For sure this is a bad wave and the departure and erosion of so much of the middle-class bill and tax paying citizens of Highland Park has certainly made a difference there as it has in Detroit in general, but the blight in more concentrated in Highland Park. Like the down fall of so many of it's buildings like the two on Woodward.
Quote Originally Posted by barnesfoto View Post
The problem is that huge buildings like these are white elephants, built at a time when young single people were flocking to the city, and when the fossil fuels used to fire their boilers were artificially cheap. Add to the equation years of deferred maintenance, high vacancy, and the nearly complete abandonment of HP by the middle class and you've got a lose/lose situation.

Every time that the economy has taken a nose dive, there have been waves of abandonment of large buildings like this one. Obviously, we are seeing another such wave. Perhaps the cities of Detroit and HP could apply for some federal assistance in demoing many of these structures..but please, not this one.

If there were just three large buildings in HP that could be saved, my picks would be this one, the McGregor Library and the Model T plant.