Quote Originally Posted by Fury13 View Post
Awww, so sorry for not "keepin' it real..."

"Birmingham SUCKS A DUCK. Everyone there thinks they are cooler than they are. They think they are in fucking Beverly Hills, CA or something. They are soooooooo full of themselves..."

You don't think that reeks of classism? How the hell does Casscorridor know what's going on in the minds of people who live in Birmingham?

Buzzwords and catch phrases like "down to earth," "keepin' it real," "the hood," etc., are often just euphemisms for scenarios that include bad behavior, blight, and poor quality of life.

Being able to smoke a joint in public in Detroit is indicative of the city's liberal bent? Please!

And "Detroit is so much more open to homosexuality"??? Come on! Detroit's Baptist church establishment hates to admit it even exists! The church people [[some of the most influential in Detroit) have about zero tolerance for that lifestyle.
I think it was a reference to CassCorridors post.