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  1. #1

    Default Pastor Wendell Anthony Mother Robbed.... Teen Gang Home Invasions.

    Police sources say teen gang targeting the elderly responsible for dozens of home invasions

    ...Two Detroit teenagers have been charged with robbing the 80-year-old mother of NAACP President, Reverend Wendell Anthony.


  2. #2


    And the really sad part about the whole situation [[besides their name of the gang itself) is that they didn't even know what the NAACP is.

    The civil rights leaders would be rolling over in their graves. They didn't fight as hard as they did for the rights of African Americans for their grandchildren and grandchildren's children to kill one another and become dumber than a bucket of rocks.

    And the black community has no chance of making any significant progress, and thus Detroit has no chance of coming back when this much ignorance abounds.

  3. #3


    This is horrible. I'm sorry for all those affected and all those involved.

  4. #4


    Those teen gang don't know who's Martin Luther King is. But they know who a rob and what to kill.

  5. #5


    Is an attack upon the relatives of one of the "connected" of Detroit what it takes for police to respond to the home invasions? Not that long ago, WXYZ-TV ran this story.


  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by eno View Post
    Is an attack upon the relatives of one of the "connected" of Detroit what it takes for police to respond to the home invasions? Not that long ago, WXYZ-TV ran this story.


    Now you hit the nail on the head. The police knew about this gang awhile ago now all the sudden they crack down on them. Were they going to wait until somebody got killed before they did anything about them ?

  7. #7


    Detroit is a lost cause. Can't believe the mindset of some people.

  8. #8


    the city is never a lost cause as long as there are those who are willing to come and make a differance

  9. #9


    The government issues people Drivers Licenses and if someone can not drive properly the license can be revoked.

    People have a Natural Right to defend themselves and their property, and to retaliate against those who ham them.

    People granted the government a license to maintain law and order and to punish those who violate the rights of others. If the government proves unworthy of the license granted, just as a bad driver can lose his license, the government can also lose it’s license.

    People in Detroit need to reclaim their license from the inept government in Detroit, they have to reestablish Law and Order, then maybe the government can take a crack at maintaining Law and Order. The people create it, the government maintains it.

    I am not calling for vigilante style justice. Vigilantes operate outside of the law. You can not operate outside of the law when there is no law.

    Kym Worthy is a disgrace and never should have prosecuted Tigh Croff for shooting the guy who was constantly breaking into his house. The prosecution merely told the criminals she was on their side.

    People are going to have to do what they have to do, to get the message out that crime will not be tolerated. It is painfully obvious that those who now hold the license to maintain Law and Order have given up.

  10. #10


    This is exactly why I sent my mother on a bus trip for a week and moved her out of her house and into a place where I know she is safe She was pissed at me for about six months for moving her out of her own house behind her back but she finally got over it and now I can get some sleep.
    Last edited by MidTownMs; January-07-12 at 08:27 PM.

  11. #11


    No one disputes people have a right to defend themselves in their homes. But the Tigh Croff case is a poor example. True, his home had been burglarized a few times. That's very unfortunate. But the law is clear that you can't chase a guy down the street and shoot him, as Croff acknowledged doing. You can't do that even if the guy just burglarized your home. Worthy's office has declined to prosecute other people in recent months who did kill a burglar when the burglar was inside their home.

    And while crimes like the one against Rev Anthony's mother make news, aren't most serious crimes down in Detroit from 2010 to 2011, except homicide?

  12. #12


    Yeah, sad article that speaks to why some are just 'getting out!' The police are telling you essentially you are on your own. Call them, but have other 'deterrents' at the ready should the person enter your property to perhaps 'sell you some Girl Scout' cookies.

    The tipping point is quickly being reached. If you don't have a hand gun or long arm, you best have a baseball bat of something after you call 911 should the entruder insist on coming in on you...
    Quote Originally Posted by eno View Post
    Is an attack upon the relatives of one of the "connected" of Detroit what it takes for police to respond to the home invasions? Not that long ago, WXYZ-TV ran this story.

    Last edited by Zacha341; January-07-12 at 08:21 PM.

  13. #13


    Yep! I know a family who did that with an ailing elder who was one of the last houses on her block, surrounded by 'neighborhood watch' predator types. Of course a person does not want to leave the home they cultivated and lived for many years but sometimes it is must.
    Quote Originally Posted by MidTownMs View Post
    This is exactly why I sent my mother on a bus trip for a week and moved her out of her house and into a place where I know she is safe She was pissed for about six months for moving her out of her own house behind her back but she finally got over it and now I can get some sleep.

  14. #14


    Kcajun Burton
    Come on!!!

    Some children should be protected from their parents to prevent them from giving their offspring ridiculous names!!

  15. #15


    Yeah, but the bigger problem is being named 'deceased' when you happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time as happened in some cases.
    Quote Originally Posted by Whitehouse View Post
    Come on!!!

    Some children should be protected from their parents to prevent them from giving their offspring ridiculous names!!

  16. #16
    Ravine Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by MidTownMs View Post
    This is exactly why I sent my mother on a bus trip for a week and moved her out of her house and into a place where I know she is safe She was pissed at me for about six months for moving her out of her own house behind her back but she finally got over it and now I can get some sleep.
    If you were my kid and you did that, you would be getting the Big Sleep now.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by MidTownMs View Post
    This is exactly why I sent my mother on a bus trip for a week and moved her out of her house and into a place where I know she is safe She was pissed at me for about six months for moving her out of her own house behind her back but she finally got over it and now I can get some sleep.
    Wow really? Sad. Where did she live? [[area).

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by eno View Post
    Is an attack upon the relatives of one of the "connected" of Detroit what it takes for police to respond to the home invasions? Not that long ago, WXYZ-TV ran this story.

    There is more to that story you linked though. The police simply didn't have enough evidence on the guy who actually broke the window in the back area of the house. As much as it sucks sometimes because it's mostly obvious.. you can't just charge the guys that appear [[and probably are) up to no good.

    What can we do?

    As much as possible, neighborhood watch, cameras, lights, report suspicious activity etc.. Help the Police!!

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by WickedILL View Post
    What can we do?
    Expect those picked up are not out running the streets the next day?

    That those who have warrants out for them are picked up?

    There was a small town in Central America that was taken over by some drug gangs. No one could go outside at night and the police were scared to go into the town. It was bad. The local people had enough, they caught a few of their tormentors, tied them up to phone poles, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire for all to see. The gangs moved out because the people established law and order, and then the police were able to return to town and help maintain it.

    The police do not establish law and order, the people do.

  20. #20


    Yep, they just need to shut their 'pie holes' and give up the moolah! ------
    Quote Originally Posted by truthseeker View Post
    no need for "outsiders" telling Detroiters what to do....

  21. #21


    Some day they are going to look back at this era in Detroit like it was the wild west.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by MidTownMs View Post
    This is exactly why I sent my mother on a bus trip for a week and moved her out of her house and into a place where I know she is safe She was pissed at me for about six months for moving her out of her own house behind her back but she finally got over it and now I can get some sleep.
    Sadly it does get to this, in some cases our parents, or other elders become the children, and we as their grown children, nieces, nephews etc have to make the hard choices for them.

    This story reminds me of the one earlier this year of a Freep reporter who left Indian Village after a string of robberies. In this case a number of other fustrated residents said that they felt they were "on their own", as the police did not treat these break ins as a priority.


  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by ordinary View Post
    Some day they are going to look back at this era in Detroit like it was the wild west.
    Nope, the Wild West was the 80s.

  24. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Smiles View Post
    Expect those picked up are not out running the streets the next day?

    That those who have warrants out for them are picked up?

    There was a small town in Central America that was taken over by some drug gangs. No one could go outside at night and the police were scared to go into the town. It was bad. The local people had enough, they caught a few of their tormentors, tied them up to phone poles, doused them with gasoline and set them on fire for all to see. The gangs moved out because the people established law and order, and then the police were able to return to town and help maintain it.

    The police do not establish law and order, the people do.
    Not enough telephone poles in Detroit

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