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  1. Detroit could learn from the 4/16 Charlie Rose show
  2. RC Drifting--Ken Block style.
  3. If there were such a travesty of justice...
  4. Holographic Universe?
  5. Photo Flap
  6. Forty years after publication of "The Limits to Growth"
  7. Dick Clark dead at 82
  8. What's up with KONY 2012!
  9. Presidential Preference Quiz
  10. Remembering Levon Helm
  11. Republicans' Replacement Healthcare Plan
  12. Atheist more ethical
  13. Think DPS is Bad?
  14. Race relations in Alabama set back 20 years
  15. Welcome to Post Racial USA...
  16. anybody participate in the Gov. Snyder webcast townhall?
  17. A trip up Chicago's Abandoned Sears Tower
  18. Wolverine buys Payless
  19. legitimate reasons to have a catheter nin your arm?
  20. Trayvon martin Case Spurs Investigations Around The Country
  21. Kentucky Derby post time
  22. RIP Adam [[MCA) Yauch
  23. It's official! The State of New Mexico is mostly Mexican/Hispanic.
  24. Amish Children Remarkably Immune
  25. Your daily dose of dishonesty: Romney: "I'll Take A Lot Of Credit' For Auto Industry"
  26. RIP Maurice Sendak
  27. The RIghteous Mind
  28. ROUSH Collection Open House today
  29. "Moderate" is the Republicans' new "Liberal"
  30. TIME MAG COVER - Are You Mom Enough?
  31. NEWSWEEK MAG COVER - 'The First Gay President'
  32. Can Our National Pastime be Saved ?
  33. R.I.P Donna Summers
  34. RIP Robin Gibbs
  35. Does this year seem particularly rough on the music world?
  36. GOP problem: 'Their voters are white, aging and dying off'
  37. Happy birthday youtube!!
  38. Voter ID Laws... Partisan Politics?
  39. Pit Bull [[Mix) kills 3-day-old baby.
  40. Nat Geo Bee
  41. Seeking Opinions About Amtrak Travel
  42. Miami Zombie
  43. House for sale, legend has it Ty Cobb lived here
  44. God Says AGAIN, "Enough is Enough"!
  45. Obama's Secret "Kill List"
  46. Boys inspiring run [[Video).
  47. New York City Mayor want's prohibition on 16 ounce softdrinks!
  48. Richard Dawson [[Match Game, Family Feud, Hogan's Heroes) Dies at 79
  49. Gentrification vs Historic preservation
  50. What a splendid result in Wisconcin.
  51. RIP Ray Bradbury
  52. When is a K9 NOT considered a full police officer?
  53. People who should just let themselves go grey [[or bald)
  54. Django Unchained - First Preview
  55. Tossing bananas and monkey chanting at black athletes.
  56. Fox News Polls Support Obama!
  57. Why should Romney be president?
  58. Someone calls Jeb Bush a socialist in 3...2...
  59. North Dakota votes to decide the fate of Property Tax...We should do the same!
  60. Rodney King dead at 47
  61. CCTV cameras, it's not all doom and gloom!!
  62. What do you shoot ?
  63. More proof that the Dutch are the coolest...The Superbus!
  64. Cars I forgot existed
  65. Gimme' Five Game
  66. Yes! We've got a Detroit-styled apartment block!
  67. House panel recommends Holder contempt citation
  68. Nuns on the Bus coming to Michigan June 22,23
  69. Funny/Interesting Campaign Ads
  70. Financially-strapped Nevada city declared disaster
  71. Walmart in yet another sticky situation.
  72. These Fools Are Keeping Us Safe?!?
  73. Oops...
  74. Derisory Bank Saving Rates
  75. Lost in Suburbia!
  76. No Light or No End to This Economic Tunnel?
  77. OK, there have been many kudos to the Dutch but...a reality show on Mars?
  78. Romney: Let the U.S. Become like Ireland
  79. Affordable Care Act [Obamacare] upheld by Supreme Court Health Care Decision Today...
  80. Lonesome George is dead at 100+
  81. Earworms!
  82. AG Schuette/Legislature could cost Michigan millions in in health insurance funding.
  83. I just realized...
  84. The ACLU Wants YOU to Record the Police!
  85. Monsanto & Illinois v. the Bees
  86. Teacher's Temporary Art
  87. Federal Judge Richard Posner: The GOP Has Made Me Less Conservative
  88. Affordable Care Act - Good or Bad?
  89. Ted Nugent: US might be better off if ‘the South won the Civil War’
  90. McCotter: quitters never prosper
  91. Libertarian Question
  92. Pennsylvania town imposes minimum wage on all city employess.
  93. Wow! Intersting car going on sale!! Al Capone's 1928 armoured Caddy!!
  94. San Bernadino, California Declaring Bankruptcy
  95. This is just cool - Scale of the Universe
  96. President Obama rewriting welfare reform law
  97. Thread deleated
  98. Stand Your Ground Pt. II: 71-Year-Old Floridian Man with Gun Open Fire
  99. King Kwame' - Trenton, NJ Version
  100. How to fix the economy
  101. Batman movie massacre - shootings in Colorado
  102. Just Keep ON Poppin' Those Pills...
  103. If I could live in any apartment complex...
  104. 21 hurt walking over hot coals at Tony Robbins event...
  105. The Jackson Family Feud!
  106. Sharp Decline in Terror Attacks After Bin Laden Death
  107. RIP Gore Vidal
  108. Feedom Of Speech * Freedom Of Religion
  109. You know you're getting old when...
  110. what in the FUCK is with the gun nuts in Florida?
  111. Here we go again... White Supremist shoots Sikh temple kills 7
  112. Sequestration
  113. What Am I?
  114. So with the focus on foreign terrorists...
  115. Some Researchers Have All The Fun
  116. President's brother can't get a visa or help for his sick kid
  117. One Helluva Price for Free Speech
  118. "They're going to put y'all back in chains."...
  119. Freak Explosion Kills Graduate
  120. "Forcible Rape" I Have No Words..
  121. Psycho Of The Month Thread
  122. My blast from the past day
  123. In Today's Crazy News...
  124. More Cowbell !
  125. A moment of cognitive dissonance...
  126. Does Mitt have dementia already?
  127. Arizona has Coyote fever [[Coyote in his most devilish Trickster mode)
  128. R.I.P Neil Armstrong
  129. 'Cuz It's Really Dad and Grampa's Fault
  130. Chicago Violence Up Over 27% and That Doesn't Include August Numbers
  131. Huge Rail Bridge Installation
  132. The 2012 Republican National Convention
  133. Reducing the Deficit... Is it really that important ?
  134. Micro-Pressure Barometer?
  135. Ryan Doesn't LIE, He 'Mis-States', Really
  136. The 2012 Democratic National Convention
  137. The Moon is Dead
  138. RIP Michael Clark Duncan
  139. Romney Tax Records Allegedly Held For $1M Ransom
  140. Positive Use for Surveillance Cameras
  141. Did the Republicans Deliberately Crash the US Economy?
  142. Getting 3rd party SPAM from people who know the names of people in your address book.
  143. Curious Article On Heart Disease-Oddly Truthful
  144. Straßeschadenfreude
  145. Hollywood Sucking It
  146. Chicago Public School Teachers ON STRIKE!
  147. How Does One Go About Celebrating Their Birthday If It's On 9/11?
  148. An absolutely terrifying glimpse at the future of America.
  149. 9/11/12 Embassy, Ambassador, Prophet Depiction, Mobs, Politicians...
  150. Attention, Irish Detroiters! a good read for you...
  151. Let's play Name That Tune
  152. Should Romney be allowed to carry a gun?
  153. Unemployment. Do the Math.
  154. Will evangelical christians vote for a mormon?
  155. My latest crackpot money-making scheme...
  156. Iranian Ownership of KFC and Wendy"s, truth or rumor?
  157. Official 2012 Presidential Debate Thread
  158. CT; 15 Year Old Hooded Kid [[Suspected Burglar) Killed by .....
  159. Obama May Do Social Security Reform... Senate Democrats Worry
  160. RealClearPolitics Poll Averages
  161. Attention GoogleEarth/Maps Image Treasure Hunters
  162. Fox in Harper Woods running loose
  163. Breast Cancer Marketing Tie-ins Are Cheesin Me Off
  164. An old fart and his music.
  165. Seeking advice about real estate transaction
  166. Statewide ballot Proposals
  167. What's wrong with this picture?
  168. Open Doors Worldwide
  169. The House I Live In. Cannot wait to see this movie on the failed drug war.
  170. Virgil goode - a true conservative
  171. Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files for Bankruptcy Protection
  172. The Secret Life of Mormonism
  173. RIP Russell Means
  174. Save lives! Vote yes on proposal 3!!!
  175. Need help re: A voting fraud news story
  176. Most Americans do NOT like black people.
  177. Post Election civil unrest?
  178. The secret life of Jehovah's Witnesses.
  179. Disney just bought Lucasfilm? Episode 7 coming in 2015?
  180. Obama: "We Leave Nobody Behind"
  181. Corruption at Montreal City Hall.
  182. Becoming More Third World Everyday
  183. Pelosi: "August 11th, mark that date on your calendar... onward to victory!"
  184. Biden: "Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?"
  185. City 311 Tracker App
  186. Election Day 11-6-2012
  187. To improve the national economy bring all manufacturing jobs back!
  188. So Romney lost the state he was Governor, his birth state and birth county
  189. I got something cool!
  190. Guess Which President Was The Smallest Spender Since Eisenhower...
  191. Fiscal Cliff Thread
  192. 18 States petition to Secede due to President Obama's reelection....
  193. Wherein Obama becomes the best president ever for the oil industry...
  194. The School of Carhartt
  195. F#@& Mitt Romney.
  196. Still Trying To Hinder Cannabis Consumption
  197. Affirmative Action Ban Voted Unconstitutional
  198. A man wants Toledo back to Michigan.
  199. Israel widens air assault on Gaza after Hamas targets Jerusalem
  200. Marilyn Monroe Curiosity and More
  201. "Because We Cannot Afford To Gather The Scraps" coming soon to the trolls, too
  202. Roadway Art Work in Las Vegas
  203. Walmart Strike on Black Friday
  204. Bill Schuette still fighting the Affordable Care Act
  205. Michigan Republicans move to privatize public education
  206. Zig Ziglar RIP...
  207. Stop listening to the Banksters...
  208. Proposed law would bar jobs and schools from demanding outside passwords.
  209. Michigan Town Woos Hollywood, Ends Up With Bit Part
  210. Lives of black males are still not worth shit. Especially in Florida.
  211. Old colonial house in Montreal circa 1739.
  212. Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says right-to-work issue is on the table
  213. The New York Post thought this page was appropriate a man's horrible death.
  214. Let's "Take Five" for Dave Brubeck, 1920-2012
  215. ObamaCare Architect Leaves Adminsitration For....Big Pharma Job
  216. Noted Architect Oscar Niemeyer: 1907 to 2012
  217. Will Rick Snyder be reelected in 2014?
  218. The Magic Holiday Choo-choo
  219. Michigan Utility Workers gone east for Hurricane Sandy garners resentment.
  220. Ready for even more media consolidation?
  221. Can a RTW Michigan Compete with Mexico?
  222. Chicago is losing population fast!
  223. What IF Cannabis is the Cure for Cancer?!
  224. The biggest ship on the planet just moored in Rotterdam.
  225. What ARE The Odds? LIBOR links to TWO Major Mass-murders
  226. Junk Food IS Addictive?!
  227. HSBC Admits To Laundering Billions and Financing Terrorsts - Let off With a Fine
  228. Electoral College next in the crosshairs?
  229. New Tappan Zee Bridge
  230. This is the beginning....
  231. Top 10 Reasons Science Is Just Another Religion
  232. Question about Scientology~Things that make you go "hmmmm"
  233. Nice video on how to understand why my country was named Holland,or the Netherlands.
  234. Freedom was more popular than it is today
  235. White Racism
  236. Black Adder marathon
  237. Cars - What Year, Make, and Model?
  238. Goats are freaking HILARIOUS!!
  239. The Voices in Your Head
  240. Strange lights in the sky
  241. How cool is this!!
  242. The Plural of S?
  243. Excecutive Order Provides Pay Raise For Congress, Federal Workers, Joe Biden
  244. Motorhead - Ace of spades, not quite as you know it.
  245. Oh Oh! Here come another Debt Ceiling Proposal.
  246. The Police have NO legal obligation to protect you!
  247. snowboard geek descends Mount Royal into Montreal's downtown.
  248. Who Plays With Handcuffs?
  249. F comcast
  250. Why is the Amnesty Box Always Empty?