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  1. Dr. Alveda King - "How Can The Dream Survive"
  2. looking for family members in warren michigan
  3. How to spend a day/night in Windsor?
  4. 10th Annual DetroitYES Picnic, Sunday, June 3, 2012 - Milliken State Park!
  5. Central Village Neighborhood Association Monthly Clean-up
  6. Utica billboard to display digital works of art
  7. Upper Peninsula
  8. My Arrival in Detroit. Tponetom
  9. SilverCup Bread
  10. Ford Road: a new novel with Detroit connections
  11. Sanborn Maps / Macomb County
  12. well crap.. no more job..
  13. Any insider tips for general labor/machine operator jobs?
  14. Vicious heat? In the U. P.? tponetom
  15. Rose Truck and Caster Co.
  16. Digital [[cable) phone service help needed
  17. Paging Bobl, MikefMich, Gaz, Gannon,
  18. Visiting Detroit
  19. Klezmer Concert at Detroit Burton Theater, Sun. July 15, 4pm
  20. Detroit Police Call box key
  21. I want to vacay at a cabin "up North"
  22. Solar equipment in the Detroit area
  23. Detroit Products
  24. I'm looking for swimming holes.....
  25. Once Upon a Time, there was a Bank, tponetom
  26. The American Community Survey
  27. Agawa Canyon-Algoma Central Railroad
  28. PMCDET.com - Where people go to see how Detroit Party
  29. Ceramic tile art mosaic pictures for viewing.
  30. Favorite non-profits, community organizations & resources?
  31. Need to find a good person to refinish my hardwood floors
  32. What do you all think about schools like Ross, Dorsey, Everest, et. al?
  33. Vote 4 the BEST
  34. Dumpster Rental Recommendations
  35. Hello to all our Detroit friends
  36. attention, Irish Detroiters! a new book you'll enjoy...
  37. In need of linoleum tiles for art project.
  38. The Son of Man to speak in Detroit this Sunday [[Sept 23, 2012)
  39. Spray on pick up truck bedliners
  40. ZIP-lined
  41. The Dinosaur Days of Detroit! Tponetom
  42. Positive thoughts about Detroit
  43. Life a Memory Film Project.
  44. Internet Providers
  45. Any computer geeks in the Corridor need a few bucks helping me with my PC laptop?
  46. EEV Home Tour - Renovated Homes for Sale - Sun Oct 14 1-5p
  47. Paging Gannon, Gazhekwe, Mikefmich, et al,
  48. Sincere Gratitude For Unexpected DetroitYES! Angel Status
  49. Text Display Question
  50. The Great Detroit? It was-It is-It will be documentary coming soon on Dvd
  51. How do you negotiate the price of a new car?
  52. Poll - all-evening election coverage
  53. Any Spartans in/near the city?
  54. Building that Oslo is in.
  55. Recommendation needed: Shelf builder and painter
  56. Strong Detroiters comin on Strong
  57. Needed:Office Space Downtown
  58. Looking for Business and Business Partner
  59. Happy berfday gnome
  60. Have you given Detroit and Metro Detroit an ultimatum before you leave?
  61. Archives?
  62. Artist Wanted For A Fiesability Study
  63. It is Never Too Early For Christmas
  64. The Fourteen days of ,,What? tponetom
  65. Moving to Detroit!!! [[also posted in 'Discuss Detroit'. Sorry, IDK where to post)
  66. Is the Book Tower next for residential conversion?
  67. Fairview Village History Publication
  68. Paging Peggy O. [[and other Romantiks), tponetom
  69. Just Another Christmas Day, tponetom
  70. What kind of lies have you told on your dates?
  71. Date Club coming to the D
  72. New to Forum, hoping to find someone who grew up on East side, south of Jefferson
  73. Baseball league for special-needs kids now accepting registrations for next season
  74. Sanders caramel cake frosting
  75. Did You Attend Arthur Jr. High?
  76. Paging Hornwrecker
  77. In need of a business plan writer
  78. Lower East Side
  79. DetroitYES! Webpages Recently Scrolling Slowly?
  80. East Side Club [[c1892) - At foot of bridge to Belle Isle. Anyone have pics?
  81. One More time, A Valentine, tponetom
  82. used tools and equipment stores
  83. Anyone else having issues with using non USA ASCII codes on DetroitYES....
  84. Group rate ticket fundaiser events for the Lion King?
  85. Pest Control business in Detroit
  86. Unsolicited Phone Calls/Text Messages - A fight back game solution?
  87. Has anyone been to Sleeping Bear Dunes?
  88. Thank You Forum Members
  89. Oak Park Single Family Home for Rent
  90. The Detroit Sanctuary Project - Get Involved!
  91. My Mother, the CON Lady, tponetom
  92. Detroit City Summer Camp
  93. From the Hinterlands, an Amazing CAID Party
  94. Give me some love and i'll be back.
  95. Philly Magazine article on race relations
  96. I'm done. The people on this site are pathetic
  97. Trappers Alley Shopping Center
  98. Detroit Eviction Defense Taste Fest
  99. Paging 56packman, Packman41, et al
  100. Need old 50's to 70's photos of Grand River-Greenfield area
  101. Choir/choral recital
  102. Looking for mens Z Cavaricci pants for very important project.
  103. Comcast Email Problem Fix
  104. Need a mechanic for front end work on Toyota!
  105. Ian Cooke, Cello Phenom, Coming to Town in early May
  106. Looking for warehouse space to throw charity event.
  107. hello Gistok
  108. Eastside Memories!
  109. Grammar: Is it important? Where did it go?
  110. DY picnic?
  111. Duggan event
  112. An at home with Duggan
  113. Kunstler Primer
  114. Party with Audra Kubat Friday Night at Hastings Street Ballroom 06/07/2013
  115. Apropos of nothing
  116. Heed help
  117. Academic article about DetroitYES
  118. 2013 11th Annual DetroitYES Picnic - Sunday, June 23 At 12 Noon On Belle Isle
  119. Lost Greyhound in Corktown
  120. Paging Ladies , Young and Mature. tponetom
  121. Defyne Clothing Co.
  122. Georgia Street Community Collective School Supply Drive
  123. Has Anyone Else Been Finding Silver Certificates Lately?
  124. Cities begin to use eminent domain to keep people in homes
  125. Why don't doctors listen
  126. Do you own or carry a gun?
  127. DetroitYES programmer Wins a Michigan State Handball Championship
  128. Greatest Music of the 60's Radio...is coming to Royal Oak
  129. Texting etiquette
  130. Grosse Pointe Little League [[rep. Michigan) is the Little League World Series.
  131. serious creeped
  132. walking advertisments
  133. Twelve Little Urchins, [[All From Detroit,) tponetom
  134. need some info on former schools
  135. funny food names
  136. Jazz Talk Tent at the Detroit Jazz Festival -
  137. Detroit Sports Discussion Has Been Merged Back Into Discuss Detroit Forum
  138. Need a little help
  139. Build a better block
  140. A little bit of awesome.
  141. Paging Sumas
  142. Reporter writing about Detroit Housing Commission
  143. Lost Mariners Remembrance on Belle Isle - Sunday November 10
  144. Forum Issues
  145. Paging......gee, I don't know just WHO?
  146. Anyone else having issues with the site? Windows 8 issue?
  147. Any 1970's-90's photos of Wyandotte, Southgate and nearby areas?
  148. A detroit christmas. 1940
  149. A Decent Buttery Spread Anyone? Canola OIL FREE...
  150. My Favorite Memory?? Yes, THE Parade! tponetom
  151. Paging BobI
  152. Why has this site been suddenly going offline?
  153. Check ALL Yer Faucets & Toilets, People!
  154. Paging William Powell? [[the thin man) tponetom
  155. Paging Nickcharles
  156. Local Screen Writing/Creative Writing Classes For A Teen
  157. House Cleaning Service Recommendation?
  158. Do You Miss Strong Detroit Man and his positive comments
  159. Summer Job for Urban Planning?
  160. Trial balloon
  161. Paging Both Genders, Valentine Time, tponetom
  162. open letter to Lowell
  163. The Heat Was On, In Many Ways, Tponetom
  164. Detroit Resources and Web Links
  165. BRT is anti-family!
  166. Reliable Inexpensive Handyman Recomendation, Aviation Sub.
  167. dogs barking
  168. Hijacked - Nobody died just lots of time lost
  169. Can't We All Get Along?
  170. A collaborative short story, written by DYes Forum members.
  171. Anyone know of an elementary school that needs books?
  172. Paging mikefmich, et al
  173. I turn 60 today!
  174. Classic Restos - Edsel & Eleanor Ford's House
  175. a short rant
  176. Nice things
  177. 7 mile and Gilchrist
  178. Lenten Reflection Service
  179. Detroit Development Pictures 2006 - Today [[and updating) thread
  180. The Great Detroit documentary is going to Europe this June
  181. Hackers' Holiday - Microsoft Ends Updates & Support for the XP Operation System Today
  182. stalking
  183. easter
  184. soccer sucks
  185. abused children
  186. UPDATE: Posting Problem Solved thanks to EMU Steve - PAGING LOWELL - Posting Problems
  187. total kudos to ems
  188. Trikes "Made in Detroit"
  189. Seeking a good real estate appraiser for Detroit buildings
  190. Paging Gnome
  191. shirty
  192. kid activity advice
  193. ok Lowell what gives?
  194. Kathleen, DY picnic?
  195. Hey, Where's Ray?
  196. Hamtramck Multi-Media Arts Event 'Near Death Experience' Coming Fri. June 13.
  197. Paging danny!
  198. Steam Excursion Times through Wyandotte
  199. Paging Tponetom
  200. Paging Somebody, Please, Tponetom
  201. detroit yes is now Detroit no
  202. Senior Friendship Day @ Chene Park
  203. Tie's That Bind. Tponetom
  204. ItsJeff Bench
  205. waiting for code jquery.com
  206. A Re-run for Movie Buffs, Tponetom
  207. Anyone flying Kites lately? Purchase Local or Suburban?
  208. Ceiling Repair in Wyandotte area?
  209. Should this be a goal for Detroit?
  210. Cheap Residential Wireless in Detroit
  211. HO HUM: Just another Labor Day
  212. Ancient DetroitYES Forum Excavated
  213. Paging Gazhekwe
  214. Paging Sumas and old guy. Tponetom
  215. A Treat from Tponetom -- Some pictures to share with you
  216. A Story For Gazhekwe, Tponetom
  217. Black Journalists Convention in Detroit this weekend Oct. 10-12
  218. Bennett and Straight Architects
  219. Photos wanted of Detroit businesses.
  220. 1912-1917 High Schools if living in Detroit?
  221. I photobombed Google!
  222. Gloria Dey Lutheran 7mile and Gilchrist Church
  223. Big time wrestling
  224. Mr Gannon
  225. Documentary seeks people from Metro Detroit to talk about civil rights
  226. Prayers for a former member
  227. It's that time of year again. Post your favorite Christmas Songs
  228. Postal Service?
  229. Christmas? Early? Old? You should have been there! Tponetom
  230. I was Assaulted by security @ The Majestic on 10/25_Did you witness it?
  231. taiil gating
  232. New Years Revelation!: What do other forum posters think of you.
  233. Looking for hamtownkingpin or Edziu
  234. My Annual... Get rid of your cold quickly rant.....
  235. Happy New Year everyone
  236. Frozen Burst Pipes or let it drip ?
  237. MaJazz, Midge Ellis Rest In Peace
  238. East Jordan MI Freedom Farm 1970
  239. BIG Thank You to Sumas and Ronaldj
  240. Nobody answering questions here?
  241. Oldtimer Mike
  242. hockey surprises in metro detroit
  243. old time entertainment remurges in suburbs!
  244. Just curious
  245. The story behind DetroitYes?
  246. Canine to Five Cass corridor
  247. It' valentine time!
  248. local tv stations
  249. Cub's grandmother died
  250. Park Bar