View Full Version : Non Detroit Issues
Pages :
- What makes you happy?
- Unemployed being told - don't apply for jobs
- WORLD CUP! Who's your second favorite team?
- TVs greatest blah blah blah
- LA Riots, Part, What 12?
- Student Loan Sinkhole
- World looks to Canada for model economy
- Cougar Spotting?
- Kagan - begging for a Borking!
- I'm staying because...
- Judge doles justice with his pocketbook [[Gulf disaster)
- Toilet Paper: Over or Under
- Afghanistan disappointed by McChrystal resignation...
- Desperation Re. Oil Rupture Media Captured/ Capped - MSNBC?
- Sunflower Seeds
- Outsourced: A fall TV Comedy...
- Universal Truths--to make everyone smile...
- Student Metaphors
- Mission Accomplished
- Gasland
- OK Go! Stare down.... with Animal.
- Where Capitalism Fails
- R.I.P. Robert Byrd
- 2nd amendment goes nationwide!!!
- Smoking Ban
- An interesting question
- More whistleblowers needed
- The Taxpayers Network
- The most trouble I got into shooting fireworks
- Not just Crumbling_pavement, Crumbling Capitol...
- Schwarzenegger orders min wage for state workers
- What we can expect after Jan 1, 2011 ?
- Great bungee jump prank!
- Colorado City Bans Bicycle Riding
- Struggling band loses their only fan...
- American...or not?
- Movies Not to Watch
- manson follower denied parole
- Capitalist's About to Loose Slave Labor
- Are fire, threatening racial letters related? Eastpointe
- 970, 970
- Auto insurance and credit scoring
- Sarah finds a peer group....
- Help Identify this Flower
- Is Hanna Montana/ Miley Ray Cyrus gone to far?
- Property Deed Legal Question
- Christian Fanatics Rioting again in Ireland
- Ford Hiring Based On Race
- Holy Sh!t! Bush FCC policy tossed out!
- Why the Music Industry Must Die
- think twice about getting on the bus!
- AC/no AC
- Should we opt for AARP?
- Cop-on-Cop Crime:Taser-Happy
- Sony Televisions Junk?
- Wanna hear some hot music?
- "Are Americans A Broken People?" Interesting story from AlterNet
- If you dream it,,,do it!!!!
- Deadliest Catch......... Redemption Day...
- U.S. Ed. lacks creativity
- The Best Schools for your Buck
- On the culture of stupidity
- Can you believe this clown??!
- Chi-Michigan Ave destroyed by robots
- Estate Tax Hike
- Animal Rights Prevail as Civil Rights Diminish!
- Pakistan's tax code a conservative wet dream
- Can we PLEEEASE get Palin to run with this guy in 2012, just for jokes?
- Advertisers of Fox nonNews
- Why no energy bill now
- Funny commercials
- Solar Roadways, what a concept!
- New player in the commercial space race: Curaçao??!!!
- Daniel Schorr dead
- Reporter with skills??!!!
- Major oops at a station not far from where I live.
- Collapse by Michael Ruppert
- Peak Oil
- Is The Economy Recovery Just An Illusion?
- Michigan oil spill - 840,000 gallons of oil
- WOW!!! Serious race incident!!!
- Good Enough For Amman Jordan, yet, Not for Detroit...
- Aug 3 primary - what to do?
- Toyota Hiring Based on Thirst for Blood
- Warning to black males in Oakland County
- Does Mike Ilitch wear a wig?
- Nothing the president does makes media happy. Daily Show classic!
- Could this work in Michigan
- Kiss our forests goodbye
- Danny vs. Palin
- T.C. FIlm Festival
- Now appearing in Dearborn
- Bloomberg sizes up the electorate
- The origin of my sceenname.
- AP gets H. Thomas's seat
- Washingmachine going ballistic!
- Lets have fun .Post some pics.!!
- The Next Culinary Wave
- The Future of Home Construction?
- Raise My Taxes, Mr. President!
- Northern Lights
- May I present you: Eclectic Method.
- Where is Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson
- Seperate Bedrooms
- Dr. Pepper [[Another Critical Issue We Need To Solve)
- Walmart makes Nazi cake
- Cement farm. Where the heck is it?
- Poor Loser
- Poor Loser
- Google StreetView Oddities Non-Detroit
- They're Convinced Deceit Is Their Only Hope
- Have the 'Wildings' Returned?
- Iraq: What was accomplished?
- Abandon Earth or Face Extinction, Stephen Hawking Warns--Again
- A Novel Concept: Wage Motive
- Fair elections
- The End of the Internet
- Why worry about the Texas Bd. Of Ed.?
- Great Books To Read
- Niagra Falls on Ice
- Exportation of obesity
- Americans' opinions on morality
- Dr laura goes off
- Statins with your fries?
- Monsanto Loses Another Round
- President Obama stands up for Ground Zero mosque
- Oh Great! More employment competition
- Project completed!
- The New Pagasus
- Prosecuted for Unprotected Sex
- capitalism v. democracy
- get em vets!!-challenge to smoking ban
- Enjoying your air conditioning?
- Levin gets hit in face with a pie
- Supreme Court Smacks Down Orly Taitz
- Journalism Has Nothing TO Do WIth It
- U.S. Leaving Iraq Now!
- Go Go Gadget Wheels: New Transit Technology In China
- Neptune Finally Makes First Orbit Around the Sun Since Discovery In 1846
- Roadside Memorials - Like um/Hate um
- MN Target targeted
- What American made products do you buy
- September 11 2001
- Is Obama a Muslim?
- Is Obama Left Handed?
- For McDonalds lovers
- Lest we forget
- A minimalist lifestyle
- Poll: Should the poll function be abolished?
- What is the real unemployment rate?
- Poll: Is Obama President?
- Poll: Poll: Poll: Poll: If you make a poll, with no poll, is it still really a poll?
- China's Nine Day Traffic Jam
- 3dTV Wars [[about to begin)
- whats up with bookstores?
- Why the Left should be Pro-Israel
- Finally, Good news from Iraq...
- Humanity is F'd
- Coe's Family Invades Uganda
- A Fight on New York’s Skyline
- Munsters or Adams Family
- MI Supreme Court biased?
- Doctor's Religions & End-of -Life Decisions
- Astroturf = Koch Brothers
- Has Your PC Slowed To A Crawl This Month?
- Where can I get a job like this one ?
- Mike Bouchard Raids MJ Houses, & Shops
- Anton Geesink dies at 76.
- Let's have an import tax
- Media Consolidation
- Obama - a failed presidency?
- Mind... Prepare to be blown
- The 8 Mile Road of Chicago
- 545 People
- Smoking Pot or Doing Drugs In Your Car is Just Idiotic
- NSFW!! Or maybe it is.... Can't decide...
- Kroger Fails
- Stephen Hawkings "God did not create the universe."
- Michigan and coal ash
- American Graffit vs. Cooley High
- Arts Beats and Eats in Royal Oak. What did you think?
- America's Socialist Programs
- Endangered or not, wolf killings set to expand From The Detroit News: http://detnews
- Nazi book burning tactic in Fla.
- 3 Favorite Movie Scores?
- Good movies on Netflix Streaming?
- Buying v. Renting
- US Military approves burning Bibles
- Ron Paul: Stop the Wars, Quit Blaming Islam for 9/11...
- thousands march and protest
- Picking a president? Mind the income gap.
- Jaw dropped to the floor! Arthur C. Clarke predicts!
- Whatever Happened to Kurt Haskell...
- Legalize drugs, yes or no?
- Hikers or Mental Giants???
- Somebody Needs to Invent ...
- Christine O'Donnell: A New Low
- If I were a republican I would
- What's the Most Interesting Thing that Happened to You Today?
- Michelle Obama thinks being First Lady is HELL
- ichigan's budget and the lege
- The League's Dirty Dozen
- Washington Rules
- Spell czech
- MI Asst. AG Targets Gay Student
- Getting Hotter
- Let's go to Jon Stewart's "In Your Face, Beck" Rally!
- Pope Gets 40 Points
- Obama - "leveling the playing field for the middle class"?
- IT IS ON!!! COLBERT VS. STEWART [[oct 30th in Washington DC)
- Any coin collectors out there?
- Jewish Voice for Peace
- What's Left to Eat?
- Education Reform in D.C.
- Anyone suffering from virtigo?
- The Recession Has *OFFICIALLY* Ended!!!
- Obama - "I understand your frustration"....
- Newt Gingrich Off the Deep End
- Thieves Cart Off St. Louis Bricks
- Yemen engages Al Qaeda
- Time for a Con Con?
- Rove's shadow RNC
- Hot Dogs & Beans - the new reality?
- Republican's 'Pledge to America'
- Zuckerberg throwing money at schools
- Most Americans Want Wealth Redistribution
- Laziest thing you've ever done?
- Blockbuster Files For Bankruptcy
- New Republican Lies
- The Ghost of Harry Chapin prowls Brighton
- Outsourced
- Rick Snyder in Detroit
- |You never see this. Classic penalty blunder!
- |When radio becomes reaaally Awkward
- Obesity in the U.S.
- David Stockman supports letting tax cuts expire
- We are All Connected to the Congo
- Lawyers Pick Davis for Supreme Ct.
- Monster boobs!
- Gimme Five...
- Thought Provoking Question 1
- Thought Provoking Question 2
- What Money Cannot Buy....
- Michigan Factory Farm under the Gun
- Now that's a carpark!
- Another October "Surprise" in the offing?
- The "Values Voters Summit"
- Woman who shot 12 year old boy hailed as hero
- More Republican game playing
- Why didn't the Republicans DO this?
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