Dude, wouldn't the hoteliers be the first to worry about a parking problem? They know the likely parking demand of their guests better than anyone, and have surely studied the market. They also probably know or will soon know what their desired arrangement with a nearby garage will be. You don't trust the people with a vested interest to ensure that they don't suffer a parking problem? And in a car-heavy city like Detroit? Please. This is a fake issue.

And if you are honestly worried about insufficient all-around parking in Detroit, and the apparent strain a new small hotel might put on the system, you're all kind of nuts/paranoid. Bedrock just built one of the city's largest garages two blocks from here. Half the CBD is surface lots offering fairly cheap parking even for events, and most of those lots are big enough for a new garage or even a NYC-style crane system to be built. If I am the City government, when it comes to parking issues, I'm on autopilot-- these issues will continue to resolve themself. As it is, I can normally find free/cheap street parking on an event night downtown if I ever have occasion to park a vehicle. Of course, I'm also fairly well grounded in reality and have no concerns about walking.