View Full Version : Non Detroit Issues
Pages :
- Detroit could learn from the 4/16 Charlie Rose show
- RC Drifting--Ken Block style.
- If there were such a travesty of justice...
- Holographic Universe?
- Photo Flap
- Forty years after publication of "The Limits to Growth"
- Dick Clark dead at 82
- What's up with KONY 2012!
- Presidential Preference Quiz
- Remembering Levon Helm
- Republicans' Replacement Healthcare Plan
- Atheist more ethical
- Think DPS is Bad?
- Race relations in Alabama set back 20 years
- Welcome to Post Racial USA...
- anybody participate in the Gov. Snyder webcast townhall?
- A trip up Chicago's Abandoned Sears Tower
- Wolverine buys Payless
- legitimate reasons to have a catheter nin your arm?
- Trayvon martin Case Spurs Investigations Around The Country
- Kentucky Derby post time
- RIP Adam [[MCA) Yauch
- It's official! The State of New Mexico is mostly Mexican/Hispanic.
- Amish Children Remarkably Immune
- Your daily dose of dishonesty: Romney: "I'll Take A Lot Of Credit' For Auto Industry"
- RIP Maurice Sendak
- The RIghteous Mind
- ROUSH Collection Open House today
- "Moderate" is the Republicans' new "Liberal"
- TIME MAG COVER - Are You Mom Enough?
- NEWSWEEK MAG COVER - 'The First Gay President'
- Can Our National Pastime be Saved ?
- R.I.P Donna Summers
- RIP Robin Gibbs
- Does this year seem particularly rough on the music world?
- GOP problem: 'Their voters are white, aging and dying off'
- Happy birthday youtube!!
- Voter ID Laws... Partisan Politics?
- Pit Bull [[Mix) kills 3-day-old baby.
- Nat Geo Bee
- Seeking Opinions About Amtrak Travel
- Miami Zombie
- House for sale, legend has it Ty Cobb lived here
- God Says AGAIN, "Enough is Enough"!
- Obama's Secret "Kill List"
- Boys inspiring run [[Video).
- New York City Mayor want's prohibition on 16 ounce softdrinks!
- Richard Dawson [[Match Game, Family Feud, Hogan's Heroes) Dies at 79
- Gentrification vs Historic preservation
- What a splendid result in Wisconcin.
- RIP Ray Bradbury
- When is a K9 NOT considered a full police officer?
- People who should just let themselves go grey [[or bald)
- Django Unchained - First Preview
- Tossing bananas and monkey chanting at black athletes.
- Fox News Polls Support Obama!
- Why should Romney be president?
- Someone calls Jeb Bush a socialist in 3...2...
- North Dakota votes to decide the fate of Property Tax...We should do the same!
- Rodney King dead at 47
- CCTV cameras, it's not all doom and gloom!!
- What do you shoot ?
- More proof that the Dutch are the coolest...The Superbus!
- Cars I forgot existed
- Gimme' Five Game
- Yes! We've got a Detroit-styled apartment block!
- House panel recommends Holder contempt citation
- Nuns on the Bus coming to Michigan June 22,23
- Funny/Interesting Campaign Ads
- Financially-strapped Nevada city declared disaster
- Walmart in yet another sticky situation.
- These Fools Are Keeping Us Safe?!?
- Oops...
- Derisory Bank Saving Rates
- Lost in Suburbia!
- No Light or No End to This Economic Tunnel?
- OK, there have been many kudos to the Dutch but...a reality show on Mars?
- Romney: Let the U.S. Become like Ireland
- Affordable Care Act [Obamacare] upheld by Supreme Court Health Care Decision Today...
- Lonesome George is dead at 100+
- Earworms!
- AG Schuette/Legislature could cost Michigan millions in in health insurance funding.
- I just realized...
- The ACLU Wants YOU to Record the Police!
- Monsanto & Illinois v. the Bees
- Teacher's Temporary Art
- Federal Judge Richard Posner: The GOP Has Made Me Less Conservative
- Affordable Care Act - Good or Bad?
- Ted Nugent: US might be better off if ‘the South won the Civil War’
- McCotter: quitters never prosper
- Libertarian Question
- Pennsylvania town imposes minimum wage on all city employess.
- Wow! Intersting car going on sale!! Al Capone's 1928 armoured Caddy!!
- San Bernadino, California Declaring Bankruptcy
- This is just cool - Scale of the Universe
- President Obama rewriting welfare reform law
- Thread deleated
- Stand Your Ground Pt. II: 71-Year-Old Floridian Man with Gun Open Fire
- King Kwame' - Trenton, NJ Version
- How to fix the economy
- Batman movie massacre - shootings in Colorado
- Just Keep ON Poppin' Those Pills...
- If I could live in any apartment complex...
- 21 hurt walking over hot coals at Tony Robbins event...
- The Jackson Family Feud!
- Sharp Decline in Terror Attacks After Bin Laden Death
- RIP Gore Vidal
- Feedom Of Speech * Freedom Of Religion
- You know you're getting old when...
- what in the FUCK is with the gun nuts in Florida?
- Here we go again... White Supremist shoots Sikh temple kills 7
- Sequestration
- What Am I?
- So with the focus on foreign terrorists...
- Some Researchers Have All The Fun
- President's brother can't get a visa or help for his sick kid
- One Helluva Price for Free Speech
- "They're going to put y'all back in chains."...
- Freak Explosion Kills Graduate
- "Forcible Rape" I Have No Words..
- Psycho Of The Month Thread
- My blast from the past day
- In Today's Crazy News...
- More Cowbell !
- A moment of cognitive dissonance...
- Does Mitt have dementia already?
- Arizona has Coyote fever [[Coyote in his most devilish Trickster mode)
- R.I.P Neil Armstrong
- 'Cuz It's Really Dad and Grampa's Fault
- Chicago Violence Up Over 27% and That Doesn't Include August Numbers
- Huge Rail Bridge Installation
- The 2012 Republican National Convention
- Reducing the Deficit... Is it really that important ?
- Micro-Pressure Barometer?
- Ryan Doesn't LIE, He 'Mis-States', Really
- The 2012 Democratic National Convention
- The Moon is Dead
- RIP Michael Clark Duncan
- Romney Tax Records Allegedly Held For $1M Ransom
- Positive Use for Surveillance Cameras
- Did the Republicans Deliberately Crash the US Economy?
- Getting 3rd party SPAM from people who know the names of people in your address book.
- Curious Article On Heart Disease-Oddly Truthful
- Straßeschadenfreude
- Hollywood Sucking It
- Chicago Public School Teachers ON STRIKE!
- How Does One Go About Celebrating Their Birthday If It's On 9/11?
- An absolutely terrifying glimpse at the future of America.
- 9/11/12 Embassy, Ambassador, Prophet Depiction, Mobs, Politicians...
- Attention, Irish Detroiters! a good read for you...
- Let's play Name That Tune
- Should Romney be allowed to carry a gun?
- Unemployment. Do the Math.
- Will evangelical christians vote for a mormon?
- My latest crackpot money-making scheme...
- Iranian Ownership of KFC and Wendy"s, truth or rumor?
- Official 2012 Presidential Debate Thread
- CT; 15 Year Old Hooded Kid [[Suspected Burglar) Killed by .....
- Obama May Do Social Security Reform... Senate Democrats Worry
- RealClearPolitics Poll Averages
- Attention GoogleEarth/Maps Image Treasure Hunters
- Fox in Harper Woods running loose
- Breast Cancer Marketing Tie-ins Are Cheesin Me Off
- An old fart and his music.
- Seeking advice about real estate transaction
- Statewide ballot Proposals
- What's wrong with this picture?
- Open Doors Worldwide
- The House I Live In. Cannot wait to see this movie on the failed drug war.
- Virgil goode - a true conservative
- Electric Car Battery Maker A123 Systems Files for Bankruptcy Protection
- The Secret Life of Mormonism
- RIP Russell Means
- Save lives! Vote yes on proposal 3!!!
- Need help re: A voting fraud news story
- Most Americans do NOT like black people.
- Post Election civil unrest?
- The secret life of Jehovah's Witnesses.
- Disney just bought Lucasfilm? Episode 7 coming in 2015?
- Obama: "We Leave Nobody Behind"
- Corruption at Montreal City Hall.
- Becoming More Third World Everyday
- Pelosi: "August 11th, mark that date on your calendar... onward to victory!"
- Biden: "Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?"
- City 311 Tracker App
- Election Day 11-6-2012
- To improve the national economy bring all manufacturing jobs back!
- So Romney lost the state he was Governor, his birth state and birth county
- I got something cool!
- Guess Which President Was The Smallest Spender Since Eisenhower...
- Fiscal Cliff Thread
- 18 States petition to Secede due to President Obama's reelection....
- Wherein Obama becomes the best president ever for the oil industry...
- The School of Carhartt
- F#@& Mitt Romney.
- Still Trying To Hinder Cannabis Consumption
- Affirmative Action Ban Voted Unconstitutional
- A man wants Toledo back to Michigan.
- Israel widens air assault on Gaza after Hamas targets Jerusalem
- Marilyn Monroe Curiosity and More
- "Because We Cannot Afford To Gather The Scraps" coming soon to the trolls, too
- Roadway Art Work in Las Vegas
- Walmart Strike on Black Friday
- Bill Schuette still fighting the Affordable Care Act
- Michigan Republicans move to privatize public education
- Zig Ziglar RIP...
- Stop listening to the Banksters...
- Proposed law would bar jobs and schools from demanding outside passwords.
- Michigan Town Woos Hollywood, Ends Up With Bit Part
- Lives of black males are still not worth shit. Especially in Florida.
- Old colonial house in Montreal circa 1739.
- Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says right-to-work issue is on the table
- The New York Post thought this page was appropriate a man's horrible death.
- Let's "Take Five" for Dave Brubeck, 1920-2012
- ObamaCare Architect Leaves Adminsitration For....Big Pharma Job
- Noted Architect Oscar Niemeyer: 1907 to 2012
- Will Rick Snyder be reelected in 2014?
- The Magic Holiday Choo-choo
- Michigan Utility Workers gone east for Hurricane Sandy garners resentment.
- Ready for even more media consolidation?
- Can a RTW Michigan Compete with Mexico?
- Chicago is losing population fast!
- What IF Cannabis is the Cure for Cancer?!
- The biggest ship on the planet just moored in Rotterdam.
- What ARE The Odds? LIBOR links to TWO Major Mass-murders
- Junk Food IS Addictive?!
- HSBC Admits To Laundering Billions and Financing Terrorsts - Let off With a Fine
- Electoral College next in the crosshairs?
- New Tappan Zee Bridge
- This is the beginning....
- Top 10 Reasons Science Is Just Another Religion
- Question about Scientology~Things that make you go "hmmmm"
- Nice video on how to understand why my country was named Holland,or the Netherlands.
- Freedom was more popular than it is today
- White Racism
- Black Adder marathon
- Cars - What Year, Make, and Model?
- Goats are freaking HILARIOUS!!
- The Voices in Your Head
- Strange lights in the sky
- How cool is this!!
- The Plural of S?
- Excecutive Order Provides Pay Raise For Congress, Federal Workers, Joe Biden
- Motorhead - Ace of spades, not quite as you know it.
- Oh Oh! Here come another Debt Ceiling Proposal.
- The Police have NO legal obligation to protect you!
- snowboard geek descends Mount Royal into Montreal's downtown.
- Who Plays With Handcuffs?
- F comcast
- Why is the Amnesty Box Always Empty?
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