Government corruption exists in our current setup, so there's no reason to believe that it won't exist under a unigov. The difference though is that with 50 people running the show, it's a little bit harder to make sweetheart deals. Someone is going to need to "buy" a lot of people to get what they want.

Also, there's absolutely no reason to believe that taxes will go up. Consider three things:

1. What will happen when fewer people will be on government payrolls?
2. What will happen when the region can contract services or purchase necessities in bulk?
3. What will happen when cities won't have to offer extensive tax breaks to corporations competing for two local sites?

The answer is that fewer tax dollars will need to be spent. While there will be communities that might see higher tax bills [[especially the more rural townships), the truth is that most suburban communities would see either a small drop in their tax bills, or no change at all. It's just common sense.