View Full Version : Discuss Detroit
- My New Novel about Detroit in the 60s
- Looking for Plumber & Electrician Recommendations
- The Packard Plant is on fire, again!
- Looking for Painting Recommendations
- Red Wings to play temporarily at the Palace?...
- Absurdity and influence in Detroit
- Colt 45 Back in Style???
- Riddle implicates John Conyers in Corruption Mess
- Club 1270
- Need a Job? Federal Hiring Fair July 30
- Granholm to California: We'll Take Your Prisoners!
- Harper Ave. Geneva's finally and truly closed
- Is John Conyers Really Involved??
- Can they be trusted with our water?
- Best Pizza on the East Side
- Incinerator to remain?
- Best/cheapest place to buy a good pinata?
- Microloan program recognizes that entrepreneurs are MVPs of Detroit's next economy
- Bobb announces that DPS may declare bankruptcy
- Visual Improvements by Mayor Bing?
- Kresge Foundation awards 18 Metro Detroit Artists with Fellowships
- Getting burned out houses removed - how do you get this done?
- Walk In Medical Care
- pistons fire curry!
- Old Motown Records and 45's
- Sun in an empty room - DPS abandoned school Photoblog
- Shooting in Warrendale
- Barbara Rose complains about the Free Press
- What's next to close?
- Need Place to Stay:Out of Town Student
- Will STL high speed rail line take priority over Detroit's?
- Census Bureau Pop Estimate for Detroit
- I-75 open again
- Fishing area that has wheelchair access.
- Sam Bernstein Commercials and Ads
- Hossa to Blackhawks
- Why mow the highway?
- No Michigan on this list
- portion of new em video featuring detroit
- Conyers got $64,012 for falling in Cobo
- Detroit Police divers to remove 15 Autos from River...
- Statler Hotel Memories
- Belle Isle Police Crackdown
- Sam riddle talks about Gov Jenny & Bernie Kilpatrick Affair
- Mildred Gaddis - Not you too
- Who fathered/mothered Detroit's leadership culture?
- What's going to happen to Belle Isle Zoo
- Diamond Jack Tours
- I knew the suburbs were racist!
- Historic Fort Wayne - Civil War Days July 11-12
- Ponchatrain Hotel rumor
- Hung
- thurston high school class of '65
- A challenge for the 'Detroiters get what they deserve for electing those people' crow
- James Del Rio
- Chief Barren Fired
- Detroit Juvenile Judge Frank Szymanski
- GM's PUMA Makes Fortune's "Dumbest Moments in Business 2009... Midyear Edition
- MCS cleanup?
- Watermark Detroit
- Happy 96th Birthday Harry Jarkey
- Tiger Stadium, Going Going Going, Just about
- The Motor-free City?
- Doesn't It Ever End?
- Transparency and Mayor Bing
- Steve Dahl - 30 years ago this week
- Chiller Drive-in with Wolfman Mac last night
- 4th st. Fair
- Survey: Camry more American than F-150
- Hygienic Dress League?
- Bicycling & Entrepreneurship in Motown
- Detroits own Casey Kasem Retires
- State issues RFP's for the DRIC
- Gold Cup 2009
- The Urban Exploring Debate
- Goodfellows: The Champions of St. Ambrose
- Serial Rapist on loose
- L=50 07-06-09
- What Happened To Detroit Hardware?
- Olympia Closed?
- People Mover reverses direction?
- Detroit's Architectural Patrimony
- MiVote site
- U of M and the EPA to sudy the effects of air pollution from traffic
- The Eminem video Beautiful...
- Hall of Fame Thread Developer wants to save Lafayette
- Best Place in Detroit to Donate Clothes To.
- Dog Supply House
- The First 48 [[Detroit Homicide)
- Chief Barren for Sheriff
- Ask the Councilwoman!
- detroitblog
- Investigative Report
- City Council says, get your #&!*@% Art out of my Paradise Valley
- What was that? You wanted the Aquarium open?
- Rationals In Ferndale
- Hall of Fame Thread Dead Metro Detroit Malls *Universal, Livonia and Summit Place Mall pictures included*
- Selling Photos of Detroit
- Detroit will be broke by December, says Joe Harris
- Sunset Spot
- Tiger Stadium elevator tower to fall
- Mrs Tom Hanks likely to film HBO series based on Eugenides novel in the D
- Detroit Children's Museum might close
- Know anyone from Mother of Our Savior??
- Martha's Statues...
- Dearborn
- Holy Schnike!
- Public Art on Display
- Detroit Public Schools is bankrupt.
- Detroit Must Re-Hire Fired 911 Operator
- Car vs. Train = 4 dead in Canton Twp.
- Bicycle Film Festival , trailers and info
- Billy Reedy Dead at 72
- Anybody just hear Joan Silvi reporting on WDET?
- GM out of bankruptcy, plans to sell on Ebay?
- Corktown Block Party Saturday, July 18, 2009 12Noon – 10:00pm
- Wayne State history book
- Too Dumb to Rob White Castle
- Interviews for graduate student research
- Bottom up vs. top down change
- "This Old House" to film at the Georgia Street Garden!
- 10 Detroit Facts You Should Know about Detroit
- Pacino to Play Dr. Jack
- Recycle Here! NEW 2nd Saturday Options
- A healthier Detroit!
- As if you needed more proof most of the City Council is completely crazy...
- DIA's national and world reputation
- Smoke Free Bars
- NY Times In Michigan, Deficits Defy Years of Cutting
- Do Old Housing Projects Have to Be Redeveloped w/the Poor in Mind?
- Vintage Culture Maven Charles Phoenix raves up Detroit
- No Reservations
- Hall of Fame Thread Suburbs are unsustainable?
- Quicken Loans moving downtown
- East Detroit to Eastpointe
- Hudsons Maurice Salad
- Economists Raise U.S. Outlook as Recession Fades
- Wayne State Wednesday Farmers Market
- Largest parking decks in SE Michigan
- G8 Resurrection
- Book Cadillac's Copper Roof?
- Detroit Charter Candidate Forum
- Could the Other Shoe Drop for Mr. Monica Conyers?
- About a Roundabout
- Ford to start using Lasers instead of Spark Plugs
- COBO Showdown
- Why do we distrust the business community?
- Who the hell is running for mayor??
- Tom Barrow for Mayor: Meet and Greet
- The Award for Federal employees more careless 'bout the D than Obama goes to...
- Who is Planet Fitness?
- Cider Mills
- Charlevoix & Chene
- Some things just never change.
- Detroit CofC Endorses DRIC
- More text messages to come
- Regionalism vs Isolationism
- Location of Vernors first store?
- Sam Riddle indicted on corruption charges
- I work/worked at Detroit City Airport
- Michigan Jobless Rate Hits 15.2%
- Tanker Explodes
- Jack White: I Love My Hometown, Detroit
- Hall of Fame Thread United Artists Theatre
- The Time Zone Arcade and other Arcades from back in the day
- This [[Detroit) Place Matters
- New DHM exhibit examines Belle Isle
- 1970's Detroit Architecture
- obama auto glass and electric?
- Barron's home robbed on his last day as Chief
- Land Use and Urban Agriculture
- Free Kid Rock Concert
- Dave Bing on CSPAN
- Detroit's Home Depot: Most profitable among 100 regional stores
- Detroit Photo Blog - Photo Contest
- Hall of Fame Thread Detroit's Underground Creeks and Streams
- 40 years worth of fUnK
- 3rd Saturday Recycling Options:
- Police official: Escort for toys left in Jackson's memory is 'unacceptable'
- Home Depot Success?
- DPD Reforms Inadequate - U.S. Judge
- Rosa Parks Transit Center
- Question about the Cobo deal
- July 18, 2009 Tiger Stadium Images
- Hollywood craft union seeking to destroy Michigan film industry
- Hall of Fame Thread Lafayette Building's top two floors subsiding?
- Council Members Can't Handle Their Own Personal Finances
- "Right Sizing" -- Demolition, Relocation?
- People Out, Red Foxes In
- What's the deal with
- "Fordlandia"
- Concert of Colors
- Who got busted at MCS Saturday night?
- WABX-Air Aces
- Detroit '67 Video
- WIndsor Tunnel Bus with a Bicycle
- Detroit murders up, police chief says
- Endorsements - August 2009 Election
- MODELD: Big News about Argonaut project????
- Crain's on Richard Hosey, Lafayette Bldg
- Rick Snyder for Governor
- Fire in the Brewster area?
- Buh Bye DPD School Board!!!
- Detroit could be burning its trash until 2020.
- Hall of Fame Thread Broderick Tower Official Thread
- Metro Detroit home sales up, median price down
- Volunteer Work Saturday at Historic Fort Wayne
- Bad Sign - CC Candidate
- Another child drowns
- "Welcome to Detroit" signs?
- Cool Refreshing Urban Idea
- Delray Park Closed?
- Bing wants to make cuts
- Man Charged In Fatal Hit-And-Run
- Mayoral candidate jerroll sanders to hold press conference opposing cobo hall deal
- Ford tops in quality survey
- Your grocery dollars........
- Dem. representatives in Michigan and health care bill
- motorcity wine
- Mildred Gaddis - Should she Apologize?
- Martha-Rose Reeves?
- Dale Foster the Real staffer 10 years and 3 council members, Fired by Conyers
- Kids to pitch new ideas for old depot
- On Georgia Street - check it out!
- The right perspective on preservation
- Canine to Five on CNN Money
- Urbanophile: Midwest cities lack ambition or global "street smarts"
- JoAnn Watson Believes She's Smarter than 6th Graders
- Pact reached to redevelop downtown building
- Mark as Read
- Saul Green is now Dir. of Public Safety?
- Detroit area buffets
- Post Cards
- Dearborn's historic district ? Dearborn's elite residences ?
- Should We Bulldoze Underused Neighborhoods and Return Them to Nature?
- Michigan's Urban Depression
- Cobo Hall: Just keep it.
- Don't Demolish Detroit!
- Alexis de Tocqueville in Detroit
- Benny Napolean Wayne County Sheriff?
- A Night at the Aquarium - Tomorrow!
- Detroit food chains coming to Chi-town
- Detroit's 308th Birthday
- Department of Justice Monitor quits due to "personal" ties with Kwame
- Bangladesh Festival in Hamtramck on Conant this weekend!
- First thread!
- Detroit NEZ Tax Abatement
- BYC Mackinac Race Starts Today
- House of Horrors for Chihuahuas
- 4th Saturday Recycle Here Options
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