I think more people would take this seriously if the original videographer would work on the open credit linguistics and spelling [["truly" instead of "trully").

Watching this brought back some great memories of working on board both of these fine ships. I was a DJ on the boats during the summer of '84. Sometimes we would sail down to the island, back to Detroit and then down again with another load of passengers. Other times, it was one trip and then just park at the island. Unfortunately we were not allowed to go ashore and partake, but I did get a great tan that year. I remember this cheesy taped intro that we had to play once the boat left the dock, with my bosses horrible voice over telling people, "no running on the boat, no jumping, and please, no chairs on the dancefloor," all set to the disco version of "The Love Boat" theme. After about two weeks, I never played it again. I wish the videographer would have gotten a closer shot of the DJ booth.

Regarding the discussion of whether to contribute or not, I'm leaning on the side of mikefmich above. I just can't see donating to a project that I won't benefit from. If either of these fine ships were brought back to the original glory, and would sail the local waters as before, I'd be on board [[no pun intended) with fund raising efforts.

One final thought, am I the only one that is kind of scared by how much access the videographer got to this ship without any issue? Judging by the quality, it looks to be another "ruin" video to me, and if he/she could do it, what is stopping others?