This is well worth reading. Glad M.L. is questioning the coherence and competence of the Bing Administration. More folks should stop pretending everything is OK on the eleventh floor of CAYMC.
M.l. Elrick
Can someone please help me figure out what's going on in Detroit's City Hall?
Bob Warfield is named communications director, then he's out, now he's back.
Kirk Lewis is second in command, then he's out, now he's back.
The mayor says he has a plan to shrink the city, then he says he doesn't have a plan, then he asks people for their ideas and now he has a plan [[i think).
The mayor isn't going to in the Manoogian Mansion, then he moves in.
The mayor says the city council is going too far by cutting $50 million from the budget, then he says we need to cut hundreds of millions from the budget or we're going to run out of money by April.
The mayor says the city needs to cut back and unions need to make concessions, then he hires a spokesman for $128,000.
The mayor says the city may need an emergency financial manager and that he'd be open to taking the job, then he says the city doesn't need an emergency financial manager and he doesn't want the job.
Karen Dumas is out as communications director, then she's back as a regular unofficial adviser.
The mayor says he isn't going to take a salary, then he secretly starts taking a salary and only tells the public months later just as the media is about to report it.
The mayor says light rail is going to work, then he says he won't work, now he says it will work.
Am I the only one around here whose head is spinning?