That blue ribbon report for the county recommending that it move was ABSURD.

If they are so in deep on the Guardian, it makes sense to wait for its value to go up, and let it pay for itself. Downtown is on the fast track to higher land values and a hotter market. Why bail now? That's clueless.

And the official recommendation was 'build a self-contained campus in New Center.' What does that even mean? Isn't the Guardian self-containing. And what building in New Center would be more "campusy." There are no empty buildings in New Center, and in fact, as Crain's analysis pointed out, there's probably not even a building with sufficient empty space for the county in New Center. So this entails building new. How in the hell could cashing out early on Guardian and building new in New Center be financially sound? The blue ribbon report drafters must have a buddy with some empty land in New Center...

To cite 'expensive parking' as the reason why county HQ should move out of downtown is also absurd. I skimmed that report and it is shockingly bad...I am sorry if the county paid for that.