
Not sure about taking potshots at Americans. I think a greater insult is when a Canadian guy waved our flag when storming your capitol. That was both insulting to me and should be to you, too. Insofar as Canada’s contribution to military procurement, I am entirely aligned with your opinion.

On the immigration issue, Quebec has received nearly half of the asylum seekers in Canada the past coupla years, that is on top of the refugees accepted beforehand from countries like Ukraine, and the already high level of standard immigrant applications. So, yes, we are feeling pressure like the US does on that front, and yes, the Trudeau government’s approach has been totally laissez-faire, and damaging to a lot of people whose dream of home ownership is on hold. There are regions of the US that are experiencing this pressure for various reasons; Ma, Ca, even Florida right now, so immigration definitely needs to be addressed by all who are affected by this.

I love the USS, too, and have family all over, or used to. Two aunts in Florida, cousins in NH and Mass, and some in California. A cousin in Seattle now back in Montreal. My grandmother was born in Houghton, Michigan, if that counts for something.