I am rooting for Stephen Henderson to improve as he goes. He still talks over people and self answers his questions to them. As Lowell pointed out, it took Craig a couple of years to work out all the wrinkles and hone his skills, but he ended up at the very top of the game in my opinion. I couldn't figure out what he would be doing that would be comparable at his new digs. Maybe he was just ready for a change.

I really really miss the music programming. While I also like some of the talk shows, there needs to be more balance. Talk all day is just not good. My Saturdays are just not the same without Matt Watroba and Larry McDaniel in the mix. WDET had folk programming right from the beginning, with Buck Dancer's choice. That was a hard loss. I can spin the records myself, but I miss the commentary and the introduction of new artists, and the freshness of the choices. Ann Delici is good, but I miss the breadth of the programming that used to be there.

In our house we have a divide. We both miss the music, just different aspects of it. One of us loves the Moth and This American Life. One of us wants Diane Rhem, who is on WUOM. One of us is OK with Terry Gross, we both are irritated with On Being. I guess you can't please everyone, so it's good we have choices of stations.