Although Downtown is doing well, it bothers me that that city has lost so about 90% of its architectural continuity. This is one of the reasons cities such as Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Ann Arbor and even St. Louis among many others are considered more desirable than Detroit. As time goes on, other cities will become unique and more in demand because of their historic housing stock. As much as people want to move to the city of Detroit, the neighborhoods have been decimated. I personally LOVE architecture and I want to live in a city that has a unique stock of housing. Detroit has so few neighborhoods left and I think most of the unique neighborhoods are already filled to capacity. Yes, there are tens of thousands of homes available but they're either plain-jane post WW2 style-homes or they sit on a block standing alone, maybe with a hand full of other homes that "might" be salvaged at some point. No architectural continuity. It makes it hard for people seeking unique neighborhoods in the city.

One other I was driving down W. Grand River going to the Lions game, we saw another huge unique building being demolished. The White shiny brick building on the West side of the street. The city is STILL tearing these beautiful structures down.

But I understand it's life or death in most case due to the dangers that lurk. But it's just so sad.