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Results 226 to 250 of 584
  1. #226


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    I have lived in places where I locked the doors of my house [[e.g. Detroit, Madison, Lansing) and other places where I did not lock my home [[rural northern Michigan, rural Wisconsin). Living where one doesn't even consider locking doors goes beyond thinking about needing a gun. Many people who talk big have enough money to live in one of those safer places, no families to protect, and/or even have private security. Time to get rid of all those locks and security cameras purchased to protect stuff.

    Thank you though for adding the list of your fantasies about what goes on inside of someone else's head. Its a step up from just surmising and accusing someone of listening to 'Faux News'.

    I think Richard is pretty transparent, I don’t need to surmise much. But, he should at least have the patience of reading whatever reference material he posts, especially when he is stating the exact opposite of what he refers to.
    In that case, his consumption of faux news is less damning than pointing to a study’s conclusion with eighty-one paragraphs of groundless verbiage.

  2. #227


    Prosecutor criticizes school over run-up to mass shooting
    SFGate|14 minutes ago
    The prosecutor overseeing the case against the student accused in last week's deadly Michigan school shooting and who took the rare step of charging his parents left open the possibility Monday that school officials could also face charges,


    Charging the school staff almost seems more on point than the parents.

  3. #228


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Prosecutor criticizes school over run-up to mass shooting
    SFGate|14 minutes ago
    The prosecutor overseeing the case against the student accused in last week's deadly Michigan school shooting and who took the rare step of charging his parents left open the possibility Monday that school officials could also face charges,


    Charging the school staff almost seems more on point than the parents.

    The teachers and administrators on the Oxford High School did not see the red flag coming from this teen. They didn't even report to the police. Under Michigan State Law any threat in a public or private institution MUST be reported to law enforcement to prevent any national crisis.

  4. #229


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    Prosecutor criticizes school over run-up to mass shooting
    SFGate|14 minutes ago
    The prosecutor overseeing the case against the student accused in last week's deadly Michigan school shooting and who took the rare step of charging his parents left open the possibility Monday that school officials could also face charges,


    Charging the school staff almost seems more on point than the parents.
    I have zero issue with charging the parents. Since they supplied the weapon.

  5. #230


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    I have zero issue with charging the parents. Since they supplied the weapon.
    How far does that carry forward,a teen is involved in a fatal auto accident in their parents car,can we also charge the parents with involuntary manslaughter?

    As we see it is not uncommon to use vehicles as a weapon,that’s why the involuntary manslaughter charges most likely will not stick.

    Just as people have tried to sue weapons manufacturers,it does not work because it opens the door to sue or charge everybody upstream.

    The only reason she stuck the involuntary manslaughter charge was because Michigan has no storage laws they were not guilty of leaving the weapon not secured,you would have to prove intent,as in the parents bought the weapon so the son could use it to shoot up the school.

    Good luck with that and all of the drama over the involuntary manslaughter charges,it was making it appear as action was being taken without really doing anything,outside of throwing something against the wall while hoping for the best,while creating more drama and wasting taxpayers dollars.
    Last edited by Richard; December-07-21 at 01:48 AM.

  6. #231


    Quote Originally Posted by bartocktoo View Post
    ...but I'm sure in his world that wouldn't include My Pillow.
    Why would I want to include your pillow in my world ? That’s about as twisted as the post you quoted.

    You really that bored?
    Last edited by Richard; December-07-21 at 01:56 AM.

  7. #232


    The Oxford High School superintendent has rejected to have AG Dana Nessel to investigate as third party for the school shooting. The superintendent will settle with P.I. firm instead.

    "Maybe that superintendent doesn't want his friends be arrested for failing to report Ethan Crumbley's rebellious behavior."

  8. #233


    Quote Originally Posted by Danny View Post
    The Oxford High School superintendent has rejected to have AG Dana Nessel to investigate as third party for the school shooting. The superintendent will settle with P.I. firm instead.

    "Maybe that superintendent doesn't want his friends be arrested for failing to report Ethan Crumbley's rebellious behavior."
    Or maybe they're well aware of Nessel's repeated difficulties in separating her own political beliefs from her professional duties.

  9. #234


    So now I see that while these Parents of the Year have their high profile attorney, sonny boy is left with a court appointed lawyer. You couldn’t make this crap up.

  10. #235


    Quote Originally Posted by Johnnny5 View Post
    Or maybe they're well aware of Nessel's repeated difficulties in separating her own political beliefs from her professional duties.
    Being in the western extension of the Macomb County MAGA hotbed, he knows he couldn't get a job at Walmart if he acceded to her request.

  11. #236


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    So now I see that while these Parents of the Year have their high profile attorney, sonny boy is left with a court appointed lawyer. You couldn’t make this crap up.
    Sonny boy is toast with or without a good attorney.

  12. #237


    Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
    So now I see that while these Parents of the Year have their high profile attorney, sonny boy is left with a court appointed lawyer. You couldn’t make this crap up.
    His trial will not be for awhile,he will never bond out,why waste billable hours at this point,they can always switch from court appointmented to private after the parents are released.

    Because you do not understand the legal strategy going on,it translates into - you couldn’t make this crap up ?

    Even though the trial is currently being held in public court,in the legal system it will most likely be at least a year before it actually goes to trial.

    We keep repeating the history of public bloodlust justice,if it was still up to the public,all parties involved would already be hanging from a tree,why do we keep advocating justice for all,while still wanting to pick or choose who it applies to?

    I agree the average citizen accused of a crime pretty much gets screwed with a public defender but one in this highly publicized case it could go two ways.

    The public defender will bow to political pressure and act accordingly.

    The public defender will recognize this high profile case will make or break their future career in the criminal defense market and make an effort.

    It could be a mix,public defender with private attorney in the back ground consulting in order to save costs.

    I think it would be safe to say that over 60% of the people in this country could not raise the cash in order to retain private defense in this case attempted manslaughter starts at $60,000 cash or sellable commodities.

    If they could we would not have 1/2 of the people incarcerated like we do.

    They say 53% of the population has less then $1000 in the bank or cannot come up with $1000 cash at a moment’s notice,there is nobody who is exempt from thier life’s circumstances changing in a split second.

    What do you think,we should throw everybody in this country that we believe is a PÓS into box cars,and send them to the gas chambers because they get in the way of everybody else who is an expert in how to live a perfect life?

    Maybe that is what these school shootings are all about,kids acting on the adults messages of everybody they do not agree with is a subpar person that needs to be removed from society?
    Last edited by Richard; December-07-21 at 01:24 PM.

  13. #238


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    Why would I want to include your pillow in my world ? That’s about as twisted as the post you quoted.

    You really that bored?
    You obviously missed the reference. That's why I capitalized it.

    And yeah, I'm the one who is bored, Tolstoy.

  14. #239


    He is already set up to retire in January; not sure if he has another job lined up or he is just going to live on a probably cushy retirement package. All he has to do is make it one more month and he's good as long as no residual charges are levied. Of course he's going to go with some group he knows.
    Quote Originally Posted by MikeM View Post
    Being in the western extension of the Macomb County MAGA hotbed, he knows he couldn't get a job at Walmart if he acceded to her request.

  15. #240


    Quote Originally Posted by bartocktoo View Post
    You obviously missed the reference. That's why I capitalized it.

    And yeah, I'm the one who is bored, Tolstoy.
    I actually did not miss anything,you just seem to be pretty much in tune with everything you use against others in your reply,then you automatically assume just because you follow all of that stuff everybody else does.

    Then you take it even further,calling me a moron then comparing me to somebody that was and is considered one of the worlds greatest novelists.

    I am thinking he became that because people had a mental capacity to be able to read more then a paragraph.

    I think I may have to change my assessment of you from being bored to just plain being confused.

    Do you actually have anything to add to the discussion or are you going to keep sticking with the unhealthy obsession with me?

    Maybe you could start a new thread - Things that trigger me in life that has no relevance to anything.

  16. #241


    QUOTE=MikeM;618918]Being in the western extension of the Macomb County MAGA hotbed, he knows he couldn't get a job at Walmart if he acceded to her request.[/QUOTE]

    School boards are independent and sense the people that do the search’s for replacement supervisors are in Flint,ones local politics really has little to do with the hiring.

    Out of the criteria used in the search,political leanings of the individual has little to do with anything.

    Not that I am an expert on the hiring of school district supervisors ,but I did do a 5 second search before posting so I would not appear to be posting things out of bias,even though I strongly feel that school districts have a tendency to be anything but MAGA as you said.

    My speculation would be he did not reply because school boards feel they should not have to answer to anybody no matter what the political leanings are.

    Considering he just witnessed a political move in order to incarcerate in order to appease the public,I would not blame him for not speaking without proper legal advice.

    Flint-based Michigan Leadership Institute is hired to find and screen candidates to succeed Throne.

    Unless I am mis-interpreting your reply,it appears as though you would agree that the school districts do lean one way in the thought process.

    He did say that he was retiring to spend more time with his family out of state,I hope he does not pick a warm and humid climate,while bringing that same mentality along with him.

    They push - see something ,say something,to the students, but practice snitches get stitches when it comes to sharing that information with LEO.
    Last edited by Richard; December-07-21 at 04:23 PM.

  17. #242


    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ..... then comparing me to somebody that was and is considered one of the worlds greatest novelists....
    Spell Checker says nooooo!

  18. #243


    Quote Originally Posted by Gistok View Post
    Spell Checker says nooooo!
    you do realize that every time you step on a lego,that’s karma.

    and I will have you know,all my posts are presubmitted to the media sources of your choice for spelling,sentence structure and fact checking,you know they are supposed to be experts and doing it for a living and you know I am the opposite.

    If you are that triggered over it,sue them,there is no gain whining about it to me.

    What was that saying ?

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

    Even though there are a lot of different versions,do not forget about the ever so popular…

    Judge not,lest you be judged.
    Last edited by Richard; December-07-21 at 05:17 PM.

  19. #244


    ^OK maybe I was too quick to judge you vs. Tolstoy. However he is most famous for War and Peace, one of the longest novels ever written.

    I'll leave it at that...

  20. #245


    First lawsuits filed against the district.

  21. #246


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    First lawsuits filed against the district.
    The first of many... this one for a wounded student in excess of $100 million.


    I knew it was just a matter of time until Geoffrey Fieger got involved... and this $100 million lawsuit was the one...

    Fieger on Oxford lawsuit: Sister saw sibling get shot, 'narrowly escaped the bullets' [[msn.com)
    Last edited by Gistok; December-09-21 at 03:04 PM.

  22. #247


    If they do not settle out of court,these lawsuits could very well help the parents in their defense as the school was in a better position to determine state of mind of the kid,from a professional stand point.

    Also sense the public has gone out of their way to point out the parents are sub par to everybody else,how would it be expected for them to be able to determine state of mind of their child,which as a parent they would have been biased had any red flags appeared,they were both working so it also brings up how much time they actually had to spend with said child.

    They did not break any laws concerning storage or excess to the gun,they are not professional child physiological frame of mind experts and if the parents that we think are PÓS could all be charged,a large part of the parenting population would be in jail.

    I am glad that they filed these lawsuits,even though it is taxpayer money that will pay them,if they do not get these districts to drop this no snitch to the police deadly program,this is never going to stop happening and we need to figure out how to get them to drop that program or figure out a better way to implement it,if it is not clear how deadly it is by now,we as the public is just as culpable for allowing it to continue.

    These school districts operate as a form of government that,as you have seen are exempt from answering to the law,we trust them with our kids,they implement a program that there is mounds of evidence showing that it is killing them,they know that and have done zero to change that.

    They literally told the DA to piss off ,if any one of us had taken that same stance,we would be in cuffs so fast it would take weeks for the chrome plating to catch up with the rest.

    They are clearly not going to stop this,we have a duty to ,if we are truly tired of seeing this happen over and over while burying dead children,then the responsibility is on us to draw that line in the sand.

    The police cannot force them to change.
    The state cannot force them to change.
    We are the only ones that can force them to change.

    Where the hell has the federal government been?

    They were right there to arrest people,they were right there to lean on schools to change their lunch menus,they were right there in integration,they were right there with bussing.

    When it comes to dead children? Crickets outside of gun narratives.

    We the parents are the only ones left to care for those children,nobody else seems to want to.
    Last edited by Richard; December-10-21 at 04:48 AM.

  23. #248


    New York, Cali and other states [with disastrous results] are bailing out their dedicated, career criminals as fast as they can - who in many cases immediately go out and continue their crime sprees of crime and murder!

    Waukesha Suspect’s Previous Release Agitates Efforts to Overhaul Bail

    We see the cases coming in faster every day. It's argued 'there', that these arrested individuals need the break as they otherwise cannot post bail. And some innocent persons unable to post bail have lost everything sitting in jail.

    Then we have this case where most would concur the Oxford shooter should absolute NOT get out on any level. Period. I agree. I'm just pointing out the inconsistency, and variance. And that under our system everyone gets an attorney - for even the most heinous crimes, currently, or what?

    Indeed for some the box cars should be open and ready for less offense, political and policy-wise, including crimes of thought [said thought so ascribed worthy of condemnation by those making the rules]! Ode to the great 'othering'; affirmed, as people are increasing set against each other.

    And yes, the kids [especially the teens] are watching us - in some cases taking their cue - and we're not always setting the best examples.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
    ...I think it would be safe to say that over 60% of the people in this country could not raise the cash in order to retain private defense in this case attempted manslaughter starts at $60,000 cash or sellable commodities.

    If they could we would not have 1/2 of the people incarcerated like we do.

    They say 53% of the population has less then $1000 in the bank or cannot come up with $1000 cash at a moment’s notice,there is nobody who is exempt from thier life’s circumstances changing in a split second.

    What do you think, we should throw everybody in this country that we believe is a PÓS into box cars, and send them to the gas chambers because they get in the way of everybody else who is an expert in how to live a perfect life?

    Maybe that is what these school shootings are all about, kids acting on the adults messages of everybody they do not agree with is a subpar person that needs to be removed from society?
    Last edited by Zacha341; December-10-21 at 01:48 PM.

  24. #249


    Hundreds of lawyers will be parachuting in to get bonanzas from the taxpayers. The Crumleys are immune as they don't have money.

  25. #250


    Two $100 million dollar lawsuits against the Oxford School district. For not taking action against a problem child that kill four kids in school.

    Brought to you by Geoffrey Fieger.

    How is teeny tiny school district in the open country is going cover the cost?

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