WTF? WOW What is that?
Not on the same level as, "It's So Cold in the D", but ...
One thought though, what kind of seat could support that thing?
The updside down wall hump in powder blue spandex at 3:15 is a sight to behold.
That was the part that made me want to scoop out my eyeballs with a melonballer.
Damnit you have to warn people about this type of of shit.
Glad I closed it as soon as what may or may not be referred to as a "song" began.
actually, she's kinda cute.
Um, how 'bout them Lions?
worse...i thought she was saying "it's all in the nick of time"
OMG, i'm still laughing at the "melon baller" comment. so funny
Looks like Fergie 20 years ago...
Oh god the comments. This should not be encouraged.
Let that be a lesson to any of you who pop open a link, from an unfamiliar source, when someone lobs it out there as though you are supposed to automatically want to see it.
Let that be a lesson to any of you who pop open a link, from an unfamiliar source, ...
I never open blind links. That was extremely inconsiderate of the OP whoever they are.
How do any of you know that wasn't a virus infected link? You could have lost your computers opening such a link without knowing what it was.
I'm not surprised that a generally-unfamiliar poster would plant an unidentified link. I'm surprised that a number of folks clicked it on up.
You can't unsee things like goatse or lemonparty...just sayin'Let that be a lesson to any of you who pop open a link, from an unfamiliar source, ...
I never open blind links. That was extremely inconsiderate of the OP whoever they are.
How do any of you know that wasn't a virus infected link? You could have lost your computers opening such a link without knowing what it was.
Never would have deduced that the letters "Roq" somehow meant, "mischief..."
My first reaction would be "Kill, kill it with fire".
My second reaction would be the same.....
The purpose of this post escapes me.
I had to apologize for the same thing. Blind links are a bad thing. Please post a little bit of the post.
Breeze one instant detroit legemd
Proof positive that hipsters have no taste.
Also another sign of the downfall of Detroit. We brought the world Motown, Techno, and now this is the shit we're producing? Some obese hipster and her stupid white kid friends? Blech.