View Full Version : Chit Chat Room
- About the Forum
- Job Referals- New Job Leads everyday
- Job Referrals- New Job Leads everyday
- Hall of Fame Community Garwood Mansion
- Yay! OK, Who's here already?!
- Hall of Fame Community St. Jude Church/School Nostalgia
- BB Codes
- Attachment Quota
- Music- What are you listening to?
- Hall of Fame Thread Food again - the Dyes cooking thread.
- Registration not working? Did you click your activation link & wait?
- Fun Videos
- Alphabet Game
- Word Association
- RIC Residents
- Ye Olde DetroitYES Legacy Thread
- Old DYes Forum Nostalgia
- Ad on left side of page
- Mother of Our Savior all class 60's reunion
- Looking for a little bit of work from a City of Detroit certified plumber
- Ignore function
- DY thinks hubby is me
- DetYES on cell phones
- Important Info. You May Have Missed
- Whatever happened to . . .
- DPD Callbox Key...Help, anyone?
- Check it out
- Lawyers in the D
- How's the city's murder rate faring this year?
- Detroit Blues Heritage Series @ the Scarab Club
- What do you collect?
- Paging Plymouthres
- Trip report
- Oakland Mall Hudson's
- Sultry soul songstress in need of a gig!
- Hall of Fame Thread Save the Date: DetroitYES Picnic, Sunday, May 24
- Hall of Fame Thread The Detroit street peddlers - remember them ?
- Puggles
- vampire / twilighters roll call
- Take a Hike, Tponetom
- Balduck park continued
- Are there any other kayakers out there?
- Deano Day Dies
- fitnessworks vs. YMCA
- A taboo experiment? Tpone
- Urban Gardeners and Wannabees All
- Paging Gannon
- Paging Bigb23, et al, Tpone
- slightly frustrated
- Alberta Adams wins two Detroit Music Awards on 4/17/09
- Saving Detroit starts with us
- "My Best Girl" [[1925) at the redford this coming saturday--ONLY
- Paging Ravine, Erie, Jane, Bigb23, Gaz, Ragtop, et al- Tponetom
- Paging Gazhekwe
- 4/25/09 is World Tai Chi Day
- Hall of Fame Thread Growing up in Detroit
- Peace Corps Volunteer Roll Call
- Need Something Cool To Do late on Saturday April 25th?
- St. Patrick's Spring Irish Festival
- J. Geils Band at The Filmore
- Rss
- the Masters Restaurant in Mad Hgts
- The Promiscuity of Gratiot Avenue
- Foran's Grand Trunk Sunday Brunches
- Swine Flu
- Joe Perry Hot Sauce. Where 2 buy?
- Papaging Pam
- I'm going to NYC for the first time...
- Nightmare and the Detroit Connection, Tponetom
- FSC - Thursday, May 7 The Well?
- Georgia Street Community Collective - Next Event!
- CAC Music in Homes: Spencer Barefield Quartet, Sat., May 02
- AS400 computer environment?
- What do you do for a living?
- Melancholia Breeds Redundancy, Tponetom.
- Glass Bottle Pepsi in Detroit? Where to buy?
- THE first Forum baby from the first forum couple! Mazeltov!
- Comerica Park Shuttles
- Vernors t-shirts--anyone know where to find them?
- Paging exdetroiter
- 2 different computers 2 different screen views
- What's your opinion of network monitoring for small businesses?
- Job Referral - Technical Sales Reps
- Re: My recent post, Melancholia,,,,,tponetom.
- Old vs. New DYES Forum User Names...
- Dog Kennels
- Help me pick out what degree to get at University [[Want to be an Urban Planner) .
- Model willing to vomit needed
- Paging Sean Of Detroit
- Alberta Adams at the Apollo
- Where Is New Pipe-Smoking Guy?
- Did You Attend Carleton Elementary?
- paging Ray1936
- Career / Job posting websites?
- FSC - May 14 at Motor City
- Detroit Resident Study
- DetroitYES Masthead & Sidebar Photos AWOL
- Downtown Hoedown 2009
- Paging Crystal
- Paging Cub and Jams!
- Going to Ontario with a Dog
- Paging Ray1936, et al, tponetom
- Hall of Fame Thread Advice Wanted: Elderly Parent Moving In
- Letter from France, 1944
- Movement 09 photos
- Anyone Know A Good Business Lawyer?
- Cameras at the Joe
- I Want To Join The DPD.
- Homeless citizens
- Detroit-a Dare! Twin Cities? Tponetom
- Pet Theft in Corktown
- A Muted, But Real, Sadness, tponetom
- Images Don't Show Up In IE8
- Home is Where the Heart Is. tponetom
- Georgia "Sweet Georgia" Street
- Austin Antique Car Show
- Doctor recommendations
- More crime in corktown
- Saturday, July 25th @ 4:30 PM: Wedding Celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Cub!
- Thoughts at large
- Mackenzie Annual Picnic June 28
- Andrew Linn [[aka andylinn) Charter Commission Campaign Fundraiser! [[Hydroplane Race)
- Saturday, June 27, Jazzin' On Jefferson
- Piddling in the Puddles, tponetom
- If You Ever go Across the Sea,,,,,tponetom
- Bunratty Castle, Part 2, tponetom
- Roller Disco
- Pekin Pavillion
- Anybody work at the Detroit Historical Society?
- Isaac Newton School 1964 to 1969
- Lorax - Automotive question
- DetroitDad Blogging in Campus Martius
- END xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Lowell USER NAME orig -->
- Screen shot of forum
- paging anyone who keeps farm animals in the city...
- Paging Eriedearie and Bobl
- The Seven Archangels,,, tponetom
- Paging Lowell,,,,tponetom
- Where were you 70 years ago today?
- Hall of Fame Community Northwest Detroit Six Mile& Outer Drive
- Sunday: Dog Days of Summer event at local farmers market
- Injury Attorney Recommendations
- winter wonderland skating rink
- Selassie I Fun Day
- BigB23....Where are you?
- The "COOL" Streets of Detroit, tponetom
- Pretty Kitty needs a home
- Wheel around Detroit on a Segway tour
- 911 truthers
- Paging eriedearie!
- Lafayette Park Co-ops and Senior Living
- I can't find my new car
- Coca Cola with cane sugar found
- Redford Theatre open house--Saturday August 1st.
- Victory Lutheran Church
- Mother of Our Savior Reunion Aug 15th
- Computer/Tech Questions
- Hall of Fame Community Georgia St. Back to School BackPack Giveaway
- Detroit Curb/Concrete Work?
- PAGING: Hardcore Bean soup lovers. Tponetom
- Hall of Fame Thread Paging Gazhekwe
- Perseid meteor shower
- FREE Bus Tour of SW Detroit
- Hard Core Bean Soup Lovers, Part II. tponetom
- Bates Academy 2009 Reunion for all classes- August 22nd
- Hardcore Bean Soup Lovers. Part III, tponetom
- Paging Bobl, Gannon, Ravine, et al,
- Paging Ray1936 or especially Mrs Ray
- Paging EEV residents
- Paging MasterBlaster
- Oakland Christian School's 3rd Annual Servathon
- Transit for the armchair Planner
- FSC Anyone?
- Paging Tponetom
- Was Roesink Jewish?
- New Google Warnings -This site may harm your computer.
- PAGING Eriedearie
- Is it me, or is this site getting better and better?
- Paging Birwood
- Paging Cub
- Swingin' Jazz Tonight 9/11/2009 at Cliff Bells
- A ghostly experience.
- Paging Grumpyoldlady
- A TREE GROWS IN DETROIT,[[ I hope.) tponetom
- Paging BobI, tponetom
- Where to go for car stereo installation?
- Paging Gannon
- Google Wave To Revolutionize Internet Communication?
- New spam using ATT&T name
- Live in Midtown? Lose your cat?
- I got hitched!
- Buying used cars...
- Looking for website with Detroit property, tax foreclosures.
- Mikeg; gimmie a holler
- WWJ Newsradio 95
- Pepperoni rolls?
- Forum Gathering, Wednesday, October 21
- Furniture Dying
- Degree in Community Development at CMU [[off campus) opinions about it [[urban planners
- J.M. Citron
- Happy 73rd Birthday Ray1936!
- Where do you shop in Detroit?
- · · · — — — · · · Calling Zulu Warrior · · · — — — · · ·
- What happened to Jjaba?
- Hey isle_of_fun...
- Hall of Fame Community Georgia Street Community Collective Upcoming Events
- just for fun
- Doan Park - Prest & Orangelawn area
- One D Seeking Interviewees for Detroit Public Television
- Paging JAMS!
- Good Bye DetroitYes! - Hello ClevelandYes?
- Happy Halloween DetroitYES!
- Kenn Cox - Donald Walden CD release party
- U-M Map Library Open House 11/19/09
- Paging Ray1936
- New DetroitYES Masthead
- George Ford School - Kindergarden
- A Preamble To A Swan song. tponetom
- What is the highest completed degree you hold?
- POLL: What is the highest completed degree you hold?
- Rat invasion.. Ideas anyone
- Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Supersport
- seeking advice about labor laws
- Does Anybody Really Know What
- Paging PurpleHeart
- Resale shopping
- Old enough to remember
- Negative Nancy
- Big Bear Market & G & C Market
- southwest
- blksoul is the greatest poster in the history of DY
- Announcing! St. Matthew's Class Reunion - December 27, 2009
- Paging 1kielson
- searching for anyone that knows anything about the old drag artists in detroit
- Any Questions about the St. Matt's All Class Reunion?
- xbox360 repair
- Happy Thanksgiving, What Are You Thankful For?
- Squatter Laws
- Looking for a dominican hair salon
- Hall of Fame Community Holiday Dinner - Georgia Street Community
- What Is UNETS Detroit?
- Paging Histeric
- Happy Birthday Gannon
- A philosophical question for DYes
- Paging Gnome
- Woodward and Washington in Royal Oak
- Visiting Detroit
- Need a driver for a few days
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