Quote Originally Posted by wazootyman View Post
When you've got arguments like these, who needs intelligent discussion?
Exactly !

Many of the folks on here are such extremists that they thought they know it all. They perceive themselves as the most intelligent beings on earth, and everyone else outside of Southeast Michigan are just idiots. Come on, give me a break.

Many of us try to be more reasonable, such as Jared9903, who prefers domestic automakers, but wouldn't go absolutely batty over his wife purchasing an Accord or Camry. I am the same way - although I just bought a 2009 Chevy Malibu, and believe that I have done my part to put my money where my mouth is. If my brother buys a Nissan, so be it. We also have folks who see the big picture, like wash_man and tahleel, who understands that American means more than just Southeast Michigan.

So wazootyman, it really is quite subjective on DetroitYes how you categorize "intelligent discussions", my friend.