My predictions:
-As the Gordie Howe International bridge nears completion, development near the bridge entrances will accelerate on both sides of the border. I wouldn't be surprised to see new industry come to this region to take advantage of the improved cross-border links.
-Downtown Windsor will continue to languish compared to Downtown Detroit as new development bypasses the historic core and intensifies near the new battery plant and mega-hospital.
-Downtown Detroit will land a major new employer to take advantage of the city's burgeoning tech sector.
-Work will finally begin to extend Lauzon Parkway to the 401, giving commuters on Windsor's east side easier access to the highway.
-the upcoming NFL draft will spur the city of Windsor to beautify and clean-up the downtown core.
-After four years of vacancy, Windsor's Westcourt Place will reopen and inject much-needed life into the city's core. Maybe the owners will finally get rid of the ugly 70's era gold mirror glass that makes the place look like its' seen better days.