Quote Originally Posted by sarge View Post
Happy Anniversary, Lowell! Thanks for keeping the place up for the last 25 years! I don't think I go back to 99, but I am pretty sure I go back to around 2001. Time flies when you're having fun.
Thanks Sarge, and I can see that you are a "Niner". In March 2009, when the Discusware forum software was no longer supported, we migrated to vBulletin. As you likely recall we were unable to migrate the accounts and their passwords requiring everyone to rejoin. I can see from the join date in the upper right of your post that was March 2009 for you. Almost all Niners were on the old forums.

I had found a vestige of the 1999 forum with 1999 dates but cannot relocate it a the moment. It used a very inadequate Microsoft Front Page forum package and the following year we migrated to Discusware.

Click/tap here to see the earliest vestige I currently can find from 2000.

Note this is an image, which I didn't place here as it would stretch the page immensely. One can't click what appear to be links and see the posts but the usernames are visible and reveal some recognizable ones like gistok, Detroit Stylin, and jjaba.