, he was going to check on her.
    That point can't be overestimated. In poor inner cities like Detroit you have a lot of untreated mental illness. These people tend to self medicate using illegal drugs which makes the situation worse. Whats worse these folks tend to not be easy to reason with. Sociopaths, bi-polar, folks with schizophrenia symtoms etc without the family and support mechcanisms that more well off families have when dealing with the same issues.

  24. #24
    Buy American Guest


    ^^^^Let the families of the victims have the thugs for about 10 minutes, then put them away....if there is anything left.
    Also, let's not make excuses for these thugs....not all are mental cases, bi-polar or schizoid or sociopaths. Some are in it just for the thrill of it, for the glory amongst their peers, initiation to gangs, or another notch on their body or weapon.
    Last edited by Buy American; January-24-12 at 11:21 PM.

  25. #25

    Default cocked, pointed and out of the holster

    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Here's the problem we get into with open carry. You better have you gun cocked, pointed and out of the holster walking down the street. If the thug even suspects you might have a gun the thug will get the jump on you and will pop you sooner and now the thug not only has your money but another gun to rob innocent people.
    Furthermore, it is unlawful to have your iron "pointed and out of the holster" while traveling about the community.

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