Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
The point is the folks who controlled all of Detroit's capital for whatever reason got fed up with feeling completely alienated by TPTB in Detroit under Young's tenure, and as a result fled the city. By the early 1990s, what was left of inner-city Detroit was a post-apocalyptic hellhole and many of the formerly stable neighborhoods had begun their slow/sad decline. The effects from that loss of capital of course just weren't in our face until a decade or two later.

This town has never been one for compromise. It's a town where the folks want it their way or the highway.

If we want to see a Detroit come back, it's going to have to be under the terms of those who hold all the money/capital.
I know you mean well but you're deluding yourself if you think Coleman Young was the reason why Detroit was abandoned. Read up on U.S. housing policy during the postwar period, the practice of blockbusting, redlining, etc., if you want to know why Detroit is now a failed city.