Quote Originally Posted by 48009 View Post
It's a fact that to people across the nation, Detroit is a professional death sentence...Conning 20-somethings that had nothing to do with ruining this town, to live in this warzone and help "bring it back" is the biggest scam going.
I disagree with your first sentence. The conversations I've had with New Yorkers about my time living in Detroit has been extremely vibrant and engaging, especially in professional settings. If anything, I'd say that my short-term experiment living in Detroit has provoked an incredible amount of discussion around the city's future. The novelty of moving to a distressed city provides a heap of positive returns for someone that moves away to other cities seeking employment.

[[Note: I realize that my above comments probably evokes a visceral reaction within a lot of lifelong Detroiters, but I think it's important to understand how those that are emotionally and financially detached from Detroit perceive those that are fully attached -- or used to be.)

Your latter statement, 48009...that requires a whole lot more digging. If anything, I'd love to see the Gilbert/Venture for America/Challenge Detroit crew get together and figure out what exactly they're trying to accomplish through their heightened sense of attention toward young professionals. If they're under the unified impression that they're out to rescue the city from itself and its past transgressions...then, yeah, a recalibration is in order.