View Full Version : Non Detroit Issues

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  1. Dodging the Dodges 90+MPA. Crashing and leaving dying rider behind?!
  2. Bucket List
  3. The Many Faces of Kavanaugh? What Other Faces ARE BEING REVEALED?
  4. The Honduran Elephant In The Room
  5. Suspicious packages sent to Obama's, Clinton's, CNN, Soro's
  6. Gunman Opens Fire Kills Many in Synagog
  7. 'But' instead of 'And' - Oh What's in a word? And Other Gaffs!
  8. Election Night 2018
  9. George W. Bush started an immoral war. Now he’s getting the Liberty Medal
  10. Offensive word of the day “Man”
  11. Path To Prison Reform Pending - ACLU Supports
  12. The Ignored Legacy of George H. W. Bush
  13. Happy Birthday Everyone!
  14. Feminism, and Masculinity: How to have a more useful conversation.
  15. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
  16. Second Child Dies In U.S. Custody This Month
  17. 19 Million Public Employees Cost Taxpayers Nearly $1 Trillion
  18. How many forum members does it take to change a light bulb?
  19. The “Skills Gap” Was A Lie
  20. The Emergency Powers of the President
  21. Senator Rand Paul comes to Canada for Surgery.
  22. Immigration - The Canadian Way
  23. India and China curbs Amazon and Walmart
  24. Venezuela- Some Alternative Media coverage
  25. Question on interview process
  26. Retail Armageddon Continues. Payless closing ALL stores.
  27. Jussie Smollett arrested - faces charges for alleged false report
  28. Pomona, Detroit Dragway, MotorCity Dragway,Irwindale, Cal.
  29. R Kelly arrested - faces multiple sexual abuse charges
  30. Anyone have their taxes done yet?
  31. Canada Has It's Own Share Of Leadership Problems
  32. Rep. Omars Comments - Impact? Where Do We Go From Here...?
  33. Roseville shootings
  34. US Midwest Farm Flooding Devestation / Impact...
  35. Missouri proposes ban on Federal gun laws
  36. High profile lawyers and karma meet.
  37. The dark side of cotton
  38. Biden’s Tactile Politics -- May Disqualify Him
  39. Notre Dame de Paris is on fire!!!
  40. Targeted attack on Christians Easter Sunday
  41. London creates ultra low emission zones
  42. Rip, mi gop
  43. RIP John Singleton...
  44. Progressives Should...
  45. Nice time to visit LA - typhoid fever outbreak among LAPD
  46. Virginia Beach Shooting Victims... Craddock
  47. Bayer Works Wonders
  48. China and facial recognition
  49. Michigan Leads Nation in Public Corruption
  50. Welcome to the 'Can Joe Biden Win' Discussion?
  51. Corporate News Pushes Iran War
  52. Robbed While Driving along the Freeway - What is Going on?!
  53. the national economy
  54. Luis Alverez former NYPD Detective - 911 Victims Advocate RIP….
  55. Southern California Earthquake and Aftershocks...
  56. Tropical Storm Barry - Mandatory Evacuations!
  57. Female pastor to receive $500K after being ousted over harassment
  58. The Coming War on China. Documentary
  59. Berkley takes the next step in gender neutral
  60. RIP Rutger Hauer...
  61. Baseball in Las Vegas.....Tigers or Diamondbacks?????
  62. Two RECENT US mass shootings. Where do we go from here?
  63. Should undocumented [[illegal) immigrants have drivers license privilege?
  64. Mounted police leading a black man on a rope defended
  65. Jeffrey Epstein commits suicide
  66. Tlaib and Detroit
  67. How to Fix our Healthcare System: Medicare for All? A Public Option? Other Ideas?
  68. Hurricane Dorian Storm Info....
  69. Vaping Linked to deaths... Who'd have thought?
  70. Canadian Federal Election 2019
  71. Cue in flooding in Houston blamed on climate change.
  72. Pence takes first motorcade on Michigan's Mackinac Island
  73. RIP Sid Haig...
  74. libary of Congress releases 1600 pics of rural America 30's and 40's in color
  75. Visiting Columbus, OH
  76. Congressman Elijah Cummings Dies...
  77. WAPO $250,000 defamation suit reinstated
  78. The California Fires... What will the outcome be?
  79. For the Amazon haters
  80. Global Protests, Violence Growing
  81. Panic in eh' NEW YORK?!
  82. Fitbit now owned by google...
  83. The real story about income inequality
  84. Transgender 'agenda' fought by unlikely alliance...
  85. London Bridge Terrorism... Again
  86. Trump's Foundation and University shut under wrongdoing
  87. Library of Congress U.S. Telephone Directory Collection
  88. UK 500 postmasters jailed over faulty software
  89. State of Michigan sales tax for ebay purchases
  90. Coronavirus: Threat Beyond Politics [For Political Discussions of CoV]
  91. Kobe Bryant dies in helicopter crash
  92. De La Salle Hazing
  93. More climate change hogwash
  94. Welcome to the 2020 Biden Ascension...?
  95. It feels good to be an Independent
  96. Watch you kitchen knives
  97. World's Richest Man Wants Your Help Paying His Employees.
  98. I'm Signing off Until it's over!
  99. Home alone with Amazon Prime.
  100. Bernie Sanders Is Dropping Out of 2020 Democratic Race for President
  101. Jim Harbaugh
  102. Coronavirus Pandemic Dreaming
  103. Are You Prepared? [[Infinity Version)
  104. Great Landing, Eh?
  105. Heart shaped flight
  106. Oh, Canada...
  107. Yada, yada, yada.
  108. RIP Little Richard...[[Richard Wayne Penniman)
  109. RIP Jerry Stiller....
  110. New Corona Virus thread.
  111. Virginia family found nearly $1 million in middle of road
  112. November '20
  113. Whitmer Extending Restrictions Again. Is mass insubordination on the way?
  114. Will the Gov EVER use science and data RE Covid-19 ?
  115. Minneapolis LEO kneeling on neck of black man That died...
  116. When It all goes SO wrong: Black Bird Watcher Falsely Accused ETC...
  117. Please Support Section 230 and the Survival of this Forum and others
  118. The Protest in Detroit
  119. What next?
  120. Welcome to Seattle's Protests/ Demands [[Capital Hill)!
  121. Welcome to the ATL protests re. the shooting of Rayshard Brooks....
  122. Is Black Lives Matter is really just a Super PAC for Democrats?
  123. NYC Apple Looter - umm, gets looted!
  124. Welcome to the Reality of DEFUNDING Policing...
  125. The Systemic Racism of Detroit Yes
  126. How stupid is this? Becoming what you're going after!
  127. What happened to Richard?
  128. The Matty Moroun Off Topic Thread
  129. Sanger out at Planned Parenthood.
  130. BLM Protests Continue-Where's This Going? Intended Outcomes?
  131. RIP John Lewis
  132. Yahoo News Ditches The Comments Option for all Articles!
  133. Michigan commissioner blames Black people [ in Detroit) for COVID-19, uses N-word
  134. Scholars on pedophilia
  135. As the big apple rots
  136. Deteriorating Postal Service
  137. U.S Government to spend up to a Billion Dollars to Corral "Wild" Horses
  138. Will there be a Second American Civil War if Trump wins the 2020 Presidential Electio
  139. The NON-DETROIT forum is now closed
  140. Trump to direct federal agencies to move into ‘Opportunity Zones'
  141. MLB takes their ball and goes home. Crying.
  142. Off topic post dump
  143. Plot to Kidnap Gov. Whitmer - Off Topic and/or Political Post Dump
  144. Voter Fraud in Detroit?
  145. Joe Biden Asks Voters For Transition Money
  146. Whistleblower Melissa Carone
  147. Since Detroit is GZNL...
  148. Former Governor Jennifer Granholm as new Energy Secretary.
  149. Detroit and the $600 Stimulus or is it to be 2K?
  150. The Non-Detroit Forum is now Re-Opened
  151. Civilization and its Discontents
  152. Michigan bans open carry of guns inside Capitol...
  153. Lock him up!
  154. What is a failed state?
  155. Ex-governor Snyder to be charged in Flint water crisis
  156. Q’antanamo Bay detention camp
  157. JCS Letter
  158. How about some monkey business ?
  159. Biden picks Gov. Whitmer for Democratic National Committee vice chair
  160. Welcome to Biden world
  161. Detroit's Expectations of President Biden...
  162. Mitch McConnell says “the mob was fed lies”
  163. If you look like this, don't make threats
  164. MTG says Jewish Space Lasers set California wildfires
  165. Gamestop and Stocks
  166. Noor bin Laden
  167. Stacy Abrams Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
  168. The Decline and Fall of The GOP
  169. Super Bowl Sunday
  170. Does anyone understand the mentality?
  171. North Korean Puppy Bowl
  172. Weird technology stuff
  173. Charles Manson is to Sharon Tate
  174. Your Phone is Now Fair Game for Border Agents
  175. Will Orange Julius use the Manson defense?
  176. Hey, Ray!! Still hangin' in?
  177. Coldest Weather Outbreak in Over 30 Years......
  178. North Korean expat meets Kim Jong Un
  179. Rush Limbaugh Conservative Talk Host RIP
  180. Critical Race theory and other threadjacked posts
  181. Post that are not permitted in the Discuss Detroit or Chit Chat Room Threads
  182. What do the American medical system and MIC have in common
  183. Afghanistan: Hello?
  184. Condolences to the Ukrainian community
  185. Oh no not again!
  186. Is Tim Swarens a moron or political hack?
  187. Tim Swarens' Opinion Piece in the Detroit Free Press
  188. Logic tells us one of these two clowns is mistaken
  189. Nessel jokingly calls for ‘drag queens in schools.’ ?
  190. Senate passes Inflation Reduction Act... Impact on Detroit?
  191. Should Nolan Finley's coma be termed sub-vegetative?
  192. The answer, my friend, is bloviating in the wind
  193. Journalist impersonator/MAGGOT cheerleader Nolan Finley