Quote Originally Posted by drjeff View Post
Exactly. This is state dollars, not CoD dollars. Roads are extraordinarily expensive. This is small potatoes and actually a valuable service.
I disagree that it's valuable, and I think the lower ridership supports that assertion.

I'm all for funding public transit. I just hate that Gilbert and Co dangled their money in front of us so they could dictate how this streetcar line should be built... and now that they've got the toy train they wanted, they're taking their money back.

We should have light rail running to 8 mile and beyond. I understand that that was probably not a viable option when the QLine was being planned... but now the QLine represents a huge barrier to ever getting that light rail line built. We would have to tear out the QLine to do it. And the poor People Mover and QLine ridership also makes for an easy argument that we've already spent enough money on trains no one wants. I get why that's a bad argument, but many people won't.