Quote Originally Posted by royce View Post
K-Slice, you answered your own question. You don't want this new service to get a bad rap from tourists because they have to go to the Rosa Parks transit center and have to deal with the bums there. What would have been nice if they had built a shelter, but that might attract bums too. I saw a young lady waiting in the cold for this Dax bus. She seem to be braving the elements well and no one was bothering her. Because this stop is across the street from the Book Cadillac Hotel, I think it will make riders feel safer while waiting. It's busy enough with people who aren't bums, so it should work out fine for now. Just hope the bums don't find out about it.
For sure, it's not a good option now, but neither is a random spot on the sidewalk for such a major connection. What if the pickup/ drop-off location at the airport was some random place on the airport service drive marked by nothing more than a sign? Wouldn't make much sense.

Use this new connection as a reason to clean up the RPTC, crack down on the vagrancy, littering, and general distasteful atmosphere.