Originally Posted by royce
I'm not understanding how the border is wide open NOW under Biden. What's the difference now than when Trump was in office? Isn't it just an issue of more migrants trying to get into the country than before? I'm curious to hear your explanation?

It’s more complicated then that,we stopped being the world police and doing regime changes.

What you are seeing is a result of that as socialism and dictatorships rise to power and made everybody equally poor.

Social media plays a role and technology in order to create mass convoys of people,people can be poorer than dirt but still have a cell phone when they never seen a phone in their life.

It’s not just us,Britain and France is being inundated also,several other countries also.

For South America,the border countries filled up then the mass migration moved forward to the next country,Canada is not so bad because it is a long walk to their border.

Take like Chicago,7000 were bussed there but they show a net increase of 114,000.

There are only so many countries in the world where people can migrate to that is relatively safe,the U.S. is the one that offers the most opportunity and we do not like scum bag socialists,so dispite the political stuff we are a stable country where as other countries you simply have a coup.

Millions of Venezuelans went to Columbia,now the current political leanings in Columbia are socialist and if that continues long term,they With millions of Columbians will be at our border.

It has little to do with economics,because you can be poor but happy,we just set a different standard because 80% of the things we have are not really necessary for survival.

We need to get back to regime changes,the mass migration is the price we pay for not doing it.