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  1. #401


    Only problem is you label everything left of you as socialist. Ronald Reagan couldn't run in today's Republican party because he would be labeled as a socialist. Nixon? That tree hugger can kick rocks.

    Again, you can't seem to square how you feel about the constitution with the political reality we live in. YOUR party refuses to revisit campaign finance and it was the justices you put in place that has further eroded the power that the constitution gives the people.

    Gun control? Overwhelmingly on the left and the right people are in favor of universal background checks and closing gun show loopholes. It gets shot down every time it is brought up because of right wing backed groups and gun producers throwing millions at politicians. The will of the people is getting shot down in the name of profit. So no, the processes don't work like they are supposed to because of a system that you support. Everything you personally deem as "American" is looked at with rose colored glasses and everything left of your position is a "danger" to the country no matter how big or small an issue. You wax poetic about the constitution but ignore the policies your party is in favor of that directly erode the power it gives people. But hey, you got lower taxes that ballooned the deficit and a few more judges who don't believe in evolution so its all good.

  2. #402


    See the problem is YOU wrote MY party and then said I was a Republican,so anybody that does not agree with you is grouped as a Republican.

    I am an independent,I vote on polices,I do not care if a lizard runs for office,I want to know what it’s policies are and after doing my research if I believe that is the best lizard for the job.

    I have expressed my support for Detroit mayor many times in this forum,because I thought he was the best person for the job,one can argue he has followed suit with that,in my recollection he is a Democrat.

    I am well aware of the difference between the parties,o know what a socialist is and I have witnessed what happens in socialist countries,up close,I will never support anything they stand for.

    You clearly have not done your research on gun control.

    Not every state allows gun shows,no state allows the purchase of a gun without a background check.

    What you may be confused on is private person to person gun purchases are protected under the constitution,everything else concerning guns is regulated ,including the ammunition.

    That is not a loophole,that is a constitutionally protected right,who gets to pick and choose what rights people retain and what rights do we throw away and for whom?

    You have gun control on the federal level then you have gun control on the state level.

    In this case,the state of Michigan does not have a gun storage law,other states do.

    You are flat out wrong in the thinking it is Republicans that are gun nuts,it has zero to do with it simply because people from every political party own guns,even socialists.

    When do I get those lower taxes ? I am now in the last year paying $450 for a cylinder of refrigerant that I used to pay $125 for,that increase is 100% do to tax increases and climate change,it is not that far away where only the rich will be able to afford air conditioning or appliances,so who does that policy effect?

    That is the way it has always been,Dems tax and spend and are for big government while repubs look for less government and less taxes,it stands to reason each party is going to push their cause.

    A small issue today becomes a big issue tomorrow,the taxes you pay in Detroit are an accumulation of years of a penny here a penny there and it adds up over generations and it plays a large part of pushing lower income further down.

    You do not get anything accomplished playing the blame game and treating everybody that you do not agree with as your enemy.

    Back to this case,everybody can say until they are blue in the face,the parents bought the kid a gun and did not store it properly.

    The parents did not break any state or federal laws in that transaction,that is not me disagreeing with people,that is fact.

    I am not stopping you from changing that law or creating one,while using the legal path as outlined by the United States constitution,that constitution also give you rights,the same rights that I have,yrs if you deviant from it then

    You have no legal recourse if a policeman pulls you out of a car and beats the crap out of you because you did not use your turn signal,without those rights.

    If you want to throw out the constitution,you have to be prepared to live in a country where you have no rights.

    Not for nothing but I live in a majority controlled Dem region of over 3 million,you know who cannot live here any more,people that make less then $30,000 per year,it has little to do with wages,tax and spend drove them out and it was not repub polices that drove them out.
    Last edited by Richard; February-16-22 at 06:24 PM.

  3. #403


    Richard... I too WAS and independent. Until the Republicans so fagrantly flouted the constitution, and is lead by a cultist leader.

    If you are an independent, it in no way shows its self as such. You follow the Fox/AONN/Newsmax mantra... and it shows. Your viewpoint in no way shows that you are what anyone else here [[well maybe a few) would consider independent.

    Zacha341 I would consider Independent... and I used to be one, until I saw how awful the Republican party has become, and is no longer the Party of Reagan.
    Last edited by Gistok; February-21-22 at 08:00 PM.

  4. #404


    ^ I have told you 100 times I do not watch those programs that your are programmed to automatically attach to those who you do not agree with.

    No way you could have ever been an independent,because you follow too easy.

    There are 350 million people in this country are they divided entirely into two groups of politics?

    That’s the problem,people base things on what they think they know verses what the reality is.

    How many times in this thread was it posted,arrest the parents they bought their child a gun,they were thinking and acting and making judgment calls based on because they thought it should be illegal,it should be.

    If you do not vote for me,you ain’t black

    That is following your mentality that everybody in a designated group is only allowed to think like they are told.

    There are Democrats that support Republican policies,just as there are republicans that support democrat policies,it is not based on the world according to Gistok,granted there are hard party liners,but they do not represent the majority

    As much as people hate it,people are allowed to think for themselves.

    I am and have been in business for most of my adult life,politions are no different then hookers,you use them until you get what you want and then you move on.

    I have pictures of my kids sitting next to presidents on both sides of the isle,I do not care who is sitting there.

    If a Republican said the sky was blue,and I said the sky was blue,does that make me a Republican?

    Thats the difference between me and you,I do not judge you as a person according to what your politics are,because a person is defined by thier character over everything else.

    Thats why I find it hilarious in this forum where everybody is judging others personally over their political stance or what they think that persons political stance is.

    I do not care who is in charge,they all have an expiration date,it’s the policies I look at because they are the ones that matter and it is real people that pay the price.

    The previous administration,no different then administrations before them offered up federal funds for skilled trades training,because of the political stance some cities refused those funds.

    They were willing to sacrifice a better life for 1000s of their citizens,simply because they did not like who was handing the funds out,because that would be giving that individual a win.

    Who cares if that one individual got a win,so did 1000s more,but that is the way people are,straight line thinking,either or there is no inbetween.

    Reagan was your model president? Really?

    His administration was the one that unleashed the cocaine surge into this country.He started the use of private armies that dominate proxy wars to the point now where there are more private armies in service then actual service members,in that time period we overthrew more governments then any other time in history.

    I stood next to him on a U.S. military ship where his exact words were,you guys did such an outstanding job on this mission,you can expect a $300 bonus in your next check,then handed out warm beer,they brought the beer but forgot the ice,never saw the bonus in the next check and most of the beer shot out of the can when you opened it up.

    If Truman had never lost China to the commies,we would have never had the Korean police action or the Vietnam police action.

    Both sides of the isle have made bad decisions and created bad policies through the years.

    At any rate,it’s the policies that matter not the suit.

    The Republicans would have never slammed freeways through cities while destroying communities,they would have said - Hell no that cost to much money.

    The policy at that time was to move people across a road with zero thought about who got run over in the process or the impact on the communities they destroyed.

    If I wanted to be a follower in life I would pick a party or get some religion,I do not need somebody else dictating to me how I should think,never have.

    I am not going to dwell on it or comment on it further but two things for you to research so you can see an example of how easy it is to manipulate people.

    Durham report
    The lawyer that wrote the deal so Epstein’s girlfriend would not have to give up the little black book and name names,was James Comeys daughter.

    You have to be careful when you play steadfast in politics while passing judgment on your fellow men,nothing is ever as it seems.

    Do you believe America should ramp up manufacturing in this country.

    Its a catch 22 question.

    If you say yes,you will be considered a alt right Republican supporter

    If you say no,it shows that you do not want your fellow citizens to have well paying jobs and prefer this country to be reliant on a foreign country with an abundance of low paying service jobs.

    I Kinda think at heart every American wants their fellow citizens to do better,but the reality is they will get thrown under the bus because people are more concerned about saving face in politics then their fellow man.

    Sense you seemed so in tune with Fox News you kinda got me interested in it.

    Came across this


    Do you think it is true or not? You certainly fell for it at the time.
    Last edited by Richard; February-17-22 at 12:49 AM.

  5. #405


    Fox News may have posted it to be a distraction from
    the comparisons being made between the possible
    flushed documents and missing January 6, 2020
    phone records at the White House as opposed to
    Clinton emails on her home server.

    I'm wondering if you enjoyed your antique "Valentine"
    from the University of Michigan Clements Library. If
    you haven't received it by now, you should be getting
    it soon. Every American is hoping the United States
    Post Office at least holds the line on its delivery times.
    It is hoped that the Post Office does not get thrown
    under the bus. The current postmaster is still Louis

    I hope Mrs. Crumbley does get her job back once she's
    out of jail. It can be an incredible struggle financially,
    moving to Michigan from another state. There was
    a time when the struggle was not a financial one but
    nowadays it is.
    Last edited by Dumpling; February-17-22 at 09:03 AM.

  6. #406


    Richard, more "muddled obfuscation".... "that's nice"...
    Last edited by Gistok; February-17-22 at 08:09 PM.

  7. #407


    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpling View Post
    I hope Mrs. Crumbley does get her job back once she's out of jail. It can be an incredible struggle financially, moving to Michigan from another state. There was a time when the struggle was not a financial one but nowadays it is.
    Well, at least there was an attempt to stay on topic.

  8. #408


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Richard, more "muddled obfuscation".... "that's nice"...
    and here you are thinking you are contributing,while actually contributing nothing ….

    I was going to say you are out of your …….. picking mind but due to recent events,I will have to settle for,you lost your mind.

    Maybe if you created a 4x8 layer of Legos on the floor,ran across them barefoot like a firewalker,it would wake some of those common sense cells up.

  9. #409


    ^Hey... I got Sparky down to 3 paragraphs... that's good!

    I bet if we reduced this thread down to just everyone else's posting volume... this thread would run only to 6 pages.
    Last edited by Gistok; February-18-22 at 03:49 AM.

  10. #410


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    ^Hey... I got Sparky down to 3 paragraphs... that's good!

    I bet if we reduced this thread down to just everyone else's posting volume... this thread would run only to 6 pages.

    I bet if you took an adult remedial reading comprehension course at one of the St. Clair Shores high schools, you wouldn't have to stay up until 1, 2, 3 am, to post slurs against other posters. That should cut down on length of the thread too, Komadant, and you'd get some sleep. On second, thought, make that a juvenile course.

  11. #411


    Here is a new product that should make things safer in the long term for the kiddies. A scaled down version of an AR-15 assault rifle.


  12. #412


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Here is a new product that should make things safer in the long term for the kiddies. A scaled down version of an AR-15 assault rifle.

    Thats pretty cool,I wish they had down sized weapons back in the day,the first shotgun I fired as a kid,was an adult size shot gun,the kickback knocked me back over the bank of the river and into it.

    The Sears mail order 22 LR was okay for kids to handle and control,but when a 200 lb adult is running towards them to do them harm,they need something with more stopping power,good to see that problem is being addressed with this.

    Even though it is still a 22LR and it just looks like an AR,at least they will be able to pump out more rounds faster while maintaining control of the weapon.

    Of course the 9MM Mac10 is and was small enough for a youngster to handle,but nobody even had an issue with those,because they did not look scary.

    Right now in the UKRAINE,the wife and kids are not preparing to send the husband off to war on his own,every single member of the family is training to fight side by side.

    When Russian proxy soldiers first attacked the Ukraine 8 years ago,Ukraine had a standing army of 11,000 fighters with no experience,today they have a standing force of over 1 million,every single one of those gained fighting experience over the last year by rotating at that battle field.

    400,000 of that standing army are civilian men,women and children,entire families ready to give their lives for their country.

    In this country and some others where people have become complacent,most need 10 years of counseling after even seeing a picture of a gun.

    Thats how it works though,first they take your guns,then they declare an emergency in order to take your rights,then they have total control over every aspect of your life,there is not a thing you can do about it but comply.

    It has been like that for centuries,which is exactly why the framers put it into the constitution as a right to bear arms,but some like to be weak and need every aspect of their lives dictated to them and they fight every day to remove free societies,because they think that is the way it should be for everybody.
    Last edited by Richard; February-19-22 at 08:15 PM.

  13. #413


    I’m glad you didn’t hit your head and drown on that First shot. You wouldn’t be here to write twenty paragraphs about it today.

  14. #414


    ^ and you would have never been graced by my virtual presence nor would I be by yours.

    On the other hand if I had been born a Rockefeller I would not even be communicating with the little people in the world,you would have to be speaking to my people.

    But if I do win the lottery,or marry a rich widow,I would pay somebody to post 20 paragraphs a day for me,because I would not want to deprive you of that personal pleasure of reading them.
    Last edited by Richard; February-19-22 at 11:53 PM.

  15. #415


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ and you would have never been graced by my virtual presence
    How sweet that would be. Praise the lord!

  16. #416


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Thats pretty cool,I wish they had down sized weapons back in the day,the first shotgun I fired as a kid,was an adult size shot gun,the kickback knocked me back over the bank of the river and into it.

    The Sears mail order 22 LR was okay for kids to handle and control,but when a 200 lb adult is running towards them to do them harm,they need something with more stopping power,good to see that problem is being addressed with this.

    Even though it is still a 22LR and it just looks like an AR,at least they will be able to pump out more rounds faster while maintaining control of the weapon.

    Of course the 9MM Mac10 is and was small enough for a youngster to handle,but nobody even had an issue with those,because they did not look scary.

    Right now in the UKRAINE,the wife and kids are not preparing to send the husband off to war on his own,every single member of the family is training to fight side by side.

    When Russian proxy soldiers first attacked the Ukraine 8 years ago,Ukraine had a standing army of 11,000 fighters with no experience,today they have a standing force of over 1 million,every single one of those gained fighting experience over the last year by rotating at that battle field.

    400,000 of that standing army are civilian men,women and children,entire families ready to give their lives for their country.

    In this country and some others where people have become complacent,most need 10 years of counseling after even seeing a picture of a gun.

    Thats how it works though,first they take your guns,then they declare an emergency in order to take your rights,then they have total control over every aspect of your life,there is not a thing you can do about it but comply.

    It has been like that for centuries,which is exactly why the framers put it into the constitution as a right to bear arms,but some like to be weak and need every aspect of their lives dictated to them and they fight every day to remove free societies,because they think that is the way it should be for everybody.

    Well, go for it! Your compatriots have enough fire power to initiate another revolution, civil war, call it what you will.

    Don't hold back from putting a machine gun or bazooka in your granddaughter's hands, I can't think of a more loving thing to do. Lol

    But, who needs an emergency to lock people up?

    Heck, Dick, if you put all the inmates of the world's major countries together, you still wouldn't come up to the numbers that are incarcerated in your prisons and jails and halfway houses. Think about it. If you managed to save that money toward building another army or navy, all those toys you dream about would double. You could then invade another country, tell them how to live their lives. That, my friend is the way to do it.

  17. #417


    ^ coming from a country whose government said,you do not need any stinking guns or rights,trust us we will tell you what is best,if you do not listen,we will destroy you.

    You are not even a part of the free world anymore,I would think you have bigger worries.

    It has not sunk in with you either? Or you are happy because now you have your dictatorial rule as you wished?

  18. #418


    China is considered the largest country in Asia,explains a lot on stances taken.

    How come you do not like it when somebody sticks up for me,as you say, but yet you have no issues in joining the bandwagon against me?

    I am curious when the “logic” part actually comes into play?

    It seems to be quite normal for one to be book smart but unable to actually apply that learning in real life.

    I stay up until 5 am lots of times,because I do not have to work if I do not want to,so I like my smartness better then yours,you have also commented on the times of my posts,see that is all of that,rules for you but not for me aspect.

    No surprise though,in your world anybody that ever agreed with me should also be put in front of the firing squad.

    The sky is blue today,and on the news it said it was cold in Detroit,do you agree with that Gistok?
    Last edited by Richard; February-21-22 at 08:58 PM.

  19. #419


    Quote Originally Posted by canuck View Post
    Well, go for it! Your compatriots have enough fire power to initiate another revolution, civil war, call it what you will.

    Don't hold back from putting a machine gun or bazooka in your granddaughter's hands, I can't think of a more loving thing to do. Lol

    But, who needs an emergency to lock people up?

    Heck, Dick, if you put all the inmates of the world's major countries together, you still wouldn't come up to the numbers that are incarcerated in your prisons and jails and halfway houses. Think about it. If you managed to save that money toward building another army or navy, all those toys you dream about would double. You could then invade another country, tell them how to live their lives. That, my friend is the way to do it.
    Nobody's forcing anybody to own a firearm. Some people choose to NOT protect themselves and their family unarmed, some don't.

  20. #420


    If you really think about it,gun ownership in this country is the only united force.

    No matter what your race,gender,age or political leanings are,guns are a common ground.

    Cant say that about much of anything else,maybe bananas,everybody likes bananas,unfortunately when one is in danger,making the bad guy slip on a banana peel in order to save you,only works in the movies.

  21. #421


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    The sky is blue today,and on the news it said it was cold in Detroit,do you agree with that Gistok?
    I'm sorry... I was busy and didn't pay attention... was up with my publicist in Tokyo into the wee hours... so I regularly miss some of the day time by snoozing. Cold here? No, it was in the 40s... kinda balmy for our northern climate... tomorrow it's going up to 54. Due to the balmy weather in December, this year could be the lowest amount of ice cover ever on the Great Lakes. Getting used to the beginning of global warming... for us it might possibly be pleasant!
    Last edited by Gistok; February-21-22 at 10:34 PM.

  22. #422


    Interesting how people have different perceptions on things,you view 40 as balmy while I view it as freezing just as I now crank my heater when it is in the 60s.

    I wonder if life experiences help create those perceptions.

    Ever been to Japan?

    I spent time there in another lifetime in the intelligence field,where logic was considered a swear word.

    Beautiful country,honest hard working people,I could never get over how such nice people were capable of committing some of the worlds worst atrocities against other humans in war time,I thought about living there permanently.

    But ended up being transferred to the exact opposite in another Asian country where there was nothing logical about anything.

    I remember growing up in Minnesota winters,some would see -50 with snow that buried cars and some where you would not see snow until after Christmas and very little after that,we did not view it as climate change,just some were worse then others like it has always been.

    I think we referred to it as a blessing when we did not see those -50 days,now days it is blamed on climate change.

    I guess sometimes things are just the way they are and do not require overthinking or creating solutions for problems that do not exist.

    Perceptions - if a person has never owned,held or fired a gun,their perception of what a gun represents would be different then somebody that has.

    Kinda like your work,it involves proof reading/proper sentence structure,a wired way of applying logic,so it would stand to reason that it would be second nature to you and you would feel comfortable in that environment.

    Myself it did not matter,I had to learn to adapt to my environment and succeed based on the skills and tools that I had at my disposal.

    That is the difference between you and me,you have a set defined line of parameters to work with,you cannot deviate out of those lines because the formula will not work.

    What works for you,works for you,what works for me works for me,it does not make anyone of us a lesser person we just follow different paths,where we end up at is the only thing that sets nobody apart and makes everybody equal.

    No matter where you go in the world,outside of brutal dictatorships,everybody is the same,they may have a different language,eat different foods a little different culture,but in general everybody is the same.
    Last edited by Richard; February-22-22 at 02:10 AM.

  23. #423


    ^Don't want to get off topic, but never been to Japan. And your comment on WWII about them is spot on. At Lord Mountbatten [[former British Allied Commander in the Pacific) funeral, he specified that no Japanese would attend his funeral in 1979, because of the horrific treatment of POWs by the Japanese.

  24. #424


    This could be a helpful fact for this thread.
    Japan has a homicide rate of 0.2 per 100,000.
    The United States has a homicide rate of
    5.2 per 100,000. This is about 26 persons
    killed in the United States per every one
    person killed in Japan. Though, mass
    murders still do happen in Japan; everyone
    is thoroughly shocked when they do
    happen; and very often there is some
    advance notice from the perpetrator
    about the intended crime.


  25. #425


    ^ to expand on that a little further,the difference in how Japan deals with mental health issues,which a lot of our shootings are tied to .

    Additionally, many Japanese people do not believe that mental illnesses require professional treatment. There are treatments available in the country for many mental health disorders and “almost two-thirds of sufferers never seek help from a health professional.” The responsibility of caring for a mentally ill person usually falls upon the family or relatives.


    But is hard to compare Japan to anything in this country because of the cultural differences.

    After their disasters,when a wallet is found in the street full of money,that wallet is turned into the police station,with the money intact so it can be returned to the rightful owners.

    While there are a lot in this country that would do that,I think it would be fair to say a majority would not.

    The interesting comparison is China verses Japan ,China imposes control on their population that forces them to comply to what they view as socialy acceptable,Japan the majority follow what is considered socially acceptable as a matter of pride,so they do not need to be forced into anything.

    They both have different distinct education processes that start when they enter the learning process,it’s a form of conditioning through the education system,they are not born that way.

    They are not really taught not to do something because it is illegal and you will go to jail,they are taught that it will bring great shame on yourself and your family if you do something illegal.

    Thats not to say they do not have their share of people doing illegal things but in general the shame aspect takes prevalence over the threat of repercussions by imprisonment.

    Totally different approach verses how we operate.

    That was the crux in the polices I keep referring to in these school shootings,it is trying to implement the same concept here.

    If a student does something deemed illegal on campus,they choose the route of sitting them down with their peers and the group in essence tries to shame them into not doing it again,and convincing them that is not a socially excepted practice.

    Why it does not work is because at that stage,the students already know the difference between right and wrong and if they had seen shame in their actions,they would have never done those actions in the first place.

    They already know it is socially not acceptable to go beat up another student or sexually assault another student,at that point they do not care about that and you are certainly not going to shame them into not doing it again,or as we see,worse.

    The school shooting in Florida,the kid had been caught bringing ammunition to school before,that was their response,they sat him down in front of a group who told him it was not cool to do so,and as we found out,it did not work.
    Last edited by Richard; February-22-22 at 12:39 PM.

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