These side-by-side countries sharing this island are not going to stop all their trading 100%. But it will have an impact. Aside from the DOW roller coaster gold went up to over $1300 yesterday. Good day to sell! But yeah, check you investments accordingly. And is England alone in waving flags of dogma? No.

Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
The "BREXIT" leave means the any foreigners who invest in any capital property and put their retirement savings any British banks "offshore accounts" will lose a lot of money. Some foreign folks who their hard earned money in Britain as their only hope will see their money and their investment ventures long gone. Folks will lose their jobs. The American dollar will be 2 times more than the British Pound but the prices their will be cheaper than the any foreign currency. Our global economy may slow down a bit but will recover in about a few months unless more European Nations will break away from the EU.

I'm glad the British create their own "4th of July" or so I say 24th of June is their Independence Day. The European Union is a total economic disaster from the start. I knew its not going to work. And foreign immigration from North Africa or Middle East is not to blame for BREXIT leave. It's European nations still stuck in their flag waving cultural dogmas. They are not modern Romans anymore.