Quote Originally Posted by CountrySquire
I've been around this site for awhile too and I can read an over inflated underthought blow hard like you from a mile away that wants to pile on a guy when he is perceived to be stumbling. Why should I post data from Murray's;What's wrong with Rock Auto? Just because you've not heard of them in your little world does not mean no one else has.
#1: All the evidence thus far points to you as the over-inflated under-thought blow-hard jerk-off, because you lie and you put words in Norm's mouth as proven below. I know Norm personally, so I know he is credible.

#2: Prove to us all here at DetroitYes that there are a lot of people that know about Rock Auto. Otherwise, your little world of lies and games need to zip it.

Quote Originally Posted by ndavies View Post
Sorry, don't stick words in my mouth. I believe fully in Free trade. I'm looking for the opposite. We need to force China to play by the same rules we play by. If you want full access to our economy we should have full access to yours.