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  1. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Ottawa is not bound by US court rulings. There are now rumblings that they have had enough and are cracking down.

    The fools running Texas and Florida have been yammering and Ottawa is telling them to hush or face consequences.
    Anyone who attempts to provide “material support” to the Freedom Convoy truckers and other anti-Covid-mandate protesters could be subject to arrest, Ottawa police announced, as Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency in the city.

    The fools in Ottawa have been doubling down on their dictatorship style control,that is why there are so many Canadian flags flying in Florida.

    People escaping dictatorship oppression,people are fleeing all of these cities into Texas and Florida by the millions and it is Texas and Florida that are the fools?

    How about if people are fleeing your city,recognize why and change it instead of the usual blame it on everybody else?

    Go fund me dropped their account but still retains BLMs account even after it was discovered that the organizers were spending the money buying multiple million dollar homes and exotic cars.

    Ottawa is like all the other socialist third world dictatorships trying to make the world bend to their will,I am actually surprised they have not just started shooting everybody for not complying sense they feel the need to deploy snipers.

    But we already know how they feel about those they deem beneath them considering hundreds of indigenous women have gone missing and they apparently view it as a good riddance.

    Considering their largest employment base is the government it is no surprise they have support from those who wish to retain their jobs,they would probably fire anybody that even spoke out in opposition,if not jail.

    Florida will face consequences from Ottawa pfffft,what are they going to do,send a bunch of commie socialists down to overthrow our governor and take over the state?

    22 million residents has a heck of a lot more purchasing power then 800,000 according to my math anyways,it’s like them little chihuahua dogs yipping at your heels,makes a lot of noise but lacking in actual punch.

    With only allowing 8% of the African population within their city they are not as inclusive as they portray and show who they allow within their social pecking order.

    But it goes to show it is more about control then a vaccine.
    Last edited by Richard; February-08-22 at 07:32 PM.

  2. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Anyone who attempts to provide “material support” to the Freedom Convoy truckers and other anti-Covid-mandate protesters could be subject to arrest, Ottawa police announced, as Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency in the city.

    The fools in Ottawa have been doubling down on their dictatorship style control,that is why there are so many Canadian flags flying in Florida.

    People escaping dictatorship oppression,people are fleeing all of these cities into Texas and Florida by the millions and it is Texas and Florida that are the fools?

    How about if people are fleeing your city,recognize why and change it instead of the usual blame it on everybody else?

    Go fund me dropped their account but still retains BLMs account even after it was discovered that the organizers were spending the money buying multiple million dollar homes and exotic cars.

    Ottawa is like all the other socialist third world dictatorships trying to make the world bend to their will,I am actually surprised they have not just started shooting everybody for not complying sense they feel the need to deploy snipers.

    But we already know how they feel about those they deem beneath them considering hundreds of indigenous women have gone missing and they apparently view it as a good riddance.
    Gee. Everyone I know goes for the weather and tries to bite their tongue when a local starts talking.

  3. #28


    ^ thanks for explaining that,all this time I just thought they talked funny.

    Define local,there are many Canadian dominated trailer parks and subdivisions where they outnumber locals,the majority of Floridians are from somewhere else,so when they say local,it could be a transplant from California,then it would be understandable.

  4. #29


    I didn't like it when BLM/antifa protestors blocked traffic in Minneapolis. I didn't like it when left wing protestors plugged up traffic at Trump rallies. I don't like to hear of border traffic being tied up between Detroit and Windsor. Blocking traffic can negatively affect non-participants. Children have to be picked up from day care. Old people might need to get to the bathroom. Emergency services are hampered. Protesters should be able to peacefully assemble in parks, along roads, and in other places without hurting non-participants but shouldn't shut down traffic.

    Otherwise, Trudeau expressed his arrogance. I came across one video showing a police backing into a truck sympathizer's pick-up. The police took the driver of the pick up to the ground and seem to have blamed him for driving into the police car. However, the video [[Begin at 2"33sec) shows the wheels of the pick up to have stopped before a collision sound is heard from the police car backing into the pick up. It isn't quite that clear. I don't know why the police boxed him in and why, it seems like he tried to drive way from the curb but his wheels were stopped before impact by the police car. Maybe the police rammed him for trying to get away.

  5. #30


    Trudeau was not showing his arrogance,he was following the liberal mantra of whoever does not agree with you is considered a far right wack job that needs to be dealt with any means necessary,it is normal for them to think that they are the chosen ones to dictate how others show live their life under their rule,then they get confused when people just do not bend the knee to them on demand.

    It reminds me of when we got the Sha of Iran out,he was confused why the entire population wanted to kill him,when we explained to him that’s what happens when you oppress people,sooner or later they wake up,his reply was,people need to be oppressed and fear the government,it’s the only way you can control them,it was not that he actually said it,it was the way that he said it,like it was just common knowledge that is the way to rule.

    It is that same mindset that has caused centuries of war in the world and embraced by every King and despot dictator sense.

    But he cannot even justify it,the shot does not prevent the spread,so what is the justification of not allowing somebody who has not received the shot to cross the border,not for nothing but I could send 100 illegals across the border successfully tomorrow,if I was in that sort of thing,none of them would have a shot.

    All this is a power struggle of showing who is in charge and little to actually do with a shot.

    Speaking of border crossings,the deal was the deal with the new bridge becomes void if corruption is discovered in the construction and operation of it,notice how some are selectively turning a blind eye to things that benefit them personally or politically.
    Last edited by Richard; February-09-22 at 01:05 AM.

  6. #31


    Oladub and Richard... couldn't either of you two also find an analogy related to the protests on Jan. 6?? Of course not...

  7. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Oladub and Richard... couldn't either of you two also find an analogy related to the protests on Jan. 6?? Of course not...
    Maybe because we try to follow posting rules,this is not a thread about Jan 6th,it’s about people standing up across the world against oppressive regimes and dictatorships using mandates to circumvent rule of law in order to gain total control over a population,even going as far as over dramatization of situations or circumstances in order to push their narrative and create divisions amongst the population so the focus is not on them it is on the enemy they created as a distraction.

    But then again we are talking about a country that until 1996 ,never realized that their Italian mafia was connected to Italy,who would have guessed.

    You agree posting rules apply to you as well ? Of course not ……
    Last edited by Richard; February-09-22 at 01:28 AM.

  8. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Oladub and Richard... couldn't either of you two also find an analogy related to the protests on Jan. 6?? Of course not...
    Sure I can. The "Freedom Convoy" is a "nationwide insurrection," the chair of Ottawa's police board said.

    Oh, Canada Feb. 5 by Jordan Petersen

    Everything is an "insurrection" these days. Hyperbole is in woke fashion. Jordan Peterson makes a lot of comparisons, I think, through the 5-10 minute section. All the name calling we've heard from Democrats are being used by the Trudeau people and CBC. They even found a Confederate flag to pin on all the truckers and farmers. Petersen mentions that the cameras in Ottawa were taken down. It reminded me that the D.C. Park Police never showed an overhead photo of the Jan. 6 crowd to my knowledge. Usually, overhead photos are released to back up estimated crowd size.

    I assume you meant analogies between Jan. 6 and the Canadian Truckers. Otherwise, a far better analogy would be between Jan.6 and the 14% of 2020 BLM/antifa gatherings that spilled over into violence and destruction. Interestingly, the 2020 BLM/antifa death and destruction was, unlike the Canadian Truckers and Jan.6, seldom referred to by Democrats and the corporatist press as an 'insurrection'. All three events probably produced cadres of associations and leaders for their respective causes.
    Last edited by oladub; February-09-22 at 07:55 AM.

  9. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by 401don View Post
    Gee. Everyone I know goes for the weather and tries to bite their tongue when a local starts talking.
    I spend a lot of time with Canadians during the Winter in Pompano Beach. Most are from Toronto, there are a huge number of folks from Montreal down there too. I do sense that they have some resentment below the surface towards Americans.

  10. #35


    An obnoxious minority, that the vast majority of us wish would go back home. Antifa and BLM blocking freeways, MAGA Truckers blocking freeways, spoiled children all of them.

  11. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by softailrider View Post
    I spend a lot of time with Canadians during the Winter in Pompano Beach. Most are from Toronto, there are a huge number of folks from Montreal down there too. I do sense that they have some resentment below the surface towards Americans.
    It seems to be a regional thing and reminds me of some of my UK friends that still practice that whole social class thing,check out Sarasota where a majority of multi millionaires live,nothing like coming south for 6 months living in a mobile home while being more uppity then those who live in 3-5 million dollar homes.

    See them in the restaurants and they expect the servers to cater only to them,then leave no tip.

    Then there is the whole turn signal exemption and driving/camping out in the fast lane at 50 mph like it is their private lane.

    Then you have others from other regions that come down,enjoy the weather while treating others with respect and are not judgmental towards others.

    But it is no different then in this country where people from some cities find it hard to also think normal.

    It’s like with what is going on now,some of the leaders up there are saying that US politicians should bud out of Canadian internal politics,the same politicians that had no problem budding into American politics during the previous administration.

    But it just goes to show how blinded they are,people are not budding into their internal politics because of a virus,they do it because they oppose socialist dictatorship style of government,it’s what people do,socialist push their socialist agendas and non socialists push their opposition of it,always been like that and it does not matter what country you are in.

    Floridas governor did exactly what he should have done with the Go -Fund me,why was it okay for them to retain BLMs fundraising when actual fraud was discovered,in the millions,but yet they shut down the truckers Go Fund me based on perceived fraud and no fraud has been proven.

    We are not into that whole two sets of rules thing according to where you fall into the social pecking order.
    Last edited by Richard; February-09-22 at 10:37 AM.

  12. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by K-slice View Post
    An obnoxious minority, that the vast majority of us wish would go back home. Antifa and BLM blocking freeways, MAGA Truckers blocking freeways, spoiled children all of them.

    How is it any different then the crux of all of this,polls say 70% of Americans have moved on from the virus and returned to their life,so it could be also argued that a minority are still pushing a narrative.

    Nobody wants to answer the question of,if a shot does not prevent you from catching and spreading the virus,why does it need to be mandated to receive the shot.

    It would be understandable if we were still in the early phases or with delta but the science is being thrown in the wind now,while the courts are starting to agree with dropping or not enforcing the mandates.

    It is now down to the individual,take the shot while knowing,or not knowing,the ramifications of,or do not take the shot while knowing the risk,we are past the whole interest of the public good aspect and down to the individual aspect.

    Is the virus smart enough to know when a border is being crossed?
    Last edited by Richard; February-09-22 at 10:57 AM.

  13. #38


    Well at least your condemnation is bilateral........

    Now you do know that not every trucker engaged in this protest is MAGA inspired? Or even right-winged.

    But I get that it's easy-bake digestible to assert that anyone questioning aspects of COVID policies [including those who are vaxxed] MUST go into the ________________ [fill in the blank] box.

    Quote Originally Posted by K-slice View Post
    ...Antifa and BLM blocking freeways, MAGA Truckers blocking freeways, spoiled children all of them.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-09-22 at 01:02 PM.

  14. #39


    "Trudeau dismisses the group as a ‘small fringe’ that holds ‘unacceptable views’."

    Name:  canada [[2).jpg
Views: 362
Size:  113.8 KB

  15. #40


    That’s about the jist of it.

    When the pandemic hit and there was no shot,these people were called essential workers and hero’s for keeping the lifelines flowing so others could stay home,they did it knowing full well they could and were at greatest risk of dying.

    The shot comes out and all the essential hero’s now have become the scourge of society.

    People have short memories but the next pandemic or similar,people that are deemed essential workers will think twice and and just stay home,why put your life at risk when once people feel comfortable again you will become their demon.

    That is the or should be the lesson learned from that way of thinking,you are only as useful until you are deemed not to be.

    Thats the difference between being in the military and civilian life,in the military you have a life long respect for those who stood behind you through thick and thin,in civilian life it is that was yesterday,what are you doing for me today.

    How exactly does one expect others to put their life on the line for them and then turn right around and tell them thanks now piss off, I am better now.

    It was not the government that kept those supply lines going,hospitals staffed,shelves stocked,power and internet going,it was those very same people that you look down on today in disgust.They deserve a little respect because they put their life on the line so you could remain safe.

    Not everybody is “you” ,those who take that stance know who they are.
    Last edited by Richard; February-09-22 at 12:54 PM.

  16. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by K-slice View Post
    An obnoxious minority, that the vast majority of us wish would go back home. Antifa and BLM blocking freeways, MAGA Truckers blocking freeways, spoiled children all of them.
    100% agree.

    Blocking freeways is awful and I've hated it no matter who does it. It can cost lives. It hurts our economy. It effects our way of life.

    Just in the same way that looting a Target store or trying to set an Ottawa apartment building on fire are also horribly wrong.

    I'm 100% for free speech. What they're doing is beyond speech.

    These people have made their point. They've swayed who they're going to sway. The people of Canada can decide in their upcoming elections who they agree with.

  17. #42


    ^ agree to a point but also take into consideration that the person looting a target store was not looting it so others could stay home,or those burning cities and blocking traffic were also not doing it so others could stay home safely,if we are going to take a one size fits all approach then nobody should have been allowed to stay home and sit it out.

    The guy or gal or them did not earn their right to burn that target store.

    We also know that there are others that will take advantage of things in order to do harm to others that have nothing to do with the task at hand.

    Just like we know every BLM March did not endorse looting and burning cities.
    Last edited by Richard; February-09-22 at 01:10 PM.

  18. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Scottathew View Post
    100% agree.

    Blocking freeways is awful and I've hated it no matter who does it. It can cost lives. It hurts our economy. It effects our way of life.

    Just in the same way that looting a Target store or trying to set an Ottawa apartment building on fire are also horribly wrong.

    I'm 100% for free speech. What they're doing is beyond speech.

    These people have made their point. They've swayed who they're going to sway. The people of Canada can decide in their upcoming elections who they agree with.
    We're finding out one reason police have been reluctant to move on the Ottawa truckers is that one quarter of them have children inside the cabs. Complete idiots. One guy last night stated they have no right to stop them from bringing more fuel on board because his children would freeze. How do you argue with that logic?

  19. #44


    ^ Personally, umm I'd NOT take children to a protest [as such events can bow badly for many reasons] but we saw it sometimes with various protests in our country as well.

  20. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ^ agree to a point but also take into consideration that the person looting a target store was not looting it so others could stay home,or those burning cities and blocking traffic were also not doing it so others could stay home safely,if we are going to take a one size fits all approach then nobody should have been allowed to stay home and sit it out.

    The guy or gal or them did not earn their right to burn that target store.

    We also know that there are others that will take advantage of things in order to do harm to others that have nothing to do with the task at hand.

    Just like we know every BLM March did not endorse looting and burning cities.
    "I think it's time we stopped dividing the population. Not everyone can earn a living on a MacBook at a cottage."-Liberal MP Joel Lightbound criticizing his own party leader and PM Justin Trudeau over Trudeau's own conduct during the election campaign. According to Lightbound, he's not the only Liberal MP who's disgusted at the way Justin has politicized the coronavirus and vaccine mandates to divide and demoralize Canadians. Trudeau's response? Double-down and demonize the truckers' and their supporters as dangerous right-wing extremists.

  21. #46


    ^ Yep! It's the easy route [Trudeau took]: Blame, Name [label] and Defame.

    Followed-up by [when possible] kissing cousins: Ignore and Censor.

    Which all seems reasonable [their problem - I'm on the right side of this] until your cause or interest comes up for the 'treatment'.

    Which is bound to happen as authoritarian policies go forth.

    As more on the left, etc. speak up, it'll be harder to crate-box these protestors and others who question solely as right-winged/ MAGA sorts.
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-09-22 at 01:52 PM.

  22. #47


    Instead of blocking roads, the truckers 'could' simply refuse to ship any loads.

    The grocery store shelves would be empty in 2 days. Canada would be brought to it's knees in a weekend.

    However, I don't think it would matter. I'm pretty sure the puppet child of the elites doesn't really have any say in the matter. He's been given his orders, and his owners probably don't care what Canadians think.

  23. #48


    Fascinating thread. FWIW, haven't had any Canadian blockages here in Nevada. Yet.

  24. #49


    ^ Hah! Indeed Canadians are not known for THIS level of response. It took alot for them to finally go 'there' as it goes.

  25. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
    Instead of blocking roads, the truckers 'could' simply refuse to ship any loads.

    The grocery store shelves would be empty in 2 days. Canada would be brought to it's knees in a weekend.

    However, I don't think it would matter. I'm pretty sure the puppet child of the elites doesn't really have any say in the matter. He's been given his orders, and his owners probably don't care what Canadians think.
    What are you talking about? The truckers who are protesting aren't delivering any loads are they? Again, 99+% of truckers are doing their jobs and are not protesting.

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