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  1. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    ...MA has the fifth lowest murder statistics of the fifty states; almost as low as Canada's. Boston and MA are notoriously Democratic. Therin lies some hope. If other major cities and perhaps states could model MA, perhaps some of these gun numbers would go down.
    I lived in Cambridge, MA. IIRC the Boston metropolitan area has the highest concentration of college students, college graduates, colleges, and universities of any city in the world. It seems like every other person is an intellectual or scientist. Maybe we ought to have more educated people?

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Looks like soft-justice played a part here

    Anthony McRae had guns charge, mental health problems...


    From article [bold and red added by me]:

    The gunman who killed three students and injured five others at Michigan State University on Monday had a history of mental health challenges, run-ins with police and guns charges, according to court records and family and neighbor accounts.

    Police say Anthony Dwayne McRae, 43, of Lansing shot and killed himself as he was confronted by officers early Tuesday, about 5 miles from the campus he terrorized.

    His death came more than three years after he was arrested on gun charges that, had they been penalized to the maximum degree, could have prevented him from legally owning guns.

    McRae was
    charged with a felony punishable by up to five years in prison in district court but later pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of misdemeanor punishable by up to two years in circuit court.

    McRae previously pleaded guilty to gun-related charge

    From freep article [bold and red added by me]:


    He was charged with a violation of concealed carry law and possessing a loaded weapon in a vehicle. He pleaded guilty to the weapon-in-a-vehicle charge, while prosecutors dropped the second count, according to court records.

    In a statement, Dewane noted he was originally charged with a felony and pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor.

    "Mr. McRae would have been barred from legally purchasing, owning, or possessing a firearm if he would have been convicted of the [concealed weapons] charge," Dewane told the Free Press.
    I agree with you 100% Zacha. Tough prosecution of Gun related crimes has to be part of a solution. No plea bargains and mandatory minimums for all Firearm infractions is a tool available that is not being adequately used and is available to press into service immediately. A well advertised new zero tolerance policy would save lives in this city and state. A thread devoted to this topic would be interesting.
    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; February-17-23 at 03:42 PM.

  3. #78


    Used to be minimum mandatory 10 years using a gun in the commission of a felony,20 years if the weapon was fired.

    5 years for felon in possession. For even 1 round,10 rounds 10 charges.

    Now I will interject a little politics into it,the last couple of years with the push to not arrest everybody and defund the police,possession of a firearm is included in that.

    I know a guy,caught for the third time,felon in possession of a firearm,felon pawning a stolen firearm,16 separate charges of felon in possession of ammunition.

    He spent one night in jail,went to court and got 1 year probation.

    3 years ago that would have been 15 years in prison at the least,prosecutors are not wanting to put people in prison,that’s in the city,1 county over and he would have been in prison.

    That is the difference between D and R ,republicans are notorious for being tough on crime.They were the ones that came up with the minimum mandatory for gun crimes.

    Cause and effect

    It would stand to reason that in the cities that are reducing punishment levels,there is going to be a lot more negative effect.
    Last edited by Richard; February-17-23 at 05:42 PM.

  4. #79


    ^ And it may be a negative effect those cities and counties can never recover from.

    When the voters vote for an AG or Mayor that is soft on crime, crime spikes, and a good chunk of the wealthier families and business leave, taking their tax dollars with them.

    Another effect of crime spiking is that businesses either can't get insurance, or can't afford it. So even more business leave, and new ones are almost impossible to start, certainly if they have any brick & mortar.

    So now your county can't afford enough police. Worse yet, you can't afford enough prison space. So you have to let even more criminals go free.

    How do you recover from that? By promising everyone that the liberal voters will never again vote for a pro-crime AG? That's not gonna work.

    And how would any recovery happen if businesses can't get insurance? And homeowner's ins is sky high? And Car insurance is sky high?

    The data that goes into insurance actuarial tables stays there for decades. Ins companies don't go in those tables and wash out their loss history just because a county exec asks nice.

  5. #80


    You two fools are just plain gullible. Look at the track record. Republicans pro police in lip service only. In this state Dick, when they ran the whole show from Governor on down all they did was cut, cut and cut more. State police threatening strikes for half the Engler administrations. Correction cuts and more strikes. Hiring freezes indefinitely. Closed prisons left and right and all over. Cut prosecutors and on and on… ‘Small Government!!!’ Remember??? Duh. It is their mantra for Gods sake.

    Nationally the last President who gave two shits about law enforcement was Clinton. Your Boy Trump cut the the FBI, DEA, ATF funding for more small Government and well, of course because they are professional and go after politicians that break the law and he couldn’t have that happening around him. Had to discredit them and spring every dirty politician from the clink. To close to where he ate. They are so full of shit and they have you idiots believing every thing they say. Hell now, they are spoon feeding you Russian propaganda and you can’t gobble it down fast enough. Right, ‘the French, Italians and Germans where going to invade Russia and poor Russia was threatened!’ You guys are morons, those countries couldn’t invade or defend Key Largo if it was right smack between them.

    Just look at this Dominion crap. The propagandist were laughing their ass off at what they could get you dumbasses to believe.

    Now the Republicans are busy purging their own party of morals and democracy yet you believe they will help keep anyone safer? Fucking Crazy. Wealthy behind high walls is about it.

    In no way is this a endorsement of the Dems on this issue because they have their own set of very big problems. But the Republicans? They are reduced to a party of propaganda bullshit saying whatever they can get the really dumb to believe. Unfunded tax cuts that drive the debt to historic highs, that is about all they can accomplish. Solve big problems like crime? What a joke, they never did before. Only a idiot would believe they would in the future. Just like immigration, infrastructure and health care. They run on on them hard then get in with the WH, Senate and House are all theirs then the crickets chirp for years. Rinse, Repeat. Then they start bullshitting all over again on the same issues they already did nothing about.
    Last edited by ABetterDetroit; February-18-23 at 01:15 AM.

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    You two fools are just plain gullible. Look at the track record. Republicans pro police in lip service only. In this state Dick, when they ran the whole show from Governor on down all they did was cut, cut and cut more. State police threatening strikes for half the Engler administrations. Correction cuts and more strikes. Hiring freezes indefinitely. Closed prisons left and right and all over. Cut prosecutors and on and on… ‘Small Government!!!’ Remember??? Duh. It is their mantra for Gods sake.

    Nationally the last President who gave two shits about law enforcement was Clinton. Your Boy Trump cut the the FBI, DEA, ATF funding for more small Government and well, of course because they are professional and go after politicians that break the law and he couldn’t have that happening around him. Had to discredit them and spring every dirty politician from the clink. To close to where he ate. They are so full of shit and they have you idiots believing every thing they say. Hell now, they are spoon feeding you Russian propaganda and you can’t gobble it down fast enough. Right, ‘the French, Italians and Germans where going to invade Russia and poor Russia was threatened!’ You guys are morons, those countries couldn’t invade or defend Key Largo if it was right smack between them.

    Just look at this Dominion crap. The propagandist were laughing their ass off at what they could get you dumbasses to believe.

    Now the Republicans are busy purging their own party of morals and democracy yet you believe they will help keep anyone safer? Fucking Crazy. Wealthy behind high walls is about it.

    In no way is this a endorsement of the Dems on this issue because they have their own set of very big problems. But the Republicans? They are reduced to a party of propaganda bullshit saying whatever they can get the really dumb to believe. Unfunded tax cuts that drive the debt to historic highs, that is about all they can accomplish. Solve big problems like crime? What a joke, they never did before. Only a idiot would believe they would in the future. Just like immigration, infrastructure and health care. They run on on them hard then get in with the WH, Senate and House are all theirs then the crickets chirp for years. Rinse, Repeat. Then they start bullshitting all over again on the same issues they already did nothing about.

    Says the guy making Detroit better from his armchair, in his McMansion, in Auburn Hills. I agree though, the dems are doing something regarding crime. They're bringing them in the front door and letting them out the back. Why waste time and money incarcerating criminals? Empty jail cells = successful governing. Nothing to see here, folks. Talk about gullible.
    Last edited by Honky Tonk; February-18-23 at 03:59 AM.

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by ABetterDetroit View Post
    You two fools are just plain gullible. Look at the track record. Republicans pro police in lip service only. In this state Dick, when they ran the whole show from Governor on down all they did was cut, cut and cut more. State police threatening strikes for half the Engler administrations. Correction cuts and more strikes. Hiring freezes indefinitely. Closed prisons left and right and all over. Cut prosecutors and on and on… ‘Small Government!!!’ Remember??? Duh. It is their mantra for Gods sake.

    Nationally the last President who gave two shits about law enforcement was Clinton. Your Boy Trump cut the the FBI, DEA, ATF funding for more small Government and well, of course because they are professional and go after politicians that break the law and he couldn’t have that happening around him. Had to discredit them and spring every dirty politician from the clink. To close to where he ate. They are so full of shit and they have you idiots believing every thing they say. Hell now, they are spoon feeding you Russian propaganda and you can’t gobble it down fast enough. Right, ‘the French, Italians and Germans where going to invade Russia and poor Russia was threatened!’ You guys are morons, those countries couldn’t invade or defend Key Largo if it was right smack between them.

    Just look at this Dominion crap. The propagandist were laughing their ass off at what they could get you dumbasses to believe.

    Now the Republicans are busy purging their own party of morals and democracy yet you believe they will help keep anyone safer? Fucking Crazy. Wealthy behind high walls is about it.

    In no way is this a endorsement of the Dems on this issue because they have their own set of very big problems. But the Republicans? They are reduced to a party of propaganda bullshit saying whatever they can get the really dumb to believe. Unfunded tax cuts that drive the debt to historic highs, that is about all they can accomplish. Solve big problems like crime? What a joke, they never did before. Only a idiot would believe they would in the future. Just like immigration, infrastructure and health care. They run on on them hard then get in with the WH, Senate and House are all theirs then the crickets chirp for years. Rinse, Repeat. Then they start bullshitting all over again on the same issues they already did nothing about.
    Do you know what a smuggling safe zone is?

    It’s where airports are established to create a safe zone for flying large quantities of drugs and it is made sure law enforcement stays clear.

    That can only be accomplished by payoffs at the highest levels.

    Interesting enough one of the largest safe zones in the south where tons of cocaine was flown in every week unimpeded,was in Arkansas,you get one guess who was governor at the time.

    You made a post about how the penalties need to be increased when it comes to gun crimes when the facts are in the democratic cities that have lowered the bar on crime have actually decreased the strict penalties that were already in place.

    They decreased the penalties across the board,which also includes gun crimes.

    It’s not a matter of D verses R it’s a fact.

    Violence in those cities has increased up to 400% so what is the point of saying we need gun control because the violence is out of control and gun crimes are increasing?

    Maybe that was the intent from the start?

    In Florida the second largest revenue producer after tourism was the judicial system,not anymore it’s dropped 50% because the major cities that are D controlled stopped enforcing the laws,stands to reason the levels of crime will increase when it becomes unabated.

    Some act like the only ones that own guns is right wingers when it is not the case,just as many Ds own guns and as a majority responsible gun owners support responsible gun ownership and have zero issues with holding those accountable when they are not,it’s not just right wingers supporting the right to bear arms,it is your fellow citizens no matter what their politics are or race is.

    Its like anything else though is it not ? Irresponsible drivers,and anything else you can think of,there is always going to be a percentage of the population that does not fly right,you are not going to change that no matter what you do..
    Last edited by Richard; February-18-23 at 09:13 AM.

  8. #83


    The funerals for two of those beautiful young adults gunned downed in their school start in a little over an hour in Grosse Pointe and Clawson; maybe you can take your political stupidity somewhere else for the rest of the day?

  9. #84


    Washington State bill says it’s ‘racial equity’ to go easy on drive-by murderes. The Jason Rantz Show, KTTH: Dec 28, 2021

    WA HB 1692 lessens the criminal penalties for drive-by shootings. Tarra Simmons [[D-Bremerton) pre-filed the bill ahead of the Jan. 10, 2022 session. She claims this change promotes “racial equity in the criminal legal system.”

    Given that gangs commit most drive-by shootings and are majority Hispanic and Black, one could see the disproportionality argument coming. She argues it’s an example of “systemic racism” that Hispanic or Black are more likely to spend time in prison.

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    Washington State bill says it’s ‘racial equity’ to go easy on drive-by murderes. The Jason Rantz Show, KTTH: Dec 28, 2021

    WA HB 1692 lessens the criminal penalties for drive-by shootings. Tarra Simmons [[D-Bremerton) pre-filed the bill ahead of the Jan. 10, 2022 session. She claims this change promotes “racial equity in the criminal legal system.”

    Given that gangs commit most drive-by shootings and are majority Hispanic and Black, one could see the disproportionality argument coming. She argues it’s an example of “systemic racism” that Hispanic or Black are more likely to spend time in prison.

    To be fair, Tarra Simmons is a would be State Representative, a felon who managed to pass the bar exam and be admitted as an attorney after a Wa Supreme Court decision against the bar.
    Her Ultra-liberal agenda is not yet to make it into the law books.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    I lived in Cambridge, MA. IIRC the Boston metropolitan area has the highest concentration of college students, college graduates, colleges, and universities of any city in the world. It seems like every other person is an intellectual or scientist. Maybe we ought to have more educated people?
    Not everyone is up to being an intellectual or scientist but it is probably better to be a little over educated than under educated. In 'The Reckoning' by David Halberstam, he points out that Japan purposely produced more engineers than Japan needed. The result was that the surplus of engineers wound up taking jobs in such things as auto production and contributed by submitting all sorts of efficiency and design improvement ideas making Japanese cars better and more affordable. This is probably a long range improvement and expensive way of fighting crime and shootings.

    One way to spread the benefits of education to the now disenfranchised might be to establish knowledge and experience tests and criteria as an alternative to degrees so people who better themselves without any or as much classroom time could get recognition and credit. Bar exams are an example. To be an attorney, one has to pass a bar exam whether one picks up their knowledge in classrooms or prisons. During the Vietnam era, I had an acquaintance who had to drop out of high school and work in an architectural office as a draftsman in Detroit to help support his mother. When he fled conscription and crossed the Canadian border, he passed an architectural exam and became a full architect with a large increase of status and pay. Maybe such options would keep some from being would be felons or even shooters.

    The latest I've read about the MSU shooter's motives is that he may have felt slighted. I doubt that your thought about everyone being very educated or my previously submitted idea about a population diaspora to more small town or rural environments would have done much to accommodate an already overreacting narcissistic gun owner.

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by CassTechGrad View Post
    WA HB 1692 lessens the criminal penalties for drive-by shootings...
    Yeah, her bill's not going anywhere except on the scrap heap of history.

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Do you know what a smuggling safe zone is?

  14. #89


    ^ okay hypocrite

    A doctor had terminal cancer when he burst into an Austin, Texas, hospital late Tuesday, killing another physician and himself, police said at a briefing Wednesday.

    Police identified the suspect as Dr. Bharat Narumanchi, 43, who had a practice in California and once interned at St. Vincent’s Medical Center in Manhattan, and the victim as Dr. Katherine Lindley Dodson, also 43.


    Your theory of it’s the uneducated committing gun violence or living in a liberal scared of guns city and using that as a litmus test is weak at best.

    Thats like saying 9 out of 10 Tesla drivers support driving EVs.

    Stick to stalking with your tdlr that actually takes more energy to write then following you own dictation to others about just skipping my posts,so easy a caveman can do it.

    When was the last time the U.S. was invaded? Pretty much every other country in the world has been,it’s all the commies in this country that want to disarm the population in order to make it easy for their comrades to join us,nothing like a bunch of pick up driving drunk rednecks armed to the teeth as a deterrent,beats flipping nukes about.

    If Russia decided to annex Canada tomorrow,how long would they last because most here would say,not my problem.

    Then next it would be millions of Canadians sneaking across the border and so called sanctuary cites refusing to provide them with sanctuary.

    Then they would be competing with the Mexicans for cheap labor jobs,the Mexicans get pissed off and start revolting and want Texas back.

    So not only is the right to bear arms a constitutional aspect,it is also a deterrent because as you can see things could get really bad without them.

    What about the guy in Canada that dressed up as a policeman or mounty or whatever they are called and went on his shooting spree ?

    Every single one of those victims and anybody that was near them were also powerless to stop him.

    Ever sense the soft on crime charade kicked in,gun sales have been breaking records and skyrocketed,you guys have done more to put more guns on the streets and in the hands of people that do not take the time to learn how to properly use and store them,where they end up getting stolen and for the life of you,you cannot figure out why there are so many guns on the streets.

    While you are looking for a solution for a problem that you played a large role in accelerating,maybe think next time with a little common sense instead of creating problems just so you can find solutions for them and act like you are doing good.
    Last edited by Richard; February-18-23 at 04:07 PM.

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

    When was the last time the U.S. was invaded? Pretty much every other country in the world has been,it’s all the commies in this country that want to disarm the population in order to make it easy for their comrades to join us,nothing like a bunch of pick up driving drunk rednecks armed to the teeth as a deterrent,beats flipping nukes about.
    There it is. The argument all the ammosexuals latch onto. Yes Richard, you are the lone thing preventing an invasion of the United States. Nevermind being isolated and surrounded by allies, its the Gravy Seals.

    And you are absolutely right, I am trying to get my comrades here under the guise of wanting fewer gun deaths and better healthcare for people. You nailed it. You aren't paranoid at all. You broke the code and now we will never be able to create our socialist utopia. Thwarted by a man with no hobbies who sits around all day commenting on a message board of a place he's never been to. I thought we had you beat this time. Back to the drawing board I guess to push our America-hating agenda.

  16. #91


    ^ but yet here you are doing the same thing that you are accusing me of.

    And you think that is normal?

    Nobody is isolated anymore,the day before Ukraine was invaded,people were living their lives and the next morning bombs were dropping on them,the victims in the shootings were also living their lives up until that moment.

    Nice little plug with the,I have nothing that makes sense so I will throw in the fall back of - you never been to Detroit.

    You are here discussing guns,have you ever fired one or owned one,you did not even know what an actual assault weapon was.

    And are guns in Detroit different then everywhere else? Do they have a little flag that pops out of the end of the barrel that reads,bang?

    You way of doing things does not seem to be working out so well,but as usual it is everybody else that has a screwed up way of thinking.

    You constantly show support and berate others who do not for a party that has decriminalized half of the country,which increases violence which also increases the amount of gun sales.

    You find that a good way of doing things? In the real world it would be what is considered- Counter productive.

    They knew exactly what they were doing when they started the decriminalizing.

    No different when they slammed freeways through cities,they weighed the amount of people it was going to help verses the amount of people that would be negatively impacted and decided it was worth it.

    Your argument is not with me personally,it actually starts with taking a good hard look in the mirror and pay closer attention to cause and effect when you start supporting something,there is always a positive and negative in everything,you turned a blind eye to the negative in all of this and as usual somebody pays the price.

    You called for tougher penalties for gun crimes,but yet you also supported a team that you knew full well in advance,that made it clear from the start what they were going to do.

    Now all of the sudden the ramifications kick in and everybody else is to blame even inate objects And to make it worse,everybody that you do not agree with because they choose not to blindly follow are the scum of the earth.

    I do not care who you support,even if you support the commies and socialists,in this country you have the right to support anybody you choose.

    Funny thing that is “the right” it’s another one of those constitutional amendments,I wish we could change it and throw all the little wannabe commies and socialists into the ocean with a cinder block around their waste.

    But as long as they are in this country and protected under the constitution they have a right to be slithering about and there is nothing I can do about it.

    So there are things in that constitution that I do not agree with and would like to change,but I also know full well that once you start messing with it,it will never end and there are plenty of examples around the world of what happens next .

    You are stuck with the right to bear arms and I am stuck with commies and socialists and ain’t life grand.

    Thats what happened to your comrades in Russia,one moment they were on their way to work,getting gas,or in the grocery store and the next they were grabbed by the FSB and put in a bus headed to the front lines in Ukraine,estimated 180,000 returned in body bags already.

    That’s the way it works,you can never base it on something will never happen,because when it does it is to late,so you base things on what could happen and prepare yourself the best you can to prevent things from happening or have the ability to deal with it if it happens.

    Those innocent victims did not wake up that day knowing what was going to happen,nobody ever does.
    Last edited by Richard; February-18-23 at 05:05 PM.

  17. #92


    Richard/ Funny thing that is “the right” it’s another one of those constitutional amendments,I wish we could change it and throw all the little wannabe commies and socialists into the ocean with a cinder block around their waste.

    I almost thought you were promoting violence on our comrades there for a second…

    I’m relieved you were only talking about sinking their garbage. Oof!

  18. #93


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    A doctor had terminal cancer when he burst into an Austin...

  19. #94


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    I almost thought you were promoting violence on our comrades there for a second…

    I’m relieved you were only talking about sinking their garbage. Oof!
    Well that applies too,you guys signed an agreement to save the planet when it comes to single use plastics,and stop dumping it in Asia,so the back door to that was we did not sign the agreement.

    So Canada ships over 50 tons to the United States,we mix it with our waste plastic and then ship it to Asia,and then it helps you guys feel good about saving the planet,while not actually having to do it.

    Your single use plastic still shows up on the beaches across the world as it floats about.

    They forgot to tell you about that one hugh?


    Notice the pattern of doing things to make it look good,with actually doing anything to solve the problem?

    Yay,no more bump stocks,it’s a win,that will surly stop the gun nuts from killing innocent people in mass shootings.

    How has that one worked out?

    I would never promote violence against Canadians,commies and socialists are not Canadian or American,they are just like the trash floating aimlessly about in the sea,nobody really wants to claim them,but they do make good cannon fodder.

    You guys went from being free to having every single right removed from you in with the stroke of a pen and in a matter of seconds,if a president tried that in this country,outside of an invasion,the constitution calls for his,her/them immediate execution for treason,it’s the little things like that,you know one’s ability to strip every American of their right on a whim,that why we fight to defend that constitution like we do,freedom has never been free.
    Last edited by Richard; February-18-23 at 11:12 PM.

  20. #95


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post

  21. #96


    "We dance round in a ring and suppose,
    But the Secret sits in the middle and knows."
    — Robert Frost

    Maybe we should consider why there are so many more acts of desperation than there were six decades ago.

    I suspect it has something to do with the idea that intraspecies predation in general has been normalized, accepted, expected and is no longer regarded as the taboo it once was.

  22. #97


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    "We dance round in a ring and suppose,
    But the Secret sits in the middle and knows."
    — Robert Frost

    Maybe we should consider why there are so many more acts of desperation than there were six decades ago.

    I suspect it has something to do with the idea that intraspecies predation in general has been normalized, accepted, expected and is no longer regarded as the taboo it once was.
    I think that is a large part of it.

    People have just gone off the chain,in the 50s people lived under the stress of being nuked at any given second,60s and 70s were definitely turbulent times with bombings and unrest,80s brought the crack and heroin wars,2000s brought somewhat of a break until mid 2008 and upwards where all hell broke loose again.

    You used to be able to escape to the country or rural but not anymore with the meth and opioid’s.

    The biggest problem when they discuss mass shootings is they include everything,they are not really separating motives.

    Remember the TV programing when we were kids and what we were subject to verses now where children are watching and mimicking the violence.

    They say media does not influence people,but it does,look at the street racing franchise where they block of intersections and take over streets and drifting,next thing you know it’s spread into every city in the country.

    But we also stopped allowing children to be children and place heavy burdens on them expecting them to make decisions that used to be reserved for at adults at younger and younger ages.

    How does one expect a 6 yo to process things most adults do not understand.

    You see what’s going on with AÍ and implementing it in schools? That cannot end well.

    I do not know what the answer is but I think we should spend less time and energy avoiding looking at all reasons and possibilities,it is easy when it comes to gun violence to blame it in the gun but removing the gun is not going to solve or address the issues that led up to its use.

    The parkland shooter was sentenced to 17 consecutive life terms and 14 20 year terms,so after he dies 17 times he will be eligible for parole 280 years later.

  23. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    Maybe we should consider why there are so many more acts of desperation than there were six decades ago.
    Agreed, we should consider it among other things. Mass murders are mostly an American phenomenon. So one question is why is there so much desperation in America?

    Here's the most definitive worldwide study of mass murders from 1900-2019: S0033291721000076jra 1..9 [[columbiapsychiatry.org)

    It makes a distinction between mass murders using knives, vehicles, poisons, bombs, etc., and mass shootings using firearms, based on psychological differences between perpetrators of the former and latter acts.

  24. #99


    Quote Originally Posted by Henry Whalley View Post
    Agreed, we should consider it among other things. Mass murders are mostly an American phenomenon. So one question is why is there so much desperation in America?

    Here's the most definitive worldwide study of mass murders from 1900-2019: S0033291721000076jra 1..9 [[columbiapsychiatry.org)

    It makes a distinction between mass murders using knives, vehicles, poisons, bombs, etc., and mass shootings using firearms, based on psychological differences between perpetrators of the former and latter acts.
    Be careful. Academia is a liberal hoax whose intention is to destroy America.

  25. #100


    Quote Originally Posted by southen View Post
    be careful. Academia is a liberal hoax whose intention is to destroy america.

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