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  1. #1

    Default Save 1515 Broadway

    Wednesday, January 25
    12 Noon
    1515 Broadway
    [[near Randolph, downtown Detroit)

    Thursday, January 26
    6:00 P.M.
    1515 Broadway

    1515 Broadway is a unique institution in downtown Detroit. For 25 years, 1515 has operated as a muti-use, flexible black box theater to facilitate expression among diverse Detroiters. It’s a theater, café, studio, coffee house, sound stage, bodega and meeting hall. It’s a salon where Detroiters can come to interact in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. From 1987 with “Demolish by Neglect” to the recent “Occupy Movement,” 1515 Broadway has opened its doors to community activists to meet and gather.

    1515 Broadway has also been the residence of Christopher Jaszczak since 1987 [[and now his son resides there too). Chris, as owner and proprietor of 1515, has used his personal funds to keep this community space alive and functioning.

    However, in the years 2008-2010, Chris, like many Michiganders, encountered financial hardship. As a result, he fell behind on the payments on his 11.25% interest mortgage loan. He reached out to numerous local economic loan and development entities for assistance, to no avail. 1515 Broadway was placed in foreclosure.

    Chris Jaszczak’s income has recovered. He has made a reasonable offer to Citi Bank to pay down the arrearages if they would restore his mortgage at a standard interest rate. But Citi, a bank that has received tens of billions of dollars in federal taxpayer bailouts on express condition that they aid borrowers, would rather destroy a community institution than deal equitably with Chris. 1515 Broadway is now facing an imminent eviction.

    Come to a Rally to Save 1515 Broadway. Let’s keep this wonderful community center open and serving the people of Detroit!

    Sponsored by: Moratorium Now! Coalition to Stop Foreclosures, Evictions & Utility Shutoffs, Occupy Detroit, People Before Banks Coalition, and Occupy Our Homes

    Call 313-744-7912 for more information or email bonnieabh@aol.com.


  2. #2


    What a loss this would be.

  3. #3


    I was just thinking the other day how lucky we are to have 1515.

  4. #4


    Metro Times spoke at length with Chris Jaszczak about his troubles.


  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Detroitnerd View Post
    Metro Times spoke at length with Chris Jaszczak about his troubles.

    I would love to know who is influencing City Bank to ignore this guy. It appears that someone or some entity, doesn't want the theatre there. No one from city government is not stepping up on behalf of Chris and 1515 Broadway. Downtown need more of venue such as 1515. That is what help makes a downtown

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    I would love to know who is influencing City Bank to ignore this guy. It appears that someone or some entity, doesn't want the theatre there. No one from city government is not stepping up on behalf of Chris and 1515 Broadway. Downtown need more of venue such as 1515. That is what help makes a downtown
    I would say that no one is influencing citibank. It's just their status quo. They don't care about "community institution".

    Just a dumb question. When were interest rates at 11%? How does that even happen? Is this a different type of mortgage than a 'home' mortgage?

  7. #7


    I just posted a piece about 1515 Broadway on happyfrogdetroit:


  8. #8


    sent in an email

  9. #9


    1515 was the Music Institute, or just "the toot." We would leave the Shelter at two, hit Nicky's for some slices, and let Derrick beat us down till 6 in the morning. Incense and orange juice, and the best dancers in town.

  10. #10


    In other countries, individuals become national treasures for the services they have rendered their community and country.
    Chris Jaszczak has done more for Detroit than all the contemporary city elders lumped together, and in my opinion he deserves your unreserved support in ANY WAY it can be given.

    If ever there was a community call to action, THIS IS IT!

  11. #11


    The Music Institute was located at 1315 Broadway.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hamtragedy View Post
    1515 was the Music Institute, or just "the toot." We would leave the Shelter at two, hit Nicky's for some slices, and let Derrick beat us down till 6 in the morning. Incense and orange juice, and the best dancers in town.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by adamjab19 View Post
    They don't care about "community institution".
    They care about awful publicity. This is a potential hornets nest with "Occupy" overtones.

  13. #13


    Seems to me, even though there are advances in Detroit, there is always the ass backwards repetitive forces that put down "community interests" in favor of a quick buck or speculative circumstances. The city is not the shape it is in because of an overbearing interest and love on the part of decision makers in Detroit. Abandon is a communal leitmotif.

  14. #14



    1515 Broadway has been saved! The coffee house and community center is no longer under the threat of a foreclosure eviction. In response to tremendous pressure from the community, Citgroup has reached an agreement with Chris Jaszczak, that will keep 1515 Broadway alive and functioning under his control and ownership.

    The coalition consisting of Moratorium NOW! Coalition, People Before Banks Coalition, Occupy Detroit, and Occupy Our Homes, thanks all those who called and emailed Citigroup demanding that the eviction be stopped and expressing your strong support and determination to keep this unique community center open. The community support was key to this victory.

    The Rally scheduled for this Thursday will now be a community gathering to celebrate this victory and the fact that 1515 Broadway will continue to serve as a community space

  15. #15


    I am surprise that no city official in willing to support Chris.

  16. #16


    Great news - I wonder what happened to break it loose?

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by stasu1213 View Post
    I am surprise that no city official in willing to support Chris.
    It's my understanding he went to all the big players downtown, the CBDA and DDA and such, and none of them was willing to lend a hand. Remember, our city fathers don't care about dedicated proprietors running longstanding small, community-oriented businesses downtown. They want billion-dollar deals or nothing. How else are they supposed to get graft?

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroitScooter View Post
    Great news - I wonder what happened to break it loose?
    People in the community taking stand and putting pressure on the banks to work with people.

  19. #19


    What a relief!

  20. #20


    1515 is one of my favorite places in the city... so glad it'll stay around!!!

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