Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
It is listed as 7000 sqft,so at 3500 sqft per level because it looks consistent in street view,that gives you how many apartments,3,1000 sqft ones or 6 1000 sqft ones based on both levels.

Now take the cost of the building,cost of the build out,projected carrying costs and then to have what the residents want,apartments on both levels.

Then one must ask if converting it entirely to apartments was the way to go,and considering by all appearances,Corktown is a desirable place to live,how come the existing owner did not convert it into apartments?

Could it be that the numbers do not support a complete apartment conversion?

Surly somebody would have jumped all over that money maker by now.

So the residents decide that the only option or what they prefer is apartments and apparently the numbers do not match that scenario,would they support the demolition of the building and allow another in its place that has multiple stories?

So what are the options left? Another obsolete building on the demolition list.

So either a restaurant or blight and demolish, good call.