Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
Agreed 100%

For the past fifty years or more -- at least since the assassination of Walter Reuther -- there have been few credible or admirable "leaders" in the U.S. labor movement. Mostly there have been co-opted clowns, scoundrels, and Persons Who Lunch, to paraphrase Merle Rubine. My feelings toward labor during those years has been somewhere on a spectrum between apathy and disdain.

But then, by Jove, the U.S. DOJ accidentally began breathing new life into labor's moribund anus when it forced the Teamsters into receivership and cleared the swamp at Solidarity House.

So, Lady Justice, be careful what you wish for.
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I'm optimistic that after fifty years, the political pendulum is beginning to swing away from the neoliberal hoax and toward a new deal that will be fair to workers like my old man [God rest his soul.]

Sean O'Brien for Vice President!

Va-va-voom HW!

I saw a Lady under a red light that just looked like your Lady Justice the other day…

Aside from that, I’m all for a good Union and good leaders, and screw the billionaire pilot fishes, sycophants, etc, etc…