Quote Originally Posted by ddaydetroit View Post
Rocketman research this a little more they knew what they were doing was wrong hell they even video taped themselves trying to get past the state police as false electors to deliver forged documents they have texts messages between them trying to keep it hidden with all the I have seen evidence they have it looks pretty cut and dry.

So they SAID they were false electors? And that they were forged documents?

Or are you saying that they were trying to get an 'alternate' slate of electors filed, and had to slip past the state police to do so, and it's the media and AG that are referring to them as false electors and forged documents?

Because there's a big difference.

I haven't been following the story very much, but certainly none of what you are saying has made any of the mainstream or even alternate news sources that I've seen.

I'll be curious to see if we will be allowed to see any evidence, or if it will turn out like the Whittmer kidnapping where the truth didn't match the propaganda. In that case, the majority of the people involved turned out to be Feds, and the case ran out of gas once it saw a jury.