Jmil, good luck. They don't call it the mistake on the lake for nuthin.'
You can take the boy out the city, but you'll never take the city out the boy.
Keep in touch.
Top ten things you'll miss in leaving Detroit.
10. Can't pack any Michigan gear. The Wolverines are in your rearview mirror now.
9. No Red Wing championships.
8. Indians dogs don't compare to a Detroit Coney.
7. Detroit doesn't have houses with 10 dead people.
6, The Mercury fish in Lake Erie. You'll learn to eat them.
5. No more Grosse Pointe Fish Flies.
4. Now you can walk from the ballpark to a Ritz Carlton, might feel funny.
3. BP Gas Bldg. is the old Standard Oil of Rockefeller.
2. No Devil's Night.
1. They've never heard of Henry Ford over there.

Good luck in Parma. You'll love the Polish food, maybe the politics. You ain't in Hamtramck anymore. jjaba on the Westside.