^ in 2:08 a female exits without also wearing a mask.

He was not lowering his mask momentarily to drink,it was lowered until he exited.

In the next restaurant case the requirement usually is a mask is required to enter and until seated eating,that clearly did not happen.

If we are basing it on the ability to mostly wear a mask or it’s okay not to wear one if everybody else is mostly masked up,then we should not be seeing the issues like we are seeing with the airlines,mask mandates do not allow for mostly wearing them in public,as the people and businesses that have been fined across the country can attest.

Kinda like if I owned a factory and told the workers that they cannot smoke in the building,while I walk around smoking.

It does not matter,they are basing it on we are supposed to come together as a country and mask up,but yet we have seen countless times throughout the whole thing,those in power seem to be exempt from the mandates that they impose.

That is not coming together as a country,that is I am your boss,I make the rules and demand you follow them or suffer the consequences,I do not need to follow them.

It’s bad optics.

Kinda like the new variant,it did not just appear in African nations and reports from there say it is mild,but yet the world is thrown in a tizzy once again markets crash because of anticipated adverse reactions,not based on what is actually happening,but based on how they think the public will react.