Other than negative media coverage, I'm interested in what others think about people who are in the process of, or future residents who will be buying real estate in the city. The short term and long term effects?
Other than negative media coverage, I'm interested in what others think about people who are in the process of, or future residents who will be buying real estate in the city. The short term and long term effects?
Short term, it will have little effect. Anyone investing a chunk of change in Detroit I bet is already aware of the situation. If they could be scared off, they already would be. Long run, if the EM succeeds in stabilizing finances, a smaller, more stable government will attract people.
While I don't relish the headlines accompanying an EM or bankruptcy, the end result is positive.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Nobody that I am currently working with has indicated that possible recievership is a factor in their real estate decision making.
Last edited by brandon48202; December-25-11 at 06:45 PM.