Greed has played a large role in driving the U.S., face first, into the ground.
I don't like being owned by China, and it upsets me, that damn near everything sold in the U.S. was not produced in the U.S.
I have more than one reason for enjoying Michigan-grown potatoes.
But, back to greed. Greed is culpable for much of the ills that are killing the U.S. economy, and greed bugs me, simple guy, with simple wants, that I am.
And so it is with considerable intolerance and unforgivingness that I say I see greed at work in labor/management negotiations, with no virtuousness, no nobility, on either side.
The unions, generally speaking, have played a prominent role in driving the price of everything right through the fuckin' roof, and corporations-- plus many smaller businesses-- have responded by taking their manufacturing & production overseas.
I cheerlessly invite both sides of that disgusting relationship to go to hell, directly to hell, and take their phony-ass poses with them.
The labor unions care as much about poor, hungry people as does management & ownership: not one fucking bit.

I don't even mind, so much, when folks are out for themselves only; it's pretty much one of those unfortunate, unsightly "human nature" things. It's the lame, transparent poses, and the nakedly dis-honest claims of Higher Purpose that piss me off, and I see that shit on both sides, every day.
I think Socialists should reconsider their implied, and sometimes actual, alignment with labor unions.