Jason Hargrove Transit Center

DetroitYES Forums Rules

Welcome to the DetroitYES Discuss Detroit Forum, a moderated discussion about all things Detroit. This site is privately owned by the originators, creators and managers of DetroitYES. Membership is a privilege offered free of charge to all who abide by our rules which may be quickly summarized as "Be nice, be civil or be gone. " Failure to observe the following rules and conditions may result in immediate termination of posting rights without notice or explanation and removal of all content created by the offending party.


1-This forum is for polite, thoughtful discussion and inquiries only. Entries that are abusive, off subject, silly, trivial containing personal attacks, name-calling, threats, libels, illegal activities, or hate group messages will be removed without notice or explanation upon discovery.

2-Should you be attacked in any manner, do not retaliate! "He hit me first" excuses for name-calling or attacks will be considered the same as initiating an incident. Report the incident by clicking a REPORT POST /!\ icon at the bottom left of the offending post. Your complaint will be kept private, your identity shielded and the offender dealt with.

3-Address the entire forum and topic being discussed in a polite manner and only address other participants by their forum names. Posts that badger, needle or provoke others will be removed without notice or explanation. Any follow-up posts in context to personal attacks will likewise be removed, good or bad, so as to completely disappear the poison.

4-No advertising. Advertising in any form is not permitted, except by permission and / or contract. For established forum members free classified ads are permitted subject to the conditions cited in the free classified forum. Non-permitted advertising will be removed without notice or explanation.

5-DetroitYES.com website management and owners respect member privacy. Any data collected during sign up or by visitor activity is kept strictly private and is not being nor ever has been provided to any outside party. The site owners reserve the right to contact any who sign up for this forum using the email address provided or by the forum’s private messaging. An active email account is required to post on this forum.

6- Be advised. You are on the Internet. Your anonymity cannot be guaranteed from exposure through forum conversation. Participants who wish to post on forum do so at their own risk of exposure. Members are requested and required to respect other members’ privacy and not disclose information that may identify another member’s real world persona. Posts identifying forum members will be removed without notice or explanation upon discovery.

7-Pictures, text or any content that you post must be your property or permitted for posting by the contents' owners or fall under fair use acceptability. If you post content belonging to a permitted outside source, it must be credited to the owners by name and link, if one exists. Posts using non-permitted content may be removed without notice or explanation upon discovery.

All non-proprietary content [posts you make] posted on DetroitYES forums becomes public domain content upon publication and may be freely cited or otherwise used by the general public for non-commercial or educational purposes. What you post will remain posted so you are advised you choose your words wisely. “What you write on the Internet is forever.”

NOTE TO CONTENT OWNERS. We respect your rights of ownership. We try our best to see that your property rights are respected by our membership. If content you own has been posted on these forums that you wish not to be posted, please contact us immediately by using the Contact Us links at the bottom of any page. We will remove the content and take action against the registered member who posted it.

8-Only one account per person is allowed.

9-No 'shouting' [Excessive posting, making all upper case, bolded or large font posts] and no 'one trick ponies' [Obsessive posting of a single topic in multiple threads].Posting is limited to a maximum of 20 posts on any single day and a maximum of 140 over in any one-week period..

10-While free discourse will be allowed as much as possible, all participation in this forum and any decisions regarding the removal of offending messages or members is solely the decision of the owners of DetroitYES.com. We will not spare any unpaid time for any explanations of moderator decisions. Issues regarding management decisions of this forum are not a matter for forum discussion and will not be permitted. Any such issues should be directed to the DetroitYES management by following the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page.

11-For Detroit haters only. If your purpose is to trash Detroit-Windsor, make light of its challenges or attack members of this forum, STOP NOW. This forum is not for you. Absolutely no disruptive behavior or personal attacks are allowed. Break any of the rules listed below and your account will be immediately disabled and every post you made will be deleted without notice or explanation.

12-These conditions are subject to change and additions without notice. Please periodically review these conditions.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will abide by these conditions.

Although the administrators and moderators of DetroitYES Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of DetroitYES Forums, nor vBulletin Solutions, Inc. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

DetroitYES Awarded BEST OF DETROIT 2015 - Detroit MetroTimes - Best Online Forum for Detroit-based Discussion 2015



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