Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post

I've pretty much deduced this site is mostly fresh out of community college kids. No life experience beyond what they see on television or garnered from a video game. Let them fund foreign corporations, let them send our American dollars away, and get cheap Chinese shit in return. The economy, our society-our very way of US life is vaporizing before us and they are too stupid to realize it. You and I, and folks like us have something to gauge today against, a much different yesterday, a time of sensibilities. As we have learned from real life experience, and our parents taught us, hang on and cover your ass, it's going to be a rough ride. It's their future they are destroying, my future and hopefully yours too is relatively secure. Let em' have it. They're making their own bed, the one they'll be sleeping in.
Sstashmoo, you are 100% correct. My future is secure and I'm glad that yours is too. My regret is that my grandchildren will never know how things could have been because this generation of idiots just don't get it.